《Explosive Thoughts | Charles Xavier [1] ✔︎》01 | Atomic


The scenery was pretty plain, the occasional patch of tall grass along the dusty road. It was hot and muggy but it didn't stop the trucks from moving speedily. A dust cloud formed behind it as it trailed throughout the border. The people inside were currently overseas fighting a war, sometimes they didn't know what they were fighting for but they still had to serve for their country.

Inside one of the three trucks, sat four bomb specialists. Three of them were adults, experienced and confident in their abilities. The other was new and scared. He hadn't been in the military long and it was obviously.

"Hey Ford," Mackena questioned the youngest. The man looked to be in his late thirties, stuck back hair and stubble on his chin. "You worried?" He questioned her.

"A little." The young man chuckled a little. Ford had dusty blond hair and crystal blue eyes which sparkled in the foreign light. "Why, am I not allowed to be?"

"The Vietnamese can smell fear." Mackena exclaimed, leaning forward, an evil smirk on his face. "They're like wolves, they'll hunt ya down and eat ya."

"Leave him alone Mackena." Evie cut in, placing a comforting hand on Ford's shoulder. She gave him a smile as she continued, "Ignore him, he always tries to spook the new comers. So Ford, where you from?"

"Texas." Ford replied shyly.

"Texas huh? You're a long way from home buddy." Ramon laughed heartily as she leant back in her seat, her eyes closed. Ramon was the oldest of the group, she had white patches of hair and gorgeous brown eyes.

"Aren't we all?" Ford fired back with a teasing smile.

Evie laughed along with everyone else in the van before she turned back to Ford. "Why'd you wanna join the bomb specialists?"

"Military family." Ford answered as he scratched his neck awkwardly. "My dad always pressured me into it but I've always been better with my hands. When I found out this division existed, I jumped on it. Not only could I please my dad but I actually stand a chance at surviving." He explained as he fiddled with his fingers.

"Well, out here, we all got each other's backs." Mackena stated as he fist bumped Evie. "We're a family."

Unexpectedly, the truck came to an abrupt halt. All the people in the truck slid slightly in their seats as it stopped. They all shared a concerned look before they all unbuckled. A small sense of panic rushed in as they readied their weapons just incase.

"That's weird, the truck's stopped." Ramon observed as she started walking towards the exit. "Think the dogs picked something up?"


"Most likely." Evie responded as she stood from her seat. "Looks like the day starts early."

With a large gasp, the women woke up in a cold sweat. She sat up in alarm, her back straight. It had been a few hours since she last woke up and she still felt as tired as before. She rubbed her head and groaned loudly. The women scratched her brown hair as she pulled her scratchy sheets off her sweat covered body.

Her bare feet touched the cold floor as she leant over her bed. Her breathing was extremely heavy as she tried to get the memories out of her head. It was impossible. The past always seemed to want to haunt her and she could never do anything to stop it.

Evie sighed deeply as she pulled herself off her bed and started to walk around her apartment. Everything was in the same room apart from the bathroom so it was small but cosy, Evie couldn't live in a large place by herself, she would get too lonely. However sometimes the company of herself wasn't enough, usually when she felt like this she would bury herself in work.

The brunette checked her pager to see a few messages from Moira. They were having a stakeout that evening and her partner wanted to check everything was still okay. Evie took a deep breath as she began to cook some food, another day of hiding who she really was. At this point, she had made a completely different person for the world to adore. No one adored the real her.

Nevertheless, Evie shook her head. She couldn't think like that. Hiding herself was for her own safety. If the world found out what she was, she'd be dead.

"This sucks." Evie grumbled in annoyance as she drummed her fingers rhythmically on the steering wheel. Her eyes trailed the streets, looking at the normal people having parties and living life to the fullest, all while she was stuck in a car watching a club. Life sucked in Evie opinion.

"It's a job Evie, we gotta do it." Moira exclaimed as she eyed the club, Atomic, looking through the binoculars.

Evie sighed heavily, throwing her head back to rest on the head piece behind her. "How do we even know the commies are gonna be here?" She questioned her partner.

"Intel." Moira replied simply.

"Intel can be wrong." Evie insisted quickly. Moira sent the brunette a half glare but immediately looked back to the club.

Evie didn't exactly like stakeouts. Sitting around for hours on end doing nothing, it never really appealed to her. When she got discharged from the Military, the CIA picked her up immediately. They said they didn't want to waste a brilliant mind, whatever that meant. Evie may have been smart and strategic but her strong sense of will was what made her a good agent. That and she could hold Moria back when she came up with a crazy idea.


"And you need to focus on the mission." Moira fired back as she adjusted the binoculars so she could see better.

"We're in Las Vegas and we aren't partying. That's gotta be a crime." Evie muttered under her breath in irritation, placing a sweet in her mouth to try and put her mind at ease. "Just another day at the office."

A shocked sound left Moira's mouth, one that made Evie look to her in confusion. "Is that Colonel Hendry?" She questioned out loud.

"The NATO guy?" Evie furrowed her brows as the binoculars were given to her.

"Yeah." Moira nodded.

Evie looked through the mechanical object and at the club's front door. Much to her surprise, there stood Colonel Hendry, Evie could see his bald head from a mile away. "Yeah it is, good spot." Evie confirmed which made Moira smile lightly. "That really weird. That's three mob bosses, the Italian ambassador and the CEO of Lockhead."

"They can't all be communists." Moira muttered to herself as she looked at the club's exterior, trying to find something that wasn't there. "This Hellfire club has got to be something else."

"I'll say." Evie exclaimed under her breath as she noticed a taxi pulling up. Out of the yellow car came lots of beautiful women, all in lingerie and walking towards the club together. "Damn." Evie whispered in awe. The sound of zips undoing was what brought her back to the real world and made her turn back to Moira. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Getting myself in." Moira explained as she started to undress herself.

Evie raised her brows at the women in disbelief. "Oh yeah, how the hell are you gonna do that?" She questioned her

"By using some equipment the CIA didn't give me." The other agent stated as she got out of the car. "Stay here." Moira instructed the brunette as she started to walk towards the club.

"What are you going to do prostitute yourself?" Evie shouted at her in disbelief, knowing that this was one of Moira's craziest plans yet. When her partner didn't reply, she shouted again. "Moira!" Then the agent disappeared into the crowd. The brunette sighed deeply, clutching the binoculars and watching the club again. "Shit."

Evie's leg started to bounce with nervous, her fingers drumming against the steering wheel as she stared out at the club. If she had the chance, she would have gone in after Moria but she knew someone needed to keep the perimeter. She clenched her jaw in annoyance, she hated being useless. Her eyes were stuck on the clock, the slow ticking taunting her, teasing her, reminding her she couldn't do anything.

Just as Evie was about to storm out of the car to help, Moira came running out. The brunette watched in alarm as her partner ran towards her, trying desperately to avoid the on coming cars. Moira slammed the car door closed.

"Moria." Evie breathed out in relief when her partner sat down inside the car. However, she was not given any response because Moira reached for the phone. "Moira? What's wrong?" Evie questioned in alarm.

"Senator!" Moira exclaimed loudly as she clutched the phone desperately. "We have a problem. There are people involved with the Russians and they can do weird thing. One of them turned herself to crystal and the other was red and looked like the literal devil. And Colonel Hendry was there and the red guy made him disappear." Moira ranted without hesitation, her words making Evie's eyes widen in shock.

Moira shook her head as she listened to the man over the line. "Colonel Hendry was there." She insisted, staring at the club in front of her. "He was there, McCone, in the Hellfire Club. Sir I - God." The women cursed when she brought the phone form her ear. Evie assumes the Senator had hung up on her.

"Moira!" Evie shouted, grabbing the women's shoulders to make them face each other. "What the hell is up?"

"Colonel Hendry was there, you saw him right?" Moira asked Evie instantly.

"Of course I saw him, Moria. Okay?" Evie reassured her, her tone soft and caring. "What did you hear?"

"They were talking about genetic mutation, the evolution of a human genome. I don't know what it means but they had powers." Moira informed the brunette. Evie's eyes widened as she sat up straight. The people in the building had mutations? She thought she was the only one. "You believe me, don't you?" She heard Moira question her which brought her back.

"Of course I believe you Moria." Evie insisted quickly as she turned to look forward, her hands resting on the steering wheel. "But what now?"

Moira sighed deeply before replying, "We find an expert on genetic mutation."

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