《Smile》The end
"Y/n Y/ln, it seems like things are going well?"
I nodded. "Spectacular."
She chuckled. "Right you have a girlfriend, you just won a huge award, and you just finished a tour so now you get to relax at home with your family. Question is, what are you going to do now?"
I glanced at Quincy and smiled at the interviewer. "I'm going to go home and be with the love of my life."
"Awww, well you heard it here first guys, Y/n Y/ln is a family gal."
I chuckled and shook her hand as she held it out. "Have a good night."
"You too."
Walking away I headed towards Quincy who slowly clapped. I nodded and held my Grammy above my head as I bowed.
"Stop flexing and stand up bitch."
I chuckled and tossed my arm over his shoulder as we walked down the red carpet, a bunch of fans and photographers screaming our name but in all honesty, I'm only trying to hear one person scream my name.
And that's Quincy obviously.
I looked over at him and smiled brightly.
He felt my stare and met my eyes as a smile slowly spread onto his lips. "Tonight?"
I nodded and patted the little box in my pocket. "Tonight."
He whooped. "Fucking finally!" He stopped walking and turned around. "HEY GUYS MY BEST FRIEND IS ABOUT TO PROP-"
My eyes widened and I slapped my hand over his mouth as I continued pulling him to the exit. "You know damn well she's at home watching."
I let go and he grimaced walking straight. "My bad I forgot."
I scoffed as we made it outside and our limo pulled up. "How'd you forget?"
"I don't know," he shrugged as we climbed into the limo. "She is your biggest fan after all."
I gasped and his eyes widened as he immediately shook his head. "NO!"
He smacked his lips. "I didn't mean it dude, we all know I'm your biggest fan."
I shrugged. "Doesn't matter, I'm telling her."
He smacked his lips. "Telling her what? I didn't say shit."
I smacked my lips and leaned forward. "Gara, you heard that right?"
Our limo driver chuckled and then clicked a button rolling up the divider.
Quincy laughed and I leaned back pouting. "That hurt."
He shook his head and looked down typing something.
I frowned. "As in someone else's husband or-"
He smacked my shoulder and rolled his eyes. "I don't cheat...anymore."
I chuckled as I tilted my head back.
Tonight's finally the night that I make one of my biggest dreams come true.
I'm going to marry her...Well, not tonight but I'm going to propose and- whatever.
"So you're going to propose how she wants you to?"
I nodded. "Obviously dumbass."
He smacked his lips. "I'm sensitive please stop."
I chuckled.
"Oh, your future wife just texted me and asked if we could pick up a burrito."
I smiled softly and shook my head. "Why'd she text you?"
"You know better than me."
I chuckled. "Because she wants the burrito but she knows she doesn't need it. If she asked me I would definitely get it but asking you is 50/50."
He smacked his lips and showed me his phone.
Quincy shook his head. "You just wanted to flex."
I popped my collar. "Definitely did but um, I don't like the fact that that's my fiancée's name in your phone."
He scoffed. "You didn't even propose yet, she could say no."
I shook my head closing my eyes. "Not my baby."
I can't wait to get home.
"Honey I'm home!" I sighed walking into our house as I kicked off my shoes and pulled off my suit jacket.
"What the hell did I say about walking in my house yelling?"
I looked up at her and smiled softly as my heart skipped a beat. "Our house."
Jasmine rolled her eyes walking up to me. "Sureee," she smiled and gripped my chin as she leaned up and pecked my lips. "Put those shoes in the corner."
She turned and walked towards the kitchen as I smacked my lips and picked up my shoes putting them against the wall.
I quickly followed her into the kitchen and held up my Grammy like a kid who got a certificate at a school assembly.
Jasmine was leaned against the counter eating strawberries and she quickly shook her head. "Wait bitch, I have to act like I didn't see you win it on tv. Go out and try again."
I nodded. "My bad," I backed out of the kitchen and cleared my throat as I ran and slid across the floor on my socks before kneeling in front of her. "Tah daaahh!"
I smiled and stood up. "ITS A FUCKING GRAMMY JAZZY!"
She ran up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck causing me to wrap my arms around her waist and spin her around. "I VOTED FOR YOU LIKE A HUNDRED TIMES."
I scoffed and stopped pushing her away. "Only a hundred? Wow."
She pouted. "I would've voted more."
She clicked her tongue. "You see...What had happened wasss..."
I smacked my lips. "To think that Quincy called you my biggest fan."
Her eyes widened. "Oh my God he did?! This night just keeps getting better."
I smiled softly.
It's definitely going to get way better.
She hummed and took the Grammy from my hand. "Oh, I cleared a spot for your first Grammy because I knew you would win."
I rolled my eyes. "Why the fuck are you so perfect?"
"Because I'm Jasmine bitch."
I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her waist as we continued walking down the hall. We stopped at a case that we bought to keep milestones and memories as our family grows older.
The thing she doesn't know is, that Grammy isn't going to be the first item in there.
She slowly slid the case open and placed the Grammy in the middle. "First item in there."
I chuckled and kissed her cheek. "I feel spec-"
She quickly turned around. "Only Grammy going in there."
I smacked my lips. "There you go."
My heart raced as I looked back at the case. "Hmm," I squinted. "You know, that's not the only object in there."
She frowned and looked back. "What are you- oh?" She reached in trying to grab a folded piece of paper that was just out of reach. "I can't reach it can you-"
"Well, I guess we have to find something to grab it with."
She frowned looking back at me. "Why don't you just grab it?"
Because then this wouldn't be the perfect proposal. "Come on I can't reach that."
First step of an awesome proposal is a go.
She raised a brow and crossed her arms as she ran her eyes down my body. "You know," she cleared her throat. "I find it strange that my parents willing came to pick up your two badass kids and Travis without me even calling them."
I hummed and rubbed my chin. "That is weird, question though. Did Vanessa and Summer stop by?"
"Yup, that was also strange since I've been locked out of our bedroom for about the whole day."
You see this bitch is smart so, I had Vanessa and Summer come over to make it look like there was a surprise in our room but, there isn't shit in there.
I scratched my jaw. "Wow, sucks."
"What are you up to Y/n?"
I raised a brow. "Fuck you for suspecting anything, let's go find something to get that paper," I grabbed her hand and she chuckled as I pulled her upstairs. "You clean the house today?"
"Duh, you know it's my cleaning day."
I hummed. "So, every room is clean?"
"Yeah, besides our room since once again, Summer and Vanessa locked me out."
I smiled. "Wow, I'll clean it later yeah?"
"That's not a question bitch."
I chuckled as we made it to the guest room. I opened the door and we walked in looking around.
"So, what are we using to grab that piece of paper that's sooo far out of reach?"
I shrugged. "I mean you cleaned up so did you see anything?"
I clicked my tongue and then snapped. "It's one place you didn't clean."
"Oh yeah? How you know?"
I met her eyes and smiled softly. "Because I know you."
She stared at me for a few seconds and her cheeks tinted red as she looked away. "So where didn't I clean?"
I looked over to the ledge at the top of the room.
The guest room was supposed to be our bedroom but she didn't like it because the whole room has a ledge going around the top of the room.
There's about a ten-inch tall gap between the ceiling and the ledge and, her words not mine, someone could lay up there and watch us while we fuck...So yeah that's Jazzy for ya.
She chuckled and nodded. "Well, how do I get up there?"
"Well you wouldn't know because your scared to go up there but, there's this little door," I walked over to the small door and opened it. "That leads up to the ledge. Got balls?"
"Pftt, of course."
"Then go ahead."
She got down on her knees and started through the door.
I, of course, smacked her ass before getting down and following her.
"You can actually stand, It's not that small."
"No I can't see and I don't want to hit-"
"Crybaby fine, good thing I randomly decided to put these lights on the wall in case we just so happened to come in here one day." I ran my hand along the wall and flipped on the Christmas lights.
Jasmine gasped as the lights came on.
We both stood as we looked around the empty room that took me about two months to decorate with a bunch of pictures we took.
And we took a lottt of pictures.
She slowly walked around the room and looked at all the pictures from the first picture we've ever taken together to the most recent picture we've taken. Pictures of our first "date", pictures of us at prom, pictures of me, her, and Quincy, pictures of our kids...Any picture we've ever taken.
"By the way, I lied, there's no way to get up to the ledge unless you climb up the wall."
She chuckled and looked at me with watery eyes. "I- Y/n- How?"
I huffed. "It took a longggg time but," I shrugged. "Worth it."
She gasped as she ran her fingers over a picture of us caught off guard. She was kissing my cheek and I had a huge smile on my face as we held hands.
"Where'd you find this one?"
"Oh um, I found this old photo album in a box of my mom's old things."
She wiped a tear that rolled down her cheek and looked back at me. "We need to find something to grab that paper my ass you just-"
I gasped. "The paper shit, we definitely need to get that um...Well, I don't think anything is in here."
Come on Jazzy, do it.
She looked around before looking at me and squinting. She walked towards me and I mentally nodded hoping she'd do what I think she's going to do.
She reached out and grabbed my tie making me mentally cheer.
A wrapper fell to the ground and she raised a brow as she bent down to pick it up.
She shook her head as more tears fell. She unfolded the ring pop wrapper and pulled back the flap seeing our signatures. "Dammit Y/n."
I let out a sigh of relief. "I'm honestly proud that stayed put," I chuckled. "But good idea," I undid my tie. "Let's use the tie," I held my hand out to the door. "Ladies first."
She let out a shaky breath and got down crawling out of the door.
I bit my lip and looked around the room as I felt the ring in my pocket before nodding. I flipped the light off and crawled out of the door before standing.
I watched Jasmine smile down at the wrapper before I placed my hand onto her back and handed her the tie. "Let's go get that paper yeah?"
She nodded and we started out of the room. My heart was fucking pounding and I was honestly worried I would pass out before I could propose.
We made it downstairs and we walked up to the case. She reached her arm in and threw one end of the tie making it land on the paper as she slowly pulled it towards her.
"There you go." I clapped.
She chuckled and looked down at the wrapper in her hand before placing it in the case and closing it.
She went to turn towards me but, I placed my hands on her shoulders making her stay facing the case.
"Read the note dumbass."
She nodded and unfolded the paper as she began to read.
What does it say?
That's only for me and my future wife to know.
I kissed her shoulder and took a step back.
I slowly lowered to the ground...
I grabbed the box from my pocket and opened it.
Jasmine laughed as she finished the note. She sniffed and wiped her face as she slowly turned around.
Once she saw me her eyes widened and she covered her mouth.
I smiled up at her. "That note pretty much said it all so...I'll finish it," I cleared my throat as a small sob left her mouth. "Jazzy, will you marry me?"
She laughed and nodded as she held her hands out making me quickly stand up and pull her into me.
I let out a shaky breath and chuckled. "Oh fuck, I almost died."
She chuckled and leaned back cupping my cheeks as she pressed her lips against mines.
That kiss was filled with so much love and passion I'm surprised my knees didn't give out.
I slowly pulled away and nodded pulling the ring out of the box. "May I have your hand?"
She held her hand out and I kissed it before placing the ring onto her finger.
She looked down at it before looking up and cupping my cheeks. "I love you so much, Dino."
"I love you too Jazzy."
I exhaled slowly trying to calm down but I was fucking freaking out. There was a knock at the door and.
"Come in!"
I turned to see Vanessa walk into the room. "Okay first," she scoffed. "Why didn't I know that Travis was dating Jasmine's little sister?"
I chuckled and stood. "Trust me I just found out too."
She chuckled and walked over pulling me into a hug. "You ready to do this?"
I nodded. "I'm ready but...I'm scared."
She nodded. "Reasonable, your marrying the love of your life- By the way, Jasmine told us how you proposed so fuck you."
I chuckled. "What?"
She raised a brow. "Now I have to one-up that when I propose to Summer."
I shook my head. "The only person that might one-up my proposal is Quincy whenever he decides to propose to Rain."
She chuckled. "They are fucking cute," she smiled at me and sighed. "You've been through a lot Y/n, and that's just from what I seen while I've known you. Your finally content and at a point in your life where everything is perfect. Don't let your thoughts and anxiety get in the way of the third happiest day of your life."
I raised a brow. "Okayyy my kids are the first happiest...Wouldn't getting married be the second happiest day of my life?"
Vanessa smirked and shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not," she patted my chest. "Go get married Y/n."
She slowly backed away and I frowned. "Do you know something I don't?!"
I heard her chuckle before the door closed behind her. Shaking my head I smiled softly before looking at the mirror and fixing my tie.
I let out a slow breath and nodded. "Let's get married."
I bounced my leg as chatter filled the room. Jasmine should be out at any moment and I haven't seen her for two days so...I'm super fucking nervous. I looked behind me as someone hit my back.
"You scared chicken?"
I rolled my eyes. "Shut up Travis-"
"Bukawk bukawk." He held his arms out like a chicken and I rolled my eyes as Quincy laughed leaning forward.
"Shut up Travis," he raised a brow and patted my shoulder. "You ready to end this book?"
Yeah, I am.
I nodded as everyone stood and the double doors opened as the music started to play.
Jasmine's little sister walked through the door with a basket in her hands. She started to throw out flowers as Dog and Rose came out behind her with one ring each on their backs.
I chuckled and looked down at Travis who had that bright idea.
He wanted to be my best man when he was supposed to be the ring bearer but, I guess those two are doing a good job.
The music changed as Dog sat next to me and Rose sat across from him. Then...She came around the corner looking like a Queen of course.
I gulped as Jasmine and her dad walked down the aisle.
She was gorgeous and I wanted to run down there and meet her halfway but, I didn't want to get hit in front of all these people so I'll chill.
They made it to me and I held out my hand helping Jasmine up as her dad playfully glared at me. I slowly lifted her veil and chuckled at all the tears rolling down her cheeks.
I shook my head and wiped her eyes as the music faded. "You're messing up your make up."
She sniffed and nodded. "I know I'm j-just so happy."
My heart warmed and I chuckled again.
"Mommies crying! Look Zyarie mommy!"
I looked over at my kids who were sitting with Jasmine's mom and playfully glared at Zion causing him to scream and cover his face as Zyarie shook her head and hit his arm causing him to pout.
Man if that isn't me and Jasmine.
I looked back at Jasmine as she grabbed my hands.
The minister nodded. "Please be seated." Everyone sat as he smiled at Jasmine and I. "We're all here today to celebrate the relationship of Jasmine and Y/n and to be witnesses and supporters of the commitment they share with one another..."
I zoned him out as I just stared at the love of my life. We truly have a love story.
Rejection, pain, anger, love...The perfect story if I'm being honest. It started with another woman, I glanced over Jasmine's shoulder at Vanessa who wiped away a tear with a huge smile on her face.
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Of Astral and Umbral
Currently on Hiatus while undergoing edits/tweaks. Part of the Cycles of Imbalance universe. Current Number of Books: 6 Their world is broken and so are they. Arianna is an outcast. Her affinity for darkness terrifies those around her. Haunted by dreams of another time, she doubts if she even belongs among her people. Rather than dwell on fragments of a forgotten past, she dedicates herself to protecting her twin brother and their people from the monsters beyond the city walls. The God of Balance, Nalithor, was born a Devillian prince. Twisted monstrosities and unhinged deities are a threat to the world’s mortals. His duty is to restore order, yet his superiors block every move he makes. In order to salvage their world, Arianna and Nalithor must overcome their foes. However, they must put themselves back together first…or Avrirsa will fall. Cover Illustration by Thander Lin Graphic Design by Bonnie L. Price Of Astral and Umbral is listed at Web Fiction Guide and Top Web Fiction.
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