《Smile》Twenty one
"Mom, what happened?" I asked sitting next to her.
She looked at me with bloodshot eyes and shook her head. "I don't know what to do Y/n," she sighed. "If it wasn't for you and Travis I would've left a long time ago."
I frowned. "Shouldn't we be the reason you do leave?"
"No, if I decided to leave he'd come for you and Travis." She wiped her eyes stopping the tears from falling.
I looked away not being able to handle seeing my mom cry. "What did he do?" I asked.
She sighed. "Don't worry about that."
I smacked my lips. "Your up here crying and you don't want me to worry?"
"No I don't, I'll handle it." She grabbed my arm.
I snatched my arm away from her and stood feeling my blood boil. "Bullshit, you won't handle it, you've had years to handle it yet your still getting beat by him." I said, my voice starting to rise.
"Y/n lower your voice and calm down." She said sternly.
I clenched my jaw. "Tell me what he did."
"I already said don't worry about it." She said through clenched teeth.
"What's wrong with you?" I frowned my eyebrows. "Just let me help."
"Okay, if I let you help what are you going to do?" She asked.
"Well, I'd go to the cops first, something you never did." I said.
"Do you think I'm an idiot?" She raised her eyebrows. "Of course I went to the cops before and you know what happened?" She asked. "Not a damn thing because he's a white man and I'm a black woman, not to mention the fact that the ones who don't care about race and gender were already crooked and either buying drugs from him or selling them for him, so next suggestion."
"Mom it's not the 80's anymore, find someone who does care!" I yelled.
"Look, I get your pissed off right now but you need to calm down and remember who you talking too." She stood.
I inhaled deeply. "He could kill you or Travis any day."
"Would it make you feel better if I promised you that nothing will happen to your brother?" She asked softly.
"What about you?" I asked.
"I can't promise you that." She whispered.
"Well don't promise me anything." I shook my head as my eyes started to water.
"Let's not think about all the bad shit going on okay," She pulled me into a hug. "No storm lasts forever."
I hugged her back. "Yeah but, even the smallest storm could cause a lot of damage."
She chuckled. "Then we'll just have to rebuild everything the storm knocked down," she pulled back slightly. "And it might take a long time but, eventually you'll have another home, it may be missing a few things but, it'll still be home."
A tear rolled down my cheek. "Mom, I don't like this analogy anymore."
She smiled softly. "Neither do I but, it's the truth."
I nodded and wiped my cheeks. "Your the mom and I'll let you handle it, I'm just scared to lose you."
"And I'm scared to leave you but, you won't have to worry losing me for a long time," She said. "Now, how about me, you, and Travis go out to a park or something?"
"Yeah cool, I'll go let him know." I smiled and went to walk out of the room.
"Y/n," my mom called out and I turned around to face her. "You ever curse at me again and I'll smack the shit out of you."
"Yes ma'am." I chuckled and walked out of the room.
I might as well put all this drama on the back burner and enjoy the happiness we have now. Who knows when I'll have to look back at these memories just to smile.
"Y/n, guess what!" Zayn yelled as I walked through the door.
"What?" I asked.
"It's going to be a fair later on tonight." He said bouncing in place.
"Your a little too excited." Jasmine said.
"Of course I am, it's a fair." He smiled.
"I love the fair!" Travis yelled running to the bathroom.
I chuckled. "I think It would fun, just let me know when to get ready." I walked into the kitchen spotting Quincy, Vanessa, and Summer.
"Ohh Quincy looking thick." I smirked walking up to Summer.
"Say sike right now." He pointed at me.
I hummed wrapping my arms around Summer's waist as she turned to face me. "Nah, there's no need to lie."
I looked down at Summer who smiled up at me. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."
"I know right." I leaned down and kissed her forehead.
"So, we're all going to a fair?" Vanessa cut in.
I looked at her as Summer and I sat at the island. "I guess so, I don't even know how Zayn found about it."
"You know Zayn's a detective." Quincy said putting a fork in his mouth.
I felt Summer's hand rest on my thigh. I looked at her as she smiled innocently. "Looks like an opportunity for another date."
I raised a brow. "Oh, was it not obvious that it will be a date?"
"Hm, you just know what to say." She smiled.
"Ew, stop." Quincy said.
"Is someone jealous?" I asked.
"Of?" He rolled his eyes.
"Not being able to be this cute with me." I smiled.
He smacked his lips."Y'all not even cute."
Summer scoffed. "Hater."
"Far from it." He said and walked out of the kitchen.
"Okay, I'm starting to have doubts about this bet." Vanessa said.
"I bet you are, he's obviously gay." Summer said.
I chuckled. "Too bad you can't back out, the bets already in place."
She smacked her lips. "Nobody asked you Y/n." She walked out of the kitchen smacking my head in the process.
Summer laughed. "I think tonight will be fun."
I nodded. "I hope you not afraid of heights."
She shook her head. "Terrified, no big rides for me."
"Aww, so how are we supposed to have a moment on the Ferris Wheel?" I pouted.
"Don't worry, we'll have plenty of moments," She smiled leaning up and pecking my lips. "Like I said, tonight should be fun." She winked walked into the living room with everyone else.
Oh shit, tonight might be a good night.
"Travis don't run!" My mom yelled chasing after him.
"Okay guys see you later." Gigi said dragging Zayn away.
"And I'm going to go win Quincy a bear." Jasmine said walking away with Quincy.
"I don't want to third wheel so I'll just go." Vanessa turned to walk away.
I quickly grabbed her hand and threw my arm over her shoulder. "Ha that's funny, your not walking around a fair by yourself."
"Y/n, I'm not 5 I can handle myself." She smiled gripping my hand.
"Your five today," I turned to Summer who had a small smile on her face. "Let's go find something to eat." I grabbed her hand and we walked farther into the fair.
Summer pulled her hand away and I frowned. "Where'd your hand go?" I asked.
"Don't worry I'm just looking at the fair map." She looked down.
"That better be all." I put my arm around her back as we continued walking.
"Your kind of musty Y/n." Vanessa said.
"Liar," I tilted my head down sniffing my armpit. "I smell like roses."
"Yeah, after they've been covered in shit." She chuckled.
"Don't make me slap you." I said pushing her away.
She laughed grabbing my shirt and pulling me back into her. "Don't try to act brave."
Summer cleared her throat. "It's a food stand right over there." She grabbed my hand and pulled me into her making my arm slip off of Vanessa's shoulder.
Damn, what's up with everyone pulling me?
I glanced at Vanessa. "Actually I think I changed my mind about the food." I said as I spotted a ring toss booth. "Let's be a cliche and win you a bear."
I reached back grabbing Vanessa's hand and pulled them both to the booth.
"Oh my God, that was amazing." Vanessa exclaimed as we stepped off the roller coaster.
I nodded and looked at Summer. "See that wasn't so bad."
"I almost died Y/n." She exclaimed.
"Oh, whatever." I chuckled.
"Right we didn't even go up that high." Vanessa said.
"Hush," she said. "Oohhh, funnel cake." She rushed over to a booth.
I smiled shaking my head. "Gosh, my girlfriend is a child."
"Girlfriend?" Vanessa asked.
I looked at her. "Did I say that?"
"Yes you did," she laughed. "That's cute."
I shook my head as we walked up to Summer who was now standing with my mom and Travis.
"Y/n!" Travis yelled.
"Travis!" I yelled picking him up and throwing him over my shoulder as he screamed.
"Having fun?" I asked putting him back down.
"Hell yeah." He said.
My eyes widened as I looked up at my mom who was too busy talking to Summer. "Damn Trav you got lucky."
"Don't snitch Y/n." He shoved me and ran back to my mom.
Vanessa wrapped her arms around my neck from behind standing on her tippy toes. "I'm getting sleepy you should give me a piggyback ride."
"Fuck off with your short ass." I reached behind me and pulled her in front of me making her arms drop.
She giggled. "Don't be so aggressive you ass."
"Stop cursing, now that I think about it, Travis didn't start cursing this much until he met you," I shook my head. "Your such a bad influence."
She laughed pushing me. "Am not."
I smiled looking behind her at Summer who was ordering. As I looked around I saw couples walking around and people laughing.
I'm having a great time, this is actually probably the best time I've had since we got to Honolulu. You know, besides Summers and I date.
"Yes, a Ferris Wheel," I quickly walked towards Summer. "We have to go on the Ferris Wheel."
She frowned. "Y/n I just got my funnel cake."
"So, give it to Nessa." I said.
"Bébé, I don't want to get on the Ferris Wheel." She pulled me to the bench my mom, Travis, and Vanessa was sat at.
"Okay." I sighed sitting down next to her.
"Why do you look so heartbroken Y/n?" Vanessa asked.
"I wanted to get on the Ferris Wheel." I pouted.
"Summer go get on with-" Vanessa started.
"She doesn't want to." I mumbled.
Vanessa sighed and stood up. "Okay, let's go then."
"Me and you?" I asked.
"No me and Casper," she walked around the bench and grabbed my hand pulling me up. "Let's go."
I looked at Summer. "You'll be good?" I asked.
"Yeah, go have fun." She said.
I bit my lip and turned to Vanessa shrugging. "Let's go, Nessa."
We walked to the fairly short line and waited. "Summers pretty fun you know, she just has a fear of heights."
"I know she is you don't have to convince me." I smiled.
"I better not have to." She nudged me with her shoulder.
"Hi, $5." The boy behind the ticket booth said.
I gave him the money as we walked onto the ride and sat across from each other. "We're not gonna have a moment are we?" Vanessa asked.
"Ew, never you're gross." I gagged.
"I really don't like you." She laughed.
"Whatever you love me." I smiled.
The ride started to move and we sat silently as we slowly made our way to the top. "Damn this view is nice."
I bit my lip looking at her. "Hell yeah."
She looked at me and rolled her eyes blushing. "How cliche can you be Y/n?"
I chuckled. "Can I sit next to you without you saying ew?"
"Sit next to me and we'll find out." She smiled.
I stood and moved next to her. "It is nice."
She nodded. "Really nice." She glanced at me.
I laid my head on her shoulder as she caressed my cheek. The laughs and screams around us started to fade away as I looked up at her and got mesmerized by her eyes. My heart started to race, as it normally does when I'm around her, but it was something different about this moment.
Maybe it's because we're in Honolulu on a Ferris Wheel with an amazing view, but I couldn't look away from her, I was scared that this moment would end and I would have to go back to the reality where Vanessa is in love with someone else.
She ran her finger down my jaw and sighed. "I don't think I told you that your perfect today."
I squinted my eyes. "Nope, your slacking mama."
She smiled. "You really are perfect Y/n." She whispered.
"Look at you sweet-talking me." I smiled.
She laughed as the ride started to move again. I leaned back and cleared my throat. "Moment over."
She nodded slightly. "Yeah."
I went to say something but looked away shaking my head. "What?" She asked.
"You sure you're in love with David?" I asked.
"Positive," she nodded. "But, you shouldn't still be concerned about that, you have Summer now."
I bit my lip. "Yeah."
I'll be happy with Summer.
"Ugh, I'm beat." Jasmine groaned out as we all walked into the house.
"Stop complaining nobody cares." I pushed her and walked up the stairs and towards my room.
I instantly jumped onto the bed when I spotted it and laid on my stomach with my eyes closed. They snapped open and I turned around when he lights flipped on and the door closed behind me.
"Shit Summer, you scared me." I sighed out.
She giggled and walked towards me. "Sorry, I just wanted some alone time."
I raised a brow. "Some alone time?"
She hummed and straddled my waist. "Yeah, alone time."
I quickly sat up. "Woah, that escalated quickly."
She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Are you nervous?"
"That depends on what's about to happen." I chuckled nervously.
"What do you want to happen?" She whispered in my ear.
I gulped. "Um, did I fall asleep?"
She chuckled. "What?"
"Is this a wet dream?" I asked.
"If that's what you want it to be." She said then smashed her lips onto mine.
My eyes widened as she ran her hands down my chest. I slowly closed my eyes getting into the kiss and wrapped my arms around her waist. She slowly started to grind her hips as the kiss got rougher. She ran her hands through my hair and I hummed.
Nope, this doesn't feel right. I pulled away and moved Summer off of me. "What happened?" She asked breathlessly.
"What got into you?" I asked.
"Is it a crime to want to make out with my girlfriend?" She asked sitting up.
"No, you just don't usually act like this," I stared into her eyes. "What's wrong?"
She sighed. "I shouldn't be jealous of my best friend Y/n." She whispered.
"Why would you be jealous of Vanessa?" I frowned.
"Because I'm not blind, I see the way you two look at each other." She said.
I closed my eyes. "I'm sorry if I gave her more attention than you tonight."
"No Y/n you don't get it, that's not the problem, that should never be a problem." She scooted toward me. "I can't date you Y/n."
I scoffed. "Are you breaking up with me before I even get the chance to ask you to be my girlfriend?"
She nodded. "Basically."
"All over one night?" I asked lowly.
"Don't play dumb Y/n." She shook her head.
My shoulders slouched. "Vanessa doesn't want me Summer."
"Which makes it even worse," she said. "I'm basically just someone you settled for."
"That's not true."
"You and I both know it's the truth and that's okay, at least I realized we wouldn't work before I fell in love with you." She said looking down at her hands.
"I'm sorry I can't get over her." I reached out and grabbed her hand.
She smiled softly. "Just, don't give her your heart if you know she's just going to break it, that's what I did and it still hurts sometimes."
"Maybe we can keep trying," I said. "I mean, I know I can fall in love with you Summer, your amazing."
She smiled. "Until your one hundred percent sure that you want me and only me, I think we should stay friends."
I nodded. "Can we at least finish what you tried to start?" I asked.
She laughed. "Maybe later."
I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Tease, you not going to try and sleep in another room are you?" I asked.
"No, I'm not you." She smirked.
"Damn look at you," I chuckled. "Cuddles?" I asked opening my arms.
"Definitely." She came over to me and laid in my arms as I laid back against the bed.
"I'm happy it's not awkward." I mumbled closing my eyes.
"Don't jinx it Y/n." She said resting her hand on my stomach.
Man, Summer and I are the best couple ever. Hailey and Justin who? Their relationship doesn't even begin to compare to our day-long one.
I chuckled laughing at my own joke and Summer looked up at me weirdly. "Sorry I just make myself laugh."
She laughed. "Good for you Y/n."
We lay in silence for a couple of minutes wrapped in each other's arms. "I don't know about you but I would really love to put on my PJs." Summer said.
"Same, I just didn't know if you were comfortable." I said sitting up.
"Aww, your so caring." She smiled getting out of bed.
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