《Smile Again》07. Smile with Us
~December 11, 2020~
Us... means... it's time for friends and family.
Beam rounds his arms on Forth's shoulder and climbs the bigger man on his waist.
Forth put Beam on his bed and pins Beam's wrists, pressed against the pillow. He inhales Beam's scent in one long inhale and then pecks him on the back of his right ear.
Beam can't find the cry baby in this young wolf right now.
A big hungry grin colors Forth's lips. He probably grow a pair of fangs too.
Beam bites his lower lip and winks at Forth teasingly. "We have to come to Max's party."
Forth smirks. "I already dropped by to his place on my way here to wish him happy birthday." He rakes his fingers on Beam's side body. "I won't mark your skin tonight tho, you'll see my mom tomorrow, so...."
"I thought we have paintball tomorrow." Beam spreads his thighs and let Forth grinds whatever they have down there. His fingers rake on Forth's hair.
"Hmm.... The boys said that I could make up to them next week. They don't want you to change your mind." Forth says, licking Beam's corner lips.
Beam laughs. He let Forth pulls his T-shirt through his head. And throws it somewhere.
"The sooner the faster." Forth kisses Beam deeply again.
"Hm...?" Beam trails his index finger in Forth's jawline. It's amazing how his wolfie can be a baby but a beast too. "... about the wedding?"
"Yeah." Forth pressed his body against Beam's.
"If you fucked me tonight, I won't be able to walk and meet your mom tomorrow. Besides, you will leave a lot of trace to hide." Beam says, hissing at Forth's gapped mouth. "You have options: fuck me tonight, meet your mom next week, or ... hold yourself for tonight and meet your mom tomorrow."
Forth pulls himself from Beam instantly. "Let's go to Max birthday—I can't drink tho, I don't want to have hungover while driving. Meet my mom tomorrow."
Beam looks at Forth un-amused. "You resist this?" He spreads his thighs and tap his ass, still wearing his pants.
Forth stands beside the bed. "Yeah. For tonight. Because I want it ."
He doesn't want to ruin their meeting with his mom.
Beam blinks. Fuck. Forth is crazily serious when he already decided! And then he covers his cheeks because he feels like burning there.
Ah, he's so happy.
Forth already opens the door, halfway out.
"Baby, let's go before my dick makes its way to your ass without my permission."
"Ah." Beam learns that Forth doesn't have a break in his thought too. He grabs his T-shirt from the floor to wear it and also Forth's jacket that now becomes his. He pecks Forth's lips on his way out. "Take my key on the door for you. It's yours." He says.
Forth grins. He locks the door, keep the key and then run to catch Beam. He hugs Beam and drops a peck behind Beam's right ear before rounds his arm on Beam's shoulder.
Beam chuckled. "I'm horny but you tell me to hold it. Fuck you, wolfie. I hadn't have sex since I court you a month ago."
"Hmm... I don't want to risk my forever for one night. I mean... why one hot night if I can have you forever? And believe me when I say, I need my mom to be on my side." Forth says.
"What if she didn't give permission?" Beam asks in worry.
"Then we will work hard on it later after I bring you back here and fuck you. I'm horny too." Forth says.
Beam laughs. "You are just simply stupid, I see."
"Told you, I'm a caveman."
Beam called Phana and Kit to join too.
Ming joins because Max is his direct senior and he is invited too.
Ming blinks. He looks at Beam who now leans on Forth's shoulder. Phana already told him about them, but honestly, he was worry as fuck. But after he saw how Beam is relaxed in Forth's embrace and even rest his arm on Forth's thigh, he has a little faith on the Casanova that he is really put his crown down.
Forth limit his drink, but Beam needs drink after the stressful week and the canceled broken heart he had because Forth rejected him. He wants to party tonight.
Forth let Beam drink because he is the one who drives Beam's car (they're not taking Forth's bike).
Beam is drunk now. He holds on Forth's jacket, grips is hard. His jacket drops to his elbow. "Why are you so hot, wolfie...." he leans his head on Forth's shoulder ans kisses his chin.
Forth chuckled. He pecks lightly on Beam's lips.
Beam nozzles on the crook of Forth's neck. It smelled sooo goooood. "I'm horny, baby." He whispers. He starts sucking on Forth's neck.
"Beam, we're going to meet my mom tomorrow...." Forth avoids the sucking. "Don't leave any hickey on me."
Beam climbs on Forth. "Shut up, you dog...." he locks Forth on the corner couch, pins both his hands above his head and starts kissing Forth while give a ride down there—grinding their lengths, even with all the clothes still on.
Phana rolls his eyes. Beam is Beam.
Kit clicks his tongue. He wants to pull Beam in his hair.
Ming just sighs.
Lam blinks. Did he see what he see???
Park makes a wow with his lips' movement.
Max doesn't mind a little show in his party.
Forth pulls his hands to free it from Beam and then holds Beam body to bring him home.
Beam is kissing Forth hungrily on his neck while holding onto his shoulder and his legs round on Forth's waist. He is soooo drunk in drink and in heat.
Forth walks away from the couch to the parking lot with Beam attached on him. He just waves politely to his friends as his goodbye.
"Forth handles him well." Phana is satisfied.
Kit and the other laugh.
Yeah, that's the most important of all.
"I want to fuuuccckkk...!!!" Beam whines when Forth already put him on his bed.
Forth chuckled. He unbuckles Beam's jeans. "Fuck my mouth for now. Okay?"
"I won't come from a blow j~...." Beam protests but the second Forth's mouth get his harden length, he enjoys it. "... owh yes, baby.... Yesss...." He grips on Forth's hair with his ten fingers.
Forth's BJ is on another level.
Of how he licks his shaft.
Of how his tongue plays with his balls while sucking.
Of how warm it felt.
"Fuck~...." Beam bursts into Forth's mouth and then let himself sleep.
Forth wipes his dripping mouth with the back of his palms. He chuckled, changes Beam's pants and his pants with comfy short and then lies besides Beam and joins him to sleep.
Big day tomorrow.
"I am so soooorry I came at your mouth and sleep after." Beam clamps his hands in the morning. "It was soooo good and I was very very very drunk. I should not leave you hanging. Last night did not represent my performance on sex."
Forth chuckled. He scrawls on Beam's hair. "Let's just take a shower and drive to my house. It's two hours driving."
(this time, Capital City and Satellite City are not that far)
"I can return the favor in the shower." Beam follows Forth to his bathroom.
Forth blinks. He looks at Beam.
Beam looks down to Forth's short. Something just grows down there. He smirks. "I take that as a 'yes'."
Forth nods. Super nods.
Big mistake.
"Wow. Your dick is big." Beam can't stop talking about Forth's dick even they already in the car towards Forth's house. "Huge, I may say." He is very very amazed. "I thought my size is above average. Yours... is... WOW."
"Stop talking about my dick. Okay? Just stop." Forth says. He needs to calm his boner and Beam talking about sex and his dick are not helping.
Beam makes a gesture with both palms--a space of how big it is. "Wow, wolfie... wow. Should call you the Kraken instead. Wow...."
Forth looks at beam un-amused.
Beam turns to Forth. "I will die young...." He says in amazement.
Forth rolls his eyes.
Beam squints his eyes when Forth stops Beam's car in front of a big wooden gate. And then the gate even opened by a remote on Forth's hand. "You are rich. How come you acted as if you are not? You don't even have a car."
"My parents are rich. Not me." Forth says as he drives into his house.
"Wow. You sounded like my mother. She always said that." Beam says. "That's why I worked so hard on my study. You'll get along with my mother...." He pauses for a second. "After she made a peace that you are my boyfriend."
"Fiance." Forth corrects.
"Fine." Beam agrees.
They gets off of the car.
Forth takes a long deep nervous breath. He turns to Beam. "My mom doesn't have break in her tongue. Be strong, okay?"
Beam looks at Forth un-amused. "I court you, asshole. You're the one who cried. Not me."
Forth grins.
Both of them walks to the front porch.
Forth opens the door. "Mom! I'm home!" He yells as he walks in with Beam behind him.
"At the dining room, baby!" Forth's mom yells.
Forth and Beam walk to the dining room.
Forth walks closer to his mom and hugs her. "Mom, I want you to meet...."
"Mother?" Beam asks in surprise when he saw his mother sits in the dining chair.
Beam's mother turns to Beam. "Owh. Hi, baby. What are you doing here?"
Forth and mom turn to Beam and his mother.
Beam points at Forth. "I came with him. What are doing here?"
Mother points at the men at the backyard who play shooting target with gun. "Ben wants me to meet his friends." She says. Ben is her boyfriend—she and Beam's father were divorced. And then she points at the man who is with Ben in the backyard. "That's David...." And then she points at the woman in Forth's hug. "That's Marla." And then she waves at Forth. "Hi, I'm Lien."
Forth turns to Beam. "Did you just call her 'mother'...?"
Beam nods. "Yeah... what a coincidence." He is confused.
Just then, Ben and David walk in from the backyard.
"Hi, Beam." Ben greets Beam, pecks on Lien's forehead and then join them sitting at the dining table.
Beam blinks. He knows Ben, his mother's boyfriend of six months... maybe. He's not sure. He knew him for six months.
"Owh? Beam? Ben told me about you too...." Marla left Forth and hugs Beam. "You are Lien's son! Owh, poor baby... you must be sad grow up without father. Your mother are working and never home too. She is busy but she loves you so much... you can sleep here if she was away for long time...."
Beam blinks. He is stunned in Marla's hug.
David sits beside Ben. He looks at Ben. "Is this why you suddenly want a lunch together?"
Ben grins.
"Why?" David asks.
"I want you to know the love of my life. Obviously." Ben says while plays with Lien's hair.
"Seriously, Ben. Why?" David hisses.
Now everyone turn to Ben.
Ben smiled, he tried so hard to smile innocently. "Can't I just ask for a lunch together randomly?"
David and Marla turn from Ben to Beam.
"Why Forth brings you here, to my house?" Marla asks Beam in her hug.
Beam blinks. He slowly smiled. "Well, it's a long story. Can we enjoy the lunch while we talk...? I heard you cook the most delicious food in the world."
"Awww... you are sweet." Marla hugs Beam again. Squints him lovingly. "A soon to be bright Doctor, handsome, nice, lovely and sweeeeet."
Lien shakes her head when Marla says the last three words.
"Come here, mom." Forth leads her mom to sit beside David. And then he sits beside his mom and pulls Beam to sit between himself and Lien.
Forth turns to Lien. "Nice to finally met you, Ms. Lien. Uncle B said he has a girlfriend but I didn't know that you can be this gorgeous." He starts with compliment first. "I'm Engineering student in the same university as Beam. Majoring in Electrical Engineering." He continues.
Lien blinks.
"I believe you know Pha?" Forth asks a rhetorical question.
Lien nods.
"We're friends since we compete in the Campus Moon competition last year. He won the title and I get the runner up. Not bad, right?" Forth asks.
Lien blinks. Why this boy.... She nods anyway.
"My grade may not be perfect but it's above the average and will be better and better. I even already applied to an internship in Umbrella Corp. The best in Engineering. Great pay, good work hours, full of healthcare. Nice, right?" Again, Forth asks.
Lien nods again.
Ben chews a grape he takes from the table.
David looks at his son confusedly. That boy never willing to report his study progress to him, why....
Marla blinks. What happened?
Beam just listens.
"I am glad you satisfied." Forth smiled widely. "I am sooooo willing to work hard for your son's happiness, Ms. Lien."
This is the part where Lien, David and Marla frowns.
Beam chuckled. "You should put an intro first, babe." He says.
This is the part where Lien, David and Marla turn to Beam because that 'babe' call.
Ben takes another grape to chew. He likes the grape. It's sweet.
"Owh. Sorry. Yeah." Forth nods. "Mom, dad. Meet Beam, we love each other but we don't want to be boyfriends. We want to get married. I was going to ask you to propose him for me. Since his mother is here, can you do it now? It would be great."
"Thank you in advance." Forth adds.
Suddenly a loud smack heard.
David smacks Ben in his head.
Ben bursts into laughter.
"You knew???" Lien and Marla storms Ben.
Ben smirks. "A soon to be bright Doctor who is handsome, nice, lovely and sweet is a perfect pair for a soon to be responsible and hard working Engineer, isn't it?" He shows two thumbs up.
"We'll talk about this later. I need something to do." Lien says to Beam and then drags Ben to the backyard.
David and Marla follow after.
Forth and Beam look at the parents who are now at the backyard.
Ben is grinning while Lien, David and Marla questioning him. He answers some questions but mostly grinning ear to ear.
Forth leans closer to Beam. "Pssst." He whispers.
Beam turns to Forth. "Hm?"
Forth pecks on Beam's lips.
Beam chuckled. He deepens their kisses. "Let's skip lunch and have lunch lunch."
This time Forth doesn't have willingness to refuse. He takes Beam's hand and brings him upstairs.
"Graww graww, wolfie~...." Beam moans lightly on Forth's bed.
Downstairs, the parents are finished arguing and finds none of their kids in the table.
"Where are they?" Marla asks almost to herself.
No one knows.
And then everyone turn to Ben.
Ben throws his hands—both of them, to the air. "Why me?!"
If you find anything un-realistic in this story, remember always: this is a fan-fiction. The word fiction defines itself.
This work was made to entertain.
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May you have a wonderful day 🤗
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