《Darling》March house early morning 1862


Amy has her foot in a bucket of plaster, working on making a mold. Meg is reading a letter, smiling to herself. Jo writes a story. Beth finishes a pair of slippers for Mr Laurence. The room is messy- they've let things slide since their mother has been gone. It was never a neat house, but now it definitely isn't. The inmates are running the asylum. "I'm making a mold of my foot for Lottie to remind her I have nice feet." Amy said happily. Meg smiles down at the letter in her hand "Mr Brooke writes that father is still very weak but improving. Mr Brooke also says Mother is the best nurse a man could have...." Jo cuts her off annoyed " I wish all the letters were from mother, not Mr Brooke." Meg sighs " I'm grateful for any letters." Meg, with careful attention, places the letter away and starts working on an errands list. Beth looks at the slippers intently " I think the deep purple is very fitting for Mr. Laurence, do you agree Amy ?" Amy glances over at her sister "Quite. And the design is very cunning." Amy turns back to the bucket in which her foot is placed. Beth sighed " I had to thank him somehow for allowing me play the piano at his house all the time." Meg looked over at Jo " I'll go into town for groceries - Jo, can you go look into getting more firewood?" Beth looked at her older sisters " you all haven't been to see the Hummel's. We should go." Jo looked at Beth sadly " Oh Bethy we barely have enough to feed ourselves. Besides, I have to finish this story." Beth looked at her sisters "Marmee said that we..." Amy cut her off "Marmee said so many things we can't possibly do them all." Beth just looked at Amy " But I always go by myself and you haven't been keeping up with your task.." Jo shot Beth a look " we work!" Meg glared at Jo " Don't worry sweet girl, we'll find a time." Beth still persisted "But it's been weeks." Jo just shook her head at the young girl " We'll go soon." Amy suddenly shouts in a panic "MY FOOT IS STUCK! I CAN'T GET IT OUT!" Jo burst out laughing and tries to help her pull her foot out, while Beth's little face turns stubborn. She doesn't like this ... " Fine, I'll go myself."


Laurence house. morning.1862

Beth gives her slippers, wrapped up, to a servant. As she turns and makes her way to the Hummels house.

March House Late Afternoon 1862

Beth returns to her home, walking slowly, and feeling strange. Her sisters heads bop up and down in the window as Jo looks back at her sisters "Here she comes." Beth walks in a letter is placed in her hand. "Here's a letter from the old gentleman." Amy couldn't hold her excitement any longer "Beth look what they got you..." but Jo clamps her hand over Amy's mouth as Meg takes Beth's arm and leads her to where the old piano used to stand, and in its place a beautiful little piano forte. Meg smiles down at her sister "look" as Amy gets all giddy "open the note." Beth is overwhelmed and hands the note to Jo " Jo......read it I cannot." Jo cleared her throat " Miss Beth March, I have had many pairs of slippers in my life, but I never had any that suited me so well as yours. And they will always remind me of the gentle giver. I like to pay my debts and hope you will accept this gift. Your grateful friend and humble servant, James Laurence." Jo lets out a whoop of excitement " OH BETH!" Meg smiles kindly " Humble servant" how lovely" Amy examines the piano "see the cunning brackets to hold candles and the nice green silk" The three girls are so invested in the piano they nearly don't notice that Beth has gotten up and walked straight over to the Laurence's house.

Timid Beth walks straight up to the house and knocks and smiles brightly when she sees the youngest Laurence smiling at her and grabs her into a hug. Lottie lets go of Beth and knowing she is probably looking for her grandfather brings Beth to her office and just before Beth goes in Lottie launches her self on Beth again " Thank you Beth for being an amazing friend to not only Laurie and I but also grandfather I have never seen him as happy as how you make him playing the piano" Lottie lets go of Beth and gives her one last smile and walks away. Beth enters Mr Laurence's office and starts to speak " Sir, I wanted to thank you...." but words are lost and she throws her arms around him he accepts the hug like he's been waiting for it his whole life " you remind me so much of my little girl. The piano is yours, I should have given it to you long ago but Lottie wanted it perfect for you she added some designs on to it like the ones she saw in Europe." Beth smiles at him grateful for not only the piano but the friendship made with the Laurence family. While Mr Laurence is hugging her, he notices that she's hot and flushed " My child your burning." Beth looks down "The Hummels are very sick."


Outside Beth's room Day 1862

Beth, in her bed, is delirious with a fever. A doctor looks her over and then consults with Hannah and the girls " She's resting." Mr Laurence looks up at the man " How is she? Is there anything I can do?" Hannah looked at the doctor concerned for the young March girl " what is it?" The doctor sighed "it's scarlet fever." Amy who was standing beside Lottie holding her hand looks at Meg confused "what's scarlet fever?" The doctor turns to Mr Laurence lowering his voice " I visited the Hummel's the Baby has died." The doctor then turns and looks at them all " have you all had it before?" Jo sighed " Meg and I have but Amy hasn't." Leigh grabs Amy's hand tighter scared for the March girl " She'll have to be sent away." Amy grabbed Leigh's and held on to it like she was about to be taken away from her and never see her again " I don't want to be sent away!" Leigh looked up at the young March girl feeling sorry for her that she would have to leave. Meg sighed " I'll see if Aunt March will take her." Amy started to cry knowing she would have to leave her sisters and move away from Leigh for a short while. " I don't like Aunt March." Leigh took her arm out of Amy's grip and wrapped her in a hug. Hannah looked towards Amy sadly " it's for your own good, child." Jo looked at Meg "should we send for mother?" Meg shock her head "No we shouldn't worry her. I've never wished for money more than now." Jo looked in to the room where Beth was lying determined " We'll nurse her and she'll get better. You'll see. She will. She must!"


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