《Girl crush Monday (GxG)》Chapter Thirteen



♥Jenny's POV♥

For the entire day on Friday I couldn't focus on anything or anyone other than Casey. My body and mind were giving up on me and I could tell. I even got after school detention because I snapped at my Chemistry teacher. Who would have known that a single girl could have me in this state of mind? I didn't even go to my basketball training that afternoon.

The rest of my weekend was total crap. On Saturday I went shopping for groceries and bumped up with Andrew. The guy winked at me and tapped my ass in the supermarket. I don't know what got over me but I kicked him in the nuts and threatened him. I still wasn't in my mood and he was the last person I wanted to see that day.

Sunday was a little better because I had a brother and best friend bonding time at the beach. It was amazing but could have been better if only I wasn't thinking about Friday so much. I f*cked up real bad and I knew it but what I didn't know was how to fix it.

Hmm what exactly do I want? Gosh, why was it so hard to decide?

Sadly enough today is 'Girl Crush Monday' and I lamely wrote a GCM card for Casey. I know, I know, I'm pathetic. I can't even disagree to this statement for once.

Walking up to my locker, a number of students stared at me in a weird way, some winked and others waved. Wow, were they in a good mood or what? Suddenly, I feel a pat on my shoulder and a kiss on each of my cheeks. "Happy ‘Girl Crush Monday’ Jenny," Said two persons who I have no idea who they were. After, they went on their way.

Gosh, please don't tell me that I've become a chick magnet!

Arriving at my locker, I find GCM cards on the floor so I picked them up. They all were addressed to me but I shrugged it off. Opening my locker, a bunch of other cards fell out and covered my feet. "Wow..." I say, staring blankly at all the cards. Who would have known that so many persons had crushes on me?

Taking my time, I picked each one up with care and at the same time searched to see who it was from. Ha-ha I even got one from Tyler and it said:


To my sweet Jen-Jen! You're the only girl at school I could have given this so, yeah. Happy GCM to my guy best friend in a girl's body!

The last thing made me chuckle a little bit. I was done picking up all the cards and placing them in my locker. My face as frowning because there was one person whom I hoped I got one from but yet still I didn't. It was sad that I thought about her and she didn't even give me a single thought.

As I was thinking about this, I felt a tap on my shoulder. My face beamed up but I tried to hide it as much as possible when I turned to face this individual. What a shocker, it wasn't who I was expecting... It was Andrew.

"Hey Jenny, happy girl crush Monday darling," He says, handing me a bouquet of roses, a box of chocolates and the GCM card. Was he out of his mind or something? Reluctantly, I still accepted his offerings and spared him a kind smile. "Thanks Andrew."

"So about the question I asked you on Monday..." He says, trailing off but his eyes were glued on mine.

"What question?" I ask, thinking about what he was referring to. Then everything clicked. Monday, Andrew asked me to be his girlfriend, just after Casey had asked me to come over to her house. My mouth quickly forms and 'o' and Andrew nods at me. There was so much hope in his eyes, wanting me to say yes.

"Andrew, no, I don't want to be your girlfriend dude. I'm not myself with you. I went out on a date with you and you complimented me when I dressed like a girl. Andrew a fucking girl! That's not me and it never will be me!" I didn't even realize that this affected me so much.


"Just shut up Andrew. The days I wanted to be your girlfriend are all gone now. Man up… here are your stuff back," I say, handing him the chocolates, the card and flowers. He just stood there in shock with his mouth wide open. I rolled my eyes at him and then walked away.

What had just gotten over me? I have no idea. I just didn't know a better way to break the news to him so I took the harsh approach. In all honesty, I don't give two f*cks anymore.


The bell to start classes for the day rang but I wasn't headed towards my first class for the day. My mind was crowded with too many thoughts and I needed to clear my mind desperately. Pulling out my phone from my back pocket, I dialed his number. I just hope that this guy answered his phone in my time of need.


"James, it is Jenny. You should have saved my number like I told you to," I say, stopping in my tracks and then leaning onto the wall near the gym's door. "Oh it's you little sis. What's the matter Jen?" He questions through the phone, his voice sounded worried.

"How did you know that you were gay?" The question which was at the tip of my tongue was blurted out without a second thought.


"James, this is a life or freaking death situation. Just answer the question, please?" At this point I was desperate because I don't just say 'please' to anyone for any situation. "I don't know! It just settled when I couldn't stop thinking about this guy in an intimate way and what not. My interest in the opposite gender soon died out not so long after."

"It was that simple? You never doubted that it only phase?" I asked, curious to know about same gender romance and that sh*t. "I didn't care what it was, to be honest. All I wanted was to live in the moment and see where it brought me."

"Thanks James," I reply, feeling closer to finding an answer now. He just chuckles and I could tell that he was shaking his head at me when he responded, "You're welcome Jenny. Don't do anything I wouldn't!"

I snickered at his last comment and then began my journey.


It was useless. Why did I actually think that I would find her? The 'journey' I was on was the search for Casey. As expected, I couldn't find her no matter where I looked. Now it was lunch I was about to take the corner through the shortcut towards the cafeteria. Realizing that I wasn’t the only one there, I slowed down my pace and observed the site in front of me.

Casey, there she stood in all her glory. She wore a rose pink dress with flats today. Her hair was up in a high ponytail and the ends were curled. She looked so angelic. The sad thing is she wasn't alone. She was with Mikayla, also known as Mickey, an open tomboy lesbian at my school.

Wow, it seems that someone beat me to the punch. Sigh...Lets just observe this scene a little longer.

"Oh hey Mickey," Casey greets, giving this chick-dude a hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek. Mickey smiles at her and then pulls out a GCM card from her pocket. Oh hell to the f*ck no, what does she think she's doing?

Casey's eyes immediately dart to the little card and the back to Mikayla. "Happy girl crush Monday Case. Um... I was wondering. Since we've been hanging out, if you'd like being my girlfriend?" Casey's mouth hangs open and her eyes were ready to bulge out.

Since when was Casey hanging out with this girl? Doesn't she know that Mickey's intensions were far from pure? Oh, sh*t just got real.

"I-I...." Casey stutters, and then looks in all directions. Her eyes land on me and she quickly shifts her gaze to Mikayla. "I-I..." She stammers again and I couldn't take it.

Turning on my heel, I gave up. My chance with her was stolen from the first day we met. I pushed her away so many times as if I didn't care. She was the one who always tried to fix things but there was no hope. I knew that she will say yes to Mikayla to get back at me for not being sure if I wanted her or not.

With that thought in mind, I walked out of the school, forgetting about lunch or anything for that matter. Just like that, I started walking to my house, pissed off at myself.

A/N: Wow, finally I've updated. I hope you all enjoyed! Please spread the word about this book to your friends!

~Countdown: Thirteen down, Three more to go PLUS the Epilogue!~




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