《Girl crush Monday (GxG)》Chapter Twelve


HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO MY BAE KAELA ^.^ @KaelaJazzy on wattpad. 25/6/14. Wish her a late birthday guys so I can update :)


♥Jenny's POV♥

Do you know that terrible feeling you get when you're sharing classes with someone, you're responsible for bringing them to class and you're ignoring this individual? Well, this has been me for the past few days. I was supposed to stop showing Casey to her classes today but luck was just on my side. Yes, note the sarcasm.

Apparently, our principal changed our schedules for the semester. Our classes are all located different places now and I need to show Casey to every freaking class today. Just great, isn't it? And here I thought that this was my last week being around this chick. Yay life!

At this very moment, I was packing my stuff into my locker waiting for Casey to arrive. She was late as usual; this even tempted me to leave and have her find her own way to the class. The memory of or kiss still replayed in my mind and I felt some sort of weird tingle every time I remembered it. It even feels as though it was meant to happen. Maybe it was...

Today is Friday Jenny, get a damn f*cking grip! You've ignored her for the week and now you doubt! Get Casey out of your head!

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm trying to do... Sheesh cut me some slack!" I say to myself, a little irritated at my sub conscience. "Huh? Why would you do that?" A soft voice asks, startling the sh*t out of me. Calming down, I turn and see that it was none other than Casey. My face immediately frowns as I close my locker.

"Forget about it," I say, sounding a little harsh as I start making my way to the class. Knowing full well what she needed to do, Casey follows after me. By the way her shoes hit the floor quickly I could tell that she was struggling to keep up. Good.

"Could you slow down?" She whines, doing a short run until she was walking next to me. I stole a short glance at her and I smiles mentally. She looked really cute when getting upset. This should be fun. "You just need to walk faster," I reply, trying my best to not seem amused.

"Jenny, stop!" She shouts. You know, this is the first time I've ever heard her shout and it shook me a little. Blinking rapidly, I composed myself and then turned around. Casey just stood there, taking in deep breaths and her hand was up telling me to wait. I was about to continue walking but she then continues to speak.


"Why didn't you reply to my texts?" She questions, already having her breath leveled. I lift one eyebrow as I stared at her confused. Well, I hope I looked confused because I know full well what she was talking about. "I have messaged you so many times from Monday, you don't reply to my messages anymore. What's wrong?"

"Ha! You're funny Casey. Get this into your brain, I choose who I want to reply to. Now, let's get back to class," I respond, turning around and start my walking journey once more. Before I turned I saw a hurt expression on Casey's face, though it ripped my heart out, deep down I hoped that she would leave me alone.

"Fine," She says and I then felt a hand pulling on my arm. I stared at Casey in amazement as she literally pushes me into the janitor's closet and then flicks on the light. My mind wasn't functioning well because it was shocking to realize that she was so strong. But another thing streamed through my head...

What the heck are we doing in here?

"Okay, now you can tell me what the f*ck is going on Jenny!" Casey wails. She was fuming and I didn't know what to do. It's the very first time that I've seen this side of her.

"Nothing is going on Casey," I say calmly, hoping to get this over with. She wasn't pleased with my reply though because she took a daring step towards me. Approaching the counter area of the room, she leans on it and then gives me an annoyed expression.

"You're just being nothing but a f*cking coward Jenny. Grow some freaking balls!" She spat and her statement ticked me off so much.

Already enraged, I approach her and place a really hard punch on the cupboard on the side of her head. Her eyes widen as they met my furious ones. We were so close but yet still so far. One more word I would lose it, one more insult I would lose all control that I've built up over the years.

What on Earth is this chick doing to me?!

"I-I'm sorry-"

"No you are not!" I retaliate, trapping her between my arms. We were exactly twelve inches away from each other. One wrong move and something bad could happen. "But I am I didn't mean to be so mean-"


"Oh shut your trap, okay?" I was pissed off and her voice only makes me even more riled up. "You meant everything you said, you're upset, and I’m upset... We're both upset. But, that doesn't give you the f*cking right to insult me Ca-sey. You don't want to know what I do to persons who fuck with me Casey."


"Shh, let me finish, you had your time to speak," I state, pressing my pointer up against her lips. She trembled at my touch and I smirked. Her eyes were not locked directly into mine so I made sure they were. "Look into my eyes when I'm speaking to you Casey."

She does as told but her body trembled in fear. "You have gone on my bad side Casey. That's not a good thing for someone such as you," I comment, lifting her from where she stood and made her sit on the counter. A soft gasp escaped from her lips because she wasn't expecting me to do what I did. Nonetheless, she stayed silent and looked into my eyes.

"You've been causing weird things to occur throughout my body Casey," I whisper into her ear. My hot breath made her tense but then calm again. "I don't understand what is going on but I feel the urge to kiss you every time I stare at your sweet lips..." I tease, kissing her down the neck, pressing myself between her legs.

Her hands gripped the edge of the counter and her breathing hastened. I could feel her heart pounding like a wild beast in her chest. For once, I wasn’t nervous or afraid because I was angry.

I start trailing kissed along her jaw line and her eyes closed with pleasure. Abruptly, I stopped, realizing that I was leading her on the wrong path. Was this what I really wanted? Truthfully, I'm as confused as ever been in my entire life.

"I'm sorry Jenny; I like you so much you have no idea. What I said was out of anger. I really didn't enjoy life when you ignored me," Casey says, snapping me out of my thoughts. She cups my chin and slowly makes me watch her in the eye. She was telling the truth but I didn't know if I liked her or not.

Her words were revolving around my brain so quickly that I didn't even sense the moment she pressed her soft pink lips on mine. My eyes opened in shock but my body was shouting 'Yes'.

Gripping her bottom, I pulled her towards me even more. I kissed her back with all I had. A soft moan escapes her lips as she grips my hair tight. Nibbling on her bottom lip, she opens her mouth so we could deepen the kiss.

My head exploded and I lost all my brain cells. I don't think I could ever regain them in the future, I mean, I'm making out with a girl in the janitor's closet! But, the funny thing is... I was enjoying it so much that I didn't want us to pull apart but we needed air.

Pulling away from each other, she rests her forehead on mine and we stared into each other's eyes. I was lost in them for a moment and I thought that everything was right for once. That was before reality hit me like a freaking brick in the face.

"This is wrong..." I say, trailing off and pulling away from her. Her face fell and she just sits there in shock. I establish a safe distance between us because I could tell that she was really upset. Letting out a sound of frustration, she hops off the counter and then makes her way to the door of the room. Before leaving, she turns and then asks me a serious question.

"What do you really want, huh Jenny? When you know, come tell me." With that she slams the door after she walks out.

For real, what exactly so I want? So sad, not even I know the answer to that question.

A/N: Please don't kill me :'( I know... Exams and stuff had me occupied more than ever the past few days. Now it's done and over with, I have time to complete my books! I hope you enjoyed!

~Countdown: Twelve chapters down, Four to go PLUS Epilogue~




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