《Bench ☼ LisKook》8 | Crush


Recap at the mall with Lisa ;

"Hurry up, Kunpimook!" Lisa pulled her friend,BamBam,towards the Timbs store.

BamBam groaned in frustration, "Slow down, will you!"

Lisa sighed and slowed down, "Fine."

BamBam and Lisa were both Thai.

Actually, Lisa and BamBam's family has always been close even when they were in Thailand, but BamBam's family went to Korea first, and later on Lisa's family followed because of their family business.

"Hurry, help me pick!" Lisa said in Thai.

They strolled around the store trying to find the perfect pair for Lisa's crush; Jungkook.

Yes, Lisa has a crush on Jungkook.

Lisa noticed that Jungkook liked wearing Timberlands, so she thought that giving him a new pair will be great.

Lisa's eyes lit up when she saw a pair that she think was the one.

"Bamie, look!" Lisa pointed at a blood-like red pair of Timbs that has a sign that said,

Limited Edition : Patriotic Red Boots Collection.

BamBam then went towards his friend and looked at her pick, "Woah. That's cool!"

Lisa nodded and took the shoes but something clicked – she doesn't know Jungkook's shoe size.

"Well fck." Lisa cursed in Thai and earned a smack from BamBam.

"Watch your mouth, woman." BamBam warned and Lisa gave him a peace sign.

"I don't know his size!" Lisa exclaimed in irritation.

BamBam chuckled, "You're close with him but you don't know his size?"

"We are close! But not that close for us to know each other's shoe sizes!" Lisa glared at him.

BamBam shrugged and continued to look around.

Lisa stared at her friend from head-to-toe.

"Wait!" Lisa stopped BamBam.

"You try it." Lisa gave the shoe to BamBam.

"But why??" BamBam whined.

"Just try it for me!" Lisa said getting impatient.


But being the stubborn BamBam, he just stood there and folded his arms.


"Aw, c'mon!"




Lisa groaned and glared at him.

They glared at each other for awhile.

"C'mon Bamie, try it for me!" Lisa pleaded, desperately.

BamBam stared at her for awhile, "Fine, give me that."

Lisa clapped and gave him the shoes.

While BamBam sat down and tried to fit the shoes, Lisa thought she saw a familiar figure but just shrugged it off and went to BamBam.

Little do you know, Lisa.

new chapter :D sorry for the delay once again.

Thanks for reading!

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