《Bench ☼ LisKook》7 | Confirmation


Since Lisa declined Jungkook's offer of hanging out, Jungkook was left in his house with nothing to do.

'Good thing mom didn't leave any chores for me.'

Suddenly, his phone rang making him trace out of his thoughts.

He quickly took his phone from the night stand and checked the caller – ; it said.

"Hello, hyung?" Jungkook said once the line connected.

"Oh Jungkook! The boys and I are planning to hang out at the arcade, wanna come?" Jin asked the younger one.

"Really? Sure hyung! Come pick me up, please." Jungkook agreed thinking that since Lisa declined his offer, he should just do something else.

"Okay. Be there in a few." Jin said and hung up.

Jungkook then got ready. He wore his basic white tee, some black jeans, and his oh-so-beloved; Timberlands.

After a few moments, a honk was heard from outside and Jungkook quickly went out the door.

"Hi, hyungs." Jungkook greeted as soon as he went inside the car and the others greeted him back.

They then sped off to the arcade inside the mall.

When they arrived, the boys ran towards all the games that was in the arcade and looked at it in fascination.

While the boys were playing, Jungkook then noticed something at the front of the arcade.

A Timberland shop.

"Hyung, I'll be right back, I'm gonna buy new Timbs!" Jungkook told Seokjin.

"But what about that Timbs you're wearing?" Jin asked and pointed at the Timbs Jungkook was wearing.

"They're a bit old so...yeah." Jungkook reasoned but the truth is, he just can't help but to feel excited and see the other designs of the brand Timberlands.

"Fine. Just make it quick, okay?" Jin said.

Jungkook nodded and sprinted to the shop.


When Jungkook entered the Timbs shop, his eyes immediately lit up upon seeing all the new designs.

He went on and scanned the shelves hoping he'll find a new pair.

While scanning, Jungkook heard a very familiar voice.

"C'mon Bamie, try it for me!" The voice said.

Due to Jungkook's curious nature, he followed where the sound came from and discovered that it was from the other section.

He went closer and closer until he can see a glimpse of the person whom he heard.

There he saw Lisa with another boy while trying to find a pair of Timbs also.

Due to the scene he saw, Jungkook hurriedly exited the store to go back to his friends.

Jungkook doesn't know why, but when he saw Lisa with another boy looking all happy, he suddenly felt down and a weird feeling came to his heart.

'Why am I like this?'

'Why did that scene of her with another boy bothered me?'

'Am I...Starting to develop feelings for...her?'

Jungkook thoughts were filled with a bunch of questions as he made his way back to the arcade but then he found his answer for the last question.

'I guess I am.'

who could Lisa be with?

╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭

thanks for reading! see you on the next update. :)

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