《MUHAMMAD》Chapter 22


Waking up I look over and see that Muhammad was sleep so I slide off the side of the bed trying not to wake him up. When I hit the floor I saw him moving so I duck for a minute before looking up over the side of the bed and he was still sleep.

Getting dressed I walked to Yoshon's room and he was already awake.

"Hey, mama fat man".I said picking him up and walking to his closet to see what he would be wearing today.

"You like this cause I like this".I said showing him the outfit before filling the sink up with water and taking his clothes off.

"We going to see god mommy Tati".I ask in a baby voice causing him to smile cleaning him.

"GAJDHFJ".He screamed slapping the water causing it to go everywhere.

"Stop before you wake up to daddy and he whoop our ass".I said laughing drying him off.

"Say mama daddy ain't bout shit".I said putting on a new diaper before lotioning him up and putting on his clothes.

"Ari where you at".I heard Muhammad yell from somewhere but I didn't answer and I could hear his footsteps coming closer to the room.

"Where are we gone hide".I ask looking at the closet but that's to obvious so I ran in the bathroom throwing the shower curtain open before stepping inside.

"Ari yo I know you hear me".He said and by now he was in the room.

"jgrjsb".Yosohn said causing me to laugh and hold my hand over his mouth.

"Shhh, Santana".I said laughing hearing Muhammad walk into the bathroom.

"Man where the fuck this girl done went".He said before walking away.

Peaking around the curtain I see the coast was clear so I sneak out and grab his diaper bag before walking to the front grabbing my phone, purse, and keys.

Rushing out of the house I buckle Yoshon in before getting in myself and starting the car pulling off to Tati's house.

Pulling up in to the driveway I cut the car off getting out before walking to the back opening yosohns door getting him out and grabbing his diaper bag.

Walking up to the door I knock and it immediately opens.

"Hey sissy imcso glad you came".Tati said pulling me into a hug hugging me very tightly.

"Um yea you was blowing me up all night".I said with a fake laugh looking at her weirdly.

"Let's sit in the living room".She said and I nod following her.

"So how is your mom you called saying she was in the hospital are we going to see her".I asked Tati taking a seat on her couch.


"Uh she's fine she just has to stay a few days".She said sniffing wiping her nose.

"So why we're you blowing me up about going to see her I thought she was really hurt and girl you still sick it's been a whole week now".I said laughing bouncing Yoshon up and down on my leg.

"I said she's fine and I went to the doctor they said I was coming to the end of the cold so I'm good".She said nodding her head.

"Um okay, do you want giving your God baby his bath I was gone do it at home but Muhammad was there and I had to sneak off".I said laughing thinking about me running out out the house.

"Now you know I love giving my fat man a bath".She said standing up grabbing him before walking to the back just as I got a facetime call.

"Hey, baby".I said answering with a smile looking into the camera.

"Where you at".He asked looking down at something before looking back up.

"I'm over Ryan house".I lied hoping he can't see the background.

"What her child looking ass doing". He asked causing me to laugh.

"Playing with Yoshon but what you doing".I ask hearing Yoshon cry from the back.

"About to meet up with Abdul then head home".He said sparking up a blunt getting in the car.

Hearing Yoshon cry louder I run to the back forgetting I was on the phone. Opening the bathroom door I see Tati dunking his whole body under water before bringing him back up as he cried trying to breathe.

"Bitch what the fuck is wrong with you".I yell gently taking Yoshon away from her before snatching the towel off the door and wrapping him up.

"Yo what's going on".I heard Muhammad through the phone but I was pissed at this point.

Walking Yoshon to the room next door I got him to quiet down before laying him down and walking to the bathroom but she wasn't in there. Walking into the living room she sat there as if she wasn't drowning my baby.

"Bitch stand up". I said standing in front of her but she stayed sitting down.

"I'm not gone tell you no more stand up".I said throwing my hands up with my fist balled up.

After a few seconds of her just sitting there I slam my fist dead in her jaw and kept punching as tears rolled down my cheeks. Grabbing her hair I drag her off the couch and began uppercutting her and that's when she decided to swing back.

"Yo yo yo what the hell is going on in here". I heard Abdul say as we fought but I was to busy tagging her ass.


"Ariana bring yo ass here".Muhammad's voice boomed throughout the house causing us to stop and me to walk over to him with my head down.

"What the fuck I tell you about being around her".He asked calmly that's how I know he's mad.

"You told me don't be around her but you never said why so I thought I would come over here because she said her mom was sick".I said looking at the floor before looking up at him only to see he's already glaring at me.

"Why was you yelling on the face time call what happened".He asked folding his arms waiting for and answer.

"I asked her did she want to give him a bath and while we were on the phone I heard him crying so I walked back there into the bathroom and she was drowning him".I said and he grabbed my by my neck squeezing it so hard I started seeing black dots.

"This why you need to fucking listen to me go get my son and get in the car".He said pushing me towards the back.

Walking into the room I see that Yoshon was sleeping so I gently picked him up walking back to the front.

"Give me my son".Muhammad said mugging me.

"Why".I ask looking from Abdul who was yelling at Tati back to Muhammad.

"Yo, what the fuck you mean why bitch my son almost died because you can't fucking listen that's why".He said taking Yoshon from me putting him in his car seat.

"Fuck you still standing here for take yo stupid ass to the car".He yelled pointing to the door.

Rolling my eyes I walk out slamming the door before walking to the car and getting in and slamming the door with my arms folded.

Looking up I see Muhammad coming out of the house before buckling Yoshon in the back and getting in himself.

"Ion know why the fuck you pouting and got to arms folded and shit none of this bullshit would have happened if you would've fucking listened to me".He said punching my thigh causing tears to form in my eyes.

"Don't fucking cry now you grown right you like to do what the fuck you want to do right".He ask grabbing my neck before looking back at the road.

"I just wanted to see what she had to say".I said and at this point I was full blown crying.

"Yesterday in the car I told you ass to give it a few days and what you do you took to stupid ass over to her house now I could give a fuck if you went by yourself but I said don't take my son around her and you did so what made you think you was bold enough for that shit".He ask looking from the road to me then back to the road.

"She was calling me all night crying about how she wanted us to go up and see her mom in the hospital".I said softly looking down.

"Man don't say shit else when we get in this house take you ass to the living room and don't move".He said shaking his head.

Swerving into the driveway I get out closing the door making sure not to wake up yosohn before getting him out of the back and walking in the house.

Walking to Yoshon's room I lay him in his crib before closing his door and walking to the living room.

"Take that shit off".I said unbuckling my belt.

"What".She asked giving me a confused look watching me take off my belt.

"I said take that shit off".I said walking in front of her and she stood up taking off her pants.

Sitting in the couch she looks at me and I motion for her to lay across my lap and she did. Bringing my hand back I slam the belt down hard and she moaned loudly.

"Shut the fuck up before you wake up my son".I said and I continued for about five minutes.

When I was done she quickly pulled my pants down sliding down on my dick.

"This was supposed to be a damn punishment".I groan as she kissed me to get me to stop talking.

Busting inside her she lays her head in between my neck breathing heavily as I rubbed on her ass.

"I'm sorry baby I won't do anything like that ever again".She said kissing down my neck to my chest.

"I got to find some different punishments for yo ass".I said leaning my head back.

"Today was fucking crazy".She said into my neck.

"You not gone get up".I ask looking down at her.

"No, I want to stay like this for a while".She said softly and I feel her breathing slow down so I knew she fell asleep.

"I could get used to this shit".I said to myself closing my eyes and falling asleep.

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