《MUHAMMAD》Chapter 7
Waking up I hear Tati singing in the bathroom and she don't seem like she gone quiet down anytime soon so I just go ahead and get up.
"Girl why are you so loud the whole neighborhood can hear you".I said tossing the cover off of me and standing up.
"Girl this my song one taught me love, one taught me patience ,one taught me pain".She said using my hairbrush as a microphone while I walked around her grabbing my toothbrush.
"Wish I could say thank you to Malcolm cause he was an angel".We both sung as I brushed my teeth.
"Hurry y'all asses up singing and shit folk trynna sleep".My dad said laughing as he walks past the room.
"Sorry, papa".We said laughing.
"So how it feel being a senior now".Tati asked nudging my shoulder.
"I mean it feels the same as every other year".I said laughing at the face she gave me.
"Okay smart ass but how do you think your classmates gone react to you being pregnant".She asked fixing her hair as I put on my clothes.
"I mean you know people like to run their mouth but I'm not gone be bothered by it".I said shrugging as I brushed my hair up into a ponytail.
"Damn right bitch cause you got a best friend / big sister that throw them bitches".She said swinging crazily in front of herself.
"I hope you don't fight like that we both outta there".I said as she playfully punched me while I walked out of the bathroom.
"Now you know I was just playing".She said smacking her lips grabbing her backpack.
"I'm just playing cry baby let's go ".I said grabbing my backpack and walking downstairs to the kitchen grabbing the breakfast shake my dad made.
"Bye papa love you".I yelled as I walked out of the house getting into the car.
"Let's get the day started".She said pulling off.
Pulling into the student parking lot I noticed a lot of new kids standing around the front of the building.
"Well here goes nothing".I said opening the door getting out and it seemed like everyone's eyes were on me as we walked by.
"Alright sissy I got to get to class if somebody fuck with you call me love you have a good day".She said kissing my cheek running up the stairs.
Making my way down the hall I look down at my schedule and back up at the numbers on the doors when I finally found it, room 108 English. Walking in it got quiet and people eyes immediately went to my stomach.
"Can I help y'all ".I asked rolling my eyes then walking up to the teacher showing her my schedule before going to sit down.
"Damn you really are a hoe so who knocked you up". A girl in the class said causing everyone to laugh.
"Girl, please you won't keep that same energy so I'm good off you and don't worry about who my child's father is it just might be your daddy".I said pulling out my notebook and pen.
"You don't know who your baby daddy is do you".She asked smirking as I rolled my eyes ignoring her.
"Yo this bitch a whole hoe out here she don't know her baby daddy".A boy yelled out getting the class rowled up.
"Alright that's enough get out your textbooks from under your desk and read chapters one and two then answer the questions at the bottom".My English teacher said sitting in the chair and getting on the phone.
Waiting in front of the building I look around for Tati but she is nowhere to be found if that girl left me here I swear.
"Sissy over here".I heard someone yell so I looked over and it was Tati standing beside Abdul so I walked over.
"My car broke down so I called Abdul to give us a ride".She said smiling nervously.
"Okay at least Muhammads not with him but why are you looking like that wassup".I ask following behind them to his car.
"Well It's Muhammad's car Abdul was already with him so he told him to swing by it's fine sissy come on".She said opening the door letting me slide in first before getting in.
"Where we going".Abdul asked as Muhammad looked through the mirror and mugged me.
"The clinic".Tati said answering for me.
"Oh you can't handle yo responsibilities so you getting rid of it".Muhammad said looking through the rear view mirror at me.
"Actually I have an appointment".I said breaking his gaze and looking out the window.
"You ain't got to lie shorty you ain't be a good mother so it's for the best".He said causing me to gasp and look at Tati as she shook her head no.
"Damn Bro that's fucked up".Abdul said shaking his head.
"If it's fucked up check your cousin about it". I said rolling my eyes.
"Say shorty you need to chill". Abdul said and I didn't reply.
Pulling up into the parking lot me and Tati get out and I see Abdul and Muhammad doing the same.
"Um no get back in the car what are you doing".I asked looking at them confused.
"Man take yo ass in there how y'all gone get home you fucking nut".He said pushing me towards the building.
Shaking my head I just walk up to the front desk and sign in before going to sit beside Tati.
"I'm going to kill you".I whisper to Tati as she shrugged and laughed.
"What I don't have money for Uber or Lyft bitch and we needed a ride".She said laying her head on Abdul's shoulder.
"Emily Manson".I heard a nurse say and I saw a girl get up and walk to the back.
"Ariana Fletcher". Another nurse called out.
Standing up I start walking to the back hearing footsteps behind me assuming it's Tati.
"Okay so we're going to weigh you and check your blood pressure you know the usual".She said smiling and I nodding leaning my head back on the wall closing my eyes as she wrapped the thing around my arm and on my finger.
"So you excited mommy".She asked writing on the clipboard.
"Yes, I can't wait till my baby gets here so I can know what it is".I said opening my eyes as I heard the sound of the arm thing being taken off.
"Okay stand against this wall for me ".She said standing up.
"Girly you short".She said laughing as she wrote down my height.
"Following me ". She said walking to the room I seem to always end up in.
"Alright, sweetheart the doctor should be in in a few minutes ".She said smiling as she walked out.
"So you keeping the baby".A male voice that sounded all too familiar asked looking around the room.
"Did you not just hear what the fuck I said and why the hell are you back here get out".I said rolling my eyes texting Tati back.
"Yo Watch you mouth you getting to comfortable". He said jacking me up by my shirt Just as the doctor knocked and came in.
"Oh hey baby what you doing here this yo baby mama". SuSu asked mugging me then smiling when Muhammad turned around finally releasing my shirt.
"Hell nah that damn baby ain't mines".He said with a disgusted face.
"Well damn a no would have been just fine".I said rolling my eyes looking back to SuSu who was smirking at me.
"What bitch can we get this over with".I asked mugging her as I laid back lifting my shirt she walked over kissing Muhammad and they started to have a whole make out session.
Pulling my shirt down I hop off the table and walk out to the nurses station.
"Hi is there a doctor I could see right now".I asked leaning on the desk as he typed on the computer.
"Ah yes go down this hall first room to your left she should still be there".He said with a smile before answering the ringing phone. Smiling I walk down the hall and knock on the door.
"Come in".I heard a soft voice say.
"Hi do you mind checking me out".I asked walking in she nodded before pulling out the ultrasound machine and logging into the computer.
"Okay can I have your name I just have to see what's going on".She said turning around to me.
"Ariana Fletcher".I said swinging my legs back and forth.
"Ahh okay here you are you're getting pretty big to be four months".She said with a small laugh and I joined in.
"Yea my baby loves to eat".I said laying back as she walked over grabbing the gel squirting it on my stomach before moving it around.
"Alright I see ten fingers and ten toes and the baby looks good I would say though you're baby's going to be pretty big when it comes out so try eating some healthy foods".She said typing something into the computer as I wiped my stomach off with the paper towel she gave me.
"Oh and sweetie did you need a refill on your prenatal vitamins".She asked standing up.
"Yea I'm almost out".I said and she nodded and wrote something down before handing me the paper before walking out.
"Wait excuse me is there a way I could switch and have you as my doctor".I asked following her to the front.
"Sure just tell them you want to be switched over to Rah and you'll be sent to me from now on".She said smiling and walking away.
Talking to the people at the front desk they transferred all my information to her so now I'll be seeing her instead of SuSu and I have no problem with that.
"Girl what took so long wait were is Muhammad".Tati asked running up to me.
"Your baby is going to be fat and somewhere back there fucking the doctor I'm taking an Uber home you coming".I asked walking outside to the Uber that was waiting.
"Yea imma just text Abdul I left with you".She said closing the door while I told the man my address.
"So what do you mean my baby gone be fat".She asked laughing at the face I gave her.
"She said I need to eat healthy foods and remind me tomorrow to get my prenatal vitamins".I said stuffing the paper in my backpack.
"I got you sissy".She said looking up from her phone as I leaned back and closed my eyes.
Pulling up my pants I stand back and watch as SuSu put her clothes back on before looking around the room.
"Yo where ole girl go".I asked as she shrugged.
"She walked out a long time ago".She said walking out with me behind her.
"Ight I gotta go".I said walking to the front where I saw Abdul but no girls.
"Yo where the fuck they went to".I asked as he stood up.
"They went home in an Uber".He said getting into the car.
"I'll catch her tonight at work ion know who told her she could leave the room".I said looking down at my phone seeing SuSu talking about going out tonight.
"Dude you say I'm fucking bold hell nah nigga".He said shaking his head laughing.
"What I don't give a fuck if I'm fucking she need to stay her ass right there but I got something for her tonight".I said causing him to look at me.
"What you gone do to that girl don't kill her she pregnant".He said typing away on his phone.
"Ian gone kill that bitch".I said pulling up into the driveway of my grandmas house.
"Yea ion believe you".He said walking in without knocking.
"Now I know that ain't nobody but Abdul ass walking into my house without knocking". She said laughing.
"Sorry grandma".He said laughing as I shook my head closing the door.
"What y'all doing here".She asked walking from the back drying her hands on a towel before bringing me into a hug.
"Damn grandma we cant come visit".Abdul said mugging her trying to push her away as she went to hug him.
"Boy bring yo lanky ass here".She said grabbing his ear dragging him towards her.
"Ouch grandma dang".He said hugging her.
"We really came here to eat what you cook".I said walking into the kitchen lifting the lid before she popped my hand hard as hell making me drop it on the floor.
"What the fuck granny that shit hurt".I said rubbing my hand as she and Abdul laughed.
"Don't come in here touching my shit then lil boy".She said picking up the lid and rinsing it off.
"But I made a roast with potatoes,greens and them yams y'all be sneaking off with".She said putting the lid back on.
"Sit down while I fix y'all a plate".She said and when went to the table sitting down.
"So He was making out with that bitch with you in the room he bold".She said shaking her head at what I just told her.
"Yes girl I'm sure they fucked too but I switched doctors cause who knows what she'll do over some dick".I said looking for something to watch on Netflix.
"They get on my nerves with this shit".I said switching back to cable.
"What you talking about".She asked looking up from her phone.
"I'm talking about Netflix scheming ass got me pay this money just to not have no good shit on here". I said as I just clicked on lmn.
"I second that girl I stopped paying for mines".She said looking back down to her phone.
"Imma finna take a nap before we go to work".I said closing my eyes hearing the tv in the before I drifted off to sleep.
The club is stupid packed tonight I made about 50 drinks so far and I just clocked in 30 minutes ago.
"Aye lil mama let me get three Granny Smiths".A man yelled across the bar I just nodding letting him know that I heard him as I gave the lady her drink. And then I started on the three drinks.
While I was cutting up the apples I look up to see SuSu walking in looking around before walking off to the back.
"Alright here go your drinks".I said and he handed me 150 dollars which was more that what the drink costed but I ain't gone complain.
"Ari bossman needs you in his office".Duke said tapping the bar before walking off.
"Girl did you see that bitch walk in here".Tati asked cleaning the cups.
"Yea I saw her and Muhammad wants me in his office".I said walking over to her.
"For what".She asked looking at me confused.
"I don't know I guess I'm about to find out".I said kissing her cheek and walking out from behind the bar and to his office knocking.
"Come in".He said so I twisted the knob walking in to see SuSu sitting on his lap.
"What's this".I asked standing by the door.
"Lock the door".He said staring at me.
"Um no what you need the door locked for".I asked grabbing the door handle still looking at him.
"Lock the fucking door".he said standing up and pushing her to the side before walking over and locking the door.
"Sit right here".He said grabbing my arm and tossing me in his office chair.
Grabbing SuSu he walks her over to the couch before he started taking off his clothes as she did the same.
"I'm not with this shit right here".I said standing up as he put a condom on and slid into her.
"Sit the fuck down now".He said going harder and she started to moan.
"No fuck this you want me to sit here while you fuck this bitch".I asked walking to the door and when I opened it guns were pointed at me.
"Might want to close the door shorty I don't want to kill a pregnant lady tonight".One of the men holding a gun said so I backed back in the room closing the door and walking back over to the seat facing the other way holding my hands over my ears as her moans got louder.
After they finally finished I removed my hands from my ears to wipe my tears. Standing up I walk to the door without looking at them.
"Yo where the hell you going".He asked grabbing my arm but I snatched it away putting my head down shaking it as more tears fell.
"I quit".I said turning the knob and rushing out to the bar.
"You were gone for a long time wait what's wrong with you why are you crying".She asked rushing around the bar to hug me.
"He fucked that bitch with me in the room and I quit I'm going home".I said wiping my eyes while I walked to the back clocking off.
"Well, I'm quitting to let's get our stuff and go".She said grabbing our things from the room.
After getting everything we needed we got in the car driving off...
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