《Mondays (Jensoo Convert)》"I'll do anything to be your everything."
Rosé huffed as she picked up her fallen books off the ground. She had bumped into someone in a rush to get to her next class. She was new to the pace in high school the hallways were packed and so busy.
"Need help?" A friendly voice chimed above her.
Rosé looked up and found her newly found friend slash teammate staring at her with a smile.
"It's only the first day, Rosie. Geez, get a hold of yourself." Lisa teased as kneeled down and helped picked up the books for the other girl.
"Shut up." Rosé chuckled. "People are so vicious in high school. I was just trying to get to English..." She stood up and took the books that Lisa handed her. "Thanks."
"No problem. What are teammates for, right?" The Thai beamed. "You said you're going to English? I have that too."
"Yeah. Mr. Lee?"
Rosé took out a piece of paper from her back pocket and scanned it. She perked up and lifted her gaze back to the girl. "Yeah! Oh my god. I'm so happy I know at least one person in my first class."
Lisa grinned. "Me too. It means I can copy off you."
The other girl rolled her eyes playfully and snorted. "Of course that's what you're thinking about." She started walking to the direction of the class as Lisa walked beside her.
"Hey, grades are important!" Lisa defended.
"You know plagiarism is a crime..."
"I'm not pl-plagi... I'm not doing what you said. I'm copying."
"Plagiarizing. And it means copying, genius."
Rosé laughed softly and shook her head. She turned her head and smiled when she saw Lisa's dumbfound look. "Don't worry. I'll be there to help you out."
"I'm not really good at the vocabulary and grammar and those kind off stuff..." Lisa confessed shyly before meeting her teammate's gaze.
"I'll walk you through it." Rosé assured. She wrapped her arm around Lisa's shoulders and pulled her down. "Stop worrying, will ya!"
The smaller girl giggled and snaked an arm around Rosé's torso. "Promise?"
Lisa shut her eyes as she savored the hot kisses placed on her neck. She tightened her grip on Rosé's hips and threw her head back in pleasure.
"Rosie..." She breathed. She bit her lip trying to suppress any noise from coming out of it.
"hmmm." Rosé hummed as she snuck her hand underneath Lisa's shirt. She dragged her nails on the girl's toned stomach causing Lisa to moan. She kept kissing up along the other girl's jaw, enjoying the ragged breaths and heat of the moment.
"I- uh... I haven't done this before." Lisa panted, she fluttered her eyes open and squeezed Rosé's hips.
The taller girl pulled back and locked eyes with Lisa. She cupped the girl's face and leaned in to meet her lips with her teammate. The Thai closed her eyes again and reciprocated the gesture. Their mouths moved as one.
Rosé turned Lisa's head slowly to the side. She peppered kisses on her face as she moved it until she reached her ear. "I'll walk you through it." She rasped hotly.
Lisa gulped. "Okay."
"Do you trust me, Lisa?" Rosé asked in a sultry voice. She dropped her hands down to tug the hem of the Thai's shirt.
"Y-yes. I trust you."
"So you know what you're saying to her, right?" Jisoo asked her best friend.
Rosé nodded as she held the roses in her hands. She fidgeted nervously and kept her head bowed down. "I don't know about this, Chu."
"Rosie, no." Jisoo encouraged. She lifted Rosé's chin up to face her. "Hey. You got this. Jennie is getting Lisa here right now. You're going to ask her and she's going to say yes."
"The last time I talked to her she slapped me across the face." Rosé deplored. She sighed sadly and tucked a strand of her hair on her ear. "She hates me."
"No, don't think like that. Just... apologize then go on with the proposal, okay?"
"Are you sure she'll like this?"
"Positive. Jendeukie set it all up." Jisoo assured. "But if it doesn't work out, you know who to blame..." She joked trying to lighten up the mood only to do the opposite making Rosé frown. "I was kidding, babe. You know it'll work."
The pink-haired girl flashed a small smile before taking a deep breath in. She stared at the empty hallway and waited.
Jennie leaned against the wall outside a classroom where Lisa was currently in. When she heard the bell ring, she pushed herself off the wall and searched for her teammate. The Thai exited the classroom in deep conversation with Yeri, who looked over at her captain discretely. Jennie waved over the shorter girl and gave her a thumbs up. Yeri nodded and pulled Lisa in the other direction the taller girl was going.
"Yeri, where are we going? We have biology... and it's that way." Lisa pointed behind her.
"I found a shortcut." Yeri lied and faked a smile. "C'mon."
"Okay..." The taller girl said unsurely. She let Yeri lead the way. They walked through the hallway and continued their conversation from before. She kept talking while Yeri listened.
When they turned the corner, Lisa noticed a girl trip and drop a pile of flyers in her hand. Instinctually, the middle rushed over to help the girl out.
"Are you okay?" Lisa asked full of concern. She helped picked up the flyers and knitted her eyebrows as she read the content. The flyer only had one thing written on it: PROM?, printed in different colors and fonts.
"Yeah, I'm fine." A familiar voice replied. The Thai looked at the girl and gaped.
"Miyeon." Lisa uttered. She smiled softly at the sophomore. She handed the flyers back to the girl. "You asking someone to Prom?"
Miyeon shook her head and smirked. She pushed the flyers back to Lisa and walked away. The older girl looked at her in confusion.
"What the hell?" Lisa exasperated. She looked down at the pile of flyers scattered on her feet and quickly collected it not wanting it to be a mess. "Hey, Yeri can you help me with this?" When she heard no reply she craned her head and found the shorter girl nowhere to be seen. "Yeri?" She got up slowly, completely forgetting about the rest of the flyers.
The Thai ran her hand through her blonde hair and looked around the hallway, some students staring at her. She ignored them and continued to walk straight to the hall. She felt eyes following her and increased her pace.
Another girl 'fell' and a bunch of paper fell out of her hands. It was the same type of flyers. Lisa stopped her tracks and debated on helping the girl. She made a move towards the student but she saw another fall in the corner of her eye. She whipped her head and eyed the other student. And another. And another. It was endless. It was the same scenario. Trip. Fall. Flyers.
The other students staring and surrounding the volleyball player seemed unfazed by it. All of a sudden all of the bystanders moved in towards Lisa with their hands hidden in the back.
"What is going on...?" Lisa cowered as she took a step back. She felt like she stepped on something and looked down. The flyers were scattered all over the hallway floor underneath her feet. PROM? Over and over.
The students came closer and closer until Lisa was surrounded. She couldn't move. "Excuse me..." She squeaked trying to pass through but they wouldn't budge. The mob raised their hands in unison and stared at Lisa.
"Please." The athlete pleaded as she shrunk on the floor.
"NOW!" She heard someone yell at the end of the hallway. Everyone jumped up and threw the contents they held in their hands.
Lisa braced herself and put her arms above her head as she crouched on the floor. She shut her eyes and waited until the hype was over. She felt stuff drop onto her and opened one eye to peek. Red and white flower petals now spread out through the hallway. All the students had back away to the lockers.
The Thai opened her other eye and lifted her gaze from the floor to the end of the hallway. Her eyes widen when she saw her teammates holding up four letters. Jennie smiled widely with the P. Jisoo winked and shook the letter R. Yeri looked the other way trying to avoid Lisa's death stare with the O. And Miyeon scratched the back of her head as she whistled with the M.
"Need help?" She recognized that voice. She looked up and there the girl was. The girl she had fallen for over the past years. The same girl that caused her pain not too long ago.
Rosé extended her arm out for Lisa to take. She had the roses in her other hand.
Lisa reluctantly took Rosé's hand and pulled herself up. She glared at her. She was still mad at her teammate and didn't want to seem too faze about the whole situation.
Rosé noticed Lisa's front and breathed out.
"Lalisa Manoban... I'm sorry." She started. "I was a bitch to you a few days ago and I know you're still mad at me for that. But I didn't mean it... I was jealous and I kind off snapped."
Lisa clutched her books closer to her chest and listened.
"I hurt you and I'm so so so sorry." Rosé said with remorse. "Please forgive me. But I understand if you don't."
The smaller girl nodded timidly. Her lips curled up a little bit but it was enough to give Rosé the courage to keep going.
"Great... I um- Right. This mess." The girl gestured to the hallway. "I'm asking you to Prom!"
Everyone cheered wildly. Rosé shifted her and fixed on Lisa.
"Freshman year, I dropped my books on this hall on my way to English and you helped me out. It was one of those key events that I could never forget. This was the day I knew you were special to me."
She gave her the roses and chuckled lightly.
"From then on you and I became the best of friends. We bonded over volleyball, our tastes in music, English... and somewhere between that I fell in love with you."
She paused before proceeding.
"I don't know if I like girls but I do know that I like you. Lisa, I have feelings for you. I love you. And though I haven't been very vocal about it and for that I'm sorry but I hope that I at least showed you with every kiss."
Rosé walked backwards and stood next to Miyeon. The sophomore gave her a question mark and smiled. She held the question mark proudly as she continued.
"I know you hate labels. We don't have to be anything. But will you please do me the honors and go to prom with me?"
Lisa's smile grew. She dropped her books and held onto the roses as she ran to Rosé while the other girl made her way towards her. The student body whooped and clapped as they watched the two girls meet each other. The pair wrapped their arms around one another.
"KISS! KISS! KISS!" Jennie chanted loudly. She pumped her fist up and egged on the students. Of course the others followed.
Lisa pulled away and captured Rosé's lips with hers.
Jisoo nudged Jennie and leaned over to the girl's ear. "Maybe you and I should kiss too..." The brunette looked at Jisoo with an amused face.
"Try again in a week." Jennie snorted.
"M'kay." The dark-haired girl shrugged before pecking Jennie on the cheeks. "I can wait."
Jennie blushed and grabbed Jisoo's hand. She brought it up to her lips and kissed it tenderly. "Sorry babe. We ain't on that level yet." Jisoo chuckled at that statement. They altered their attention back to the two girls who were still making out.
Rosé was the one to pull away first. She rested her forehead against Lisa's as she tried to catch her breath.
"I love you, Lisa." She declared.
"I love you too, Rosie."
Both Kim families gathered around the two girls sitting by the piano. Jennie's parents invited Jisoo's family to join them for dinner to just hang out. It was a Friday night and Jiyong insisted that Jennie play them a song in the piano. Jennie, stubborn as always, refused to unless Jisoo sang.
That is why they are now both flipping through the pages of the songbook. The pair have been arguing about what to sing, neither one could agree on a song.
"Any day now..." Junghun grumbled.
"Well, if Jisoo just agree on my song choices we could have been done by now." Jennie huffed.
"This book is a century old." Jisoo countered. "I don't know any of this."
"They're classics." Jennie scoffed.
"Classics." The pale girl mocked. "What do you know about classics anyway?"
"Excuse you but I've been playing the piano since I was a ten."
"I've seen this piano sit here untouched for four years..."
"I never played it when you were around, duh."
"And why not?"
"Because you would have made fun of me."
"No I wouldn't have!"
"Yes you would!"
"Alright, alright. Girls, please." Dara spoke up, halting the never ending bickering of the two. "You two are worse than Seung-hyun and I."
Jisoo turned around to face the families and sighed. "We can't agree on a song." She informed.
"We kind off got that, Chu." Jiyoon said knowingly. She scrolled through her iPhone and stumbled upon a song that she knew was once Jisoo's favorite song. She remembered her older sister singing it to her to help her go to sleep. "Nini, do you know how to play 'Stay' by Blackpink?"
Jennie craned her head and knitted her eyebrows at Jiyoon. "Does it go like..." She started playing the tune in the piano. "whoops." She missed a key making Jisoo snicker. She side-eyed the girl and gave her the stink eye.
"That's it!" Jiyoon exclaimed. "Jisoo used to sing this to me."
"There's your song" Jiyong said cheerfully.
Jisoo swung her legs on the other side back to face the piano. She turned her head slightly to Jennie. "I'm ready when you are, babe."
The brown-eyed girl hit the keys rhythmically while Jisoo waited for the cue to go in. Jennie nodded after a few notes in.
"So easily, with harsh words
You put scars in my heart
Without even saying sorry
Again, I'm comforting myself
Always nervous if you're gonna leave me
I just want you to stay"
She glanced at Jisoo while her fingers moved fluidly. The dark haired beauty had eyes shut as she belted out the lyrics. Her heart skipped a beat at the image.
"In your expressionless face that's getting more and more dull
I whisper to the mirror, let's slowly let this go
You take me for granted but that's you
But still, stay stay stay with me"
The way Jisoo's voice rasped at certain words gave her goosebumps.
" This sad melody resembles you
It makes me cry eh eh "
She closed her eyes and just admired the vocals. She tapped her feet along with the beat and her head moving along with the tune.
"Your scent is a sweet felony
I hate you so much but i love you"
Jisoo peeked out her right eye and caught a glimpse of Jennie bobbing her head to the song. A small smile crept on her lips as she took delight of the sight.
" Before the dark night traps me in
Don't leave me
Do you still love me?
If you feel the same, don't leave today
Don't ask why it has to be you
Just stay with me
(It goes a little something like)
I don't expect a lot right now
Just stay with me"
Jennie held the note before ending the song. She batted her eyes open and was met with piercing brown orbs staring at her. She cleared her throat and rotated around to her family.
"That was great!" Chaerin clapped along with the others.
"Nini, maybe you and Chu can sing a duet together." Ella suggested with a grin.
The brunette felt an arm wrapped on her shoulder and turned to Jisoo. She brought her hand up and intertwined it the other's dangling one.
"What do you think?" She played with Jisoo's fingers and curling her mouth up.
"I think you and I would make a great duo." The brown-eyed girl hummed. She pulled the smaller girl closer to her and let Jennie rest her head in between the crook of her neck. She looked at her family who happily joked around with Jennie's. It was like one big family. She could get use to this.
Tetsuko was a blacksmith. Ever since she could remember, her life revolved around swords. And when she died, she became one.Update every Tuesday
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