《Smile For Me || Niall Horan》21: First Date


A smile is the best makeup a girl can wear.

As I find the end of the walkway I see lights. Twinkling lights. I look around and see a small table set up for a dinner and a small picnic basket on a blanket next to it. There was a candle in the center of the table and posts all around with sparkly lights hanging from each one. I gasp in shock at the amazing sight in front of me. 

"Surprised, princess?" I hear Niall say as his hand meets mine. I turn around with the biggest smile on my face. He twirls me closer into his arms. I bite my lip and look up at him smiling. "You look gorgeous." I take in his adorable tux. 

"You don't look so bad yourself." 

"Is our game still going?" he asks.

I shrug. "That depends. Are you about to lose?" 


"Then yes. It's still going," I respond with a smirk. He rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around my waist, kissing me on the lips. I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer. I was so happy to be able to kiss him again. It lasted about six long seconds before he pulled away to talk. 

"I lose," he says in a sad voice, but a smile was fixed on his face. 

"Just to let you know," I say with a grin. "I was about to give in too." I wink at him and peck his lips again. He smiles and rolls his eyes. 

"I couldn't wait any longer." 

"Then I guess you're my slave for a day. Starting tomorrow." 

"I'm fine with that. As long as I'm allowed to kiss you whenever I want for no apparent reason." 

"And I'm fine with that." 





I end up giggling and rolling my eyes. He takes my hand and pulls me to the table.


I nod. He takes food out of the picnic basket and places it in front of our seats. I smile. 

"This is really nice," I comment. He smiles back at me. 

"It's our one month anniversary, and I never got the chance to take you out on a proper date. Our only day off all tour long. I thought I would surprise you." 


"You definitely surprised me," I assure him as we start to eat. 

During dinner we talk about various things. We kept the conversation going. I told him about my shopping trip at the mall and he told me about how he set up the whole dinner date. He had some help, but it still meant the world to me. No one, not even Jake, had ever done anything so sweet and romantic for me before. 

When we finished dinner he took my hand and smiled at me.

"Wanna go for a walk?" he asks. I smile back. 


We walked down the beach holding hands. I missed Niall. Not being able to see him since this morning after spending all day with him every day on tour was painful. I didn't like being away from him. I wanted to spend every waking moment with Niall. If only he knew. 

I didn't notice I was staring at him until he looked down at me. 

"What are you thinking about?" he asks. 

"You," I admit sheepishly. He smiles and drapes his arm over my shoulder. He kisses my cheek. 

At the end of the night we leave everything where it is. Niall said he had a way to clean it all up later. We get into the car and drive to the hotel. 

"That....was the best date I've ever been on," I say to him as we entered our room. He smiled. 

"Anything for you babe." He kissed my lips for a short two seconds. I smiled and kissed him again. "What was that for?" he asks, pleasantly surprised. 

"Because I have the best boyfriend ever," I say, smiling at him. He chuckles. 

"I think I have the best girlfriend ever."

 I roll my eyes lightheartedly and go to change into pajamas. I brush my teeth and wash all the makeup off my skin before climbing into bed. Niall climbs in beside me and wraps his arm around my waist to pull me closer to him. "Goodnight princess," he says, shutting off the light so we were surrounded by darkness. 

"Goodnight," I whisper before falling asleep. 

"I told you that I didn't trust him," Austin says, glaring at something behind us. We were on a train. No one else was on the train with us except for Claire.


I wasn't myself. I mean, I could see myself. I could see myself, and Claire, and Austin all talking. But it was like I wasn't actually there. A ghost. 

The real-life-me was in tears, fiddling with her necklace. 

"Austin please," she whispered, staring down at her lap. Claire looked at her worriedly, tugging on her shirt sleeve. Instead of looking at Claire and telling her she was okay she just turned and faced the window, ignoring her. Claire started to let tears fall down her face.

"What are you doing!?" I shout at her. "Tell Claire you're okay! Stop crying in front of her! Be strong for her! You are strong! She needs you!" I yell at the real-life me. She can't hear me. None of them could. 

Her phone rang and Niall's number popped up on the screen. Austin saw and gave her a look. 

"Let it go," he said in a serious tone. She tore her pain-filled eyes away and stared out the window again. Next a text popped up on the screen. 

Nialler: ‘Lexi babe, I'm sorry. Please, I'm begging you. Just one more chance.’

Austin stared at her again.

"I'm not gonna answer him Austin! Calm the hell down!" she screamed at him, making Claire cry more. He looked at her angrily as she wrapped Claire in her arms, trying to calm her down. 

I stared with a look of horror. Did I just curse at my sister?

"Be careful what boys you trust," I hear someone say in a familiar voice. It wasn't Austin, real-life me, or Claire. But I knew who it was. 

"M-mom?" I stutter, turning around. She was smiling at me sadly. I ran up to hug her but the farther I ran the farther away she got. "Mom!" 

"Trust is a fragile thing, Alexis. It's like a piece of paper. Once it's crumpled it can't ever be perfect again. Be careful," she says, walking out the door of the moving train. 

"Mom! Come back!" I run after her and open the door. All that's behind us is train tracks. My mother was nowhere in sight. 

I opened my eyes and found that Niall's arms were still wrapped around me tightly. I shut my eyes to keep from crying. It doesn't work. I felt Niall stirring and turned around to see him awake, looking at me. 

"Do I still talk in my sleep?" I choke out. He nods and sits up in bed, pulling me close to him. He starts to stroke my hair. "How much did you hear me say?" 

"Well, you kept saying 'I trust him' and saying 'Mom! Mom come back!'" He looks at me questioningly. I take a deep breath. 

"In my dream....I was on a train. With my brother and sister. But I wasn't...me. I was like another person watching what was happening," I try to explain. He nods, understanding.

"And I was crying. And Austin was...angry. I didn't know exactly what happened. But then you called and texted and I ignored it and the text was...an apology. You were saying how sorry you were and....and my mom was there. She told me to be careful who I trust," I say, thinking over the dream as I tell it. 

He kisses my head. I wondered if he remembered the first night of the tour when I had basically the same dream. When I kept calling for the boys as Austin dragged me away, but they didn't do anything to stop him. Niall just kept apologizing. That was a while ago. I wonder if he still remembered...

"I told you before, Lex. I love you and I hate to see you cry." I wipe away my tears as he says this. "I hate it when you're in pain and I would never do anything to purposely cause that. That dream that you just had will never actually happen." 

"What if it's an accident?" I ask, barely audible. 

"That's why I try to be careful," he says in a gentle voice. I sigh and rest my head on his chest. 

"I know I can trust you," I say, my tears stopping at this point. "But I really really hope I'm right."


i hate school): I never have time to update anymore. I try my best though(: only cause i love you poptarts<33 Anyways do YOU think that lexi can trust niall?! O_o comment what you think will happen next cause remember i already know, but you dont ;) hehehe A Thousand Years just cause im in love with that song<33 love ya poptarts<3 byee

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