《Together we howl》Chapter 10
The past week had flown by and it had become a routine where the boys would come every morning for some breakfast, they would complete their tasks for the day and once they were done, we would hang out at the house or go to La push.
Sam and I had grown closer and became a lot more comfortable with each other, to the point that we were constantly flirting and I could honestly say, I hadn't laughed so much in many years. Ginny behaved the same with Paul, though they were both extremely flirtatious which caused a lot of sexual tension between them. Luna, on the other hand, seemed her usual self but there was always a longing in her eyes whenever we ventured off into Forks, we noticed her looking around and would end up disappointed. We knew she was looking for Edward, who she seemed to be somewhat infatuated with.
A few days after the situation in forks, I had done a lot of research and found out that in the magical community, soul mates were rarely found but wasn't impossible. Due to our animagus', it was a higher chance for us to find our mates and it seemed the three of us had found them. At first, I didn't know what to think but after a long conversation with Luna and Ginny, things started to make sense and it made our decision to reveal our secret all the more important.
One way or another, our home was either occupied by all four wolves or they would visit individually. We had noticed that all four of them would seem more attached to me, though Paul, being Ginny's mate would always be by her side. We aren't sure how things worked in their pack, but after a lot more research, we figured they were rather attached to me because I was the mate of their Alpha, making me the Alpha female, or Luna as some packs referred to the female leader. According to a passage I read on wolf packs, the Alpha Female is essentially the mother of the pack. She cares for each wolf in the pack and provides comfort in times of need, she has equal authority, though it's a little more difficult if the Alpha's mate is human because most packs look down on humans. Though I don't think that is the case in the Quileute pack.
"Does that mean Edward is your mate?" Ginny asked Luna with a frown, knowing he currently had Bella as a girlfriend.
"Yes, but I believe Bella swan is a singer" I raise a confused eyebrow.
"A singer?"
"It means her blood is most potent to him, he has mistaken that as a sign of her being his mate" She responded with a casual tone, though it concerned us because we could only imagine how painful it is to see your soul mate, with another woman.
"Don't worry, he will figure it out soon" She reassured us with a wide smile, I let out a sigh of relief before nodding my head, a smile appearing on my face. Suddenly, the sound of the floo network went off, making us dash into the living room which revealed a group of people piled onto the floor.
"Fuck, that hurt"
"George, get off me"
"Harry, get your foot out of my face"
"Boys, stop complaining and get up" Groans were heard from the group and we watched in amusement as they began to untangle themselves. The first to break free was Mr Weasley, who looked around the room before he noticed us by the doorway.
"I'm so sorry girls, we should have owled you first" He sighed as he removed the soot from his clothes. I let out a giggle and shook my head before rushing toward him, I instantly brought him into a hug.
"It's Good to see you, Papa and I told you, you're welcome any time" He placed a kiss on my head before we pulled away, and he greeted both Luna and Ginny in the same manner.
"I knew we should have gone individually" Harry groaned as he tried to pat his hair down, making me roll my eyes with a giggle.
"Harry, your hair won't go down, we all know this" I teased, to which he glared at me half-heartedly before grabbing me by the waist and pulling me into a tight embrace.
"I've missed you, big sister" He whispered. Tears filled my eyes and I tightened my hold on him slightly.
"I missed you too, Harry," I said before I pulled away, he instantly placed a kiss on my forehead before he was approached by Ginny and Luna. I turned towards the others, Fred and George were smiling down on me brightly whilst Charlie, Percy and Bill looked around the room curiously.
"Our little Spitfire," The twins said in unison as they opened their arms. I walked into them and wrapped my arms around them both, becoming sandwiched in between them.
"Did you miss us?"
"Of course she did Fred, it's hard to live without us" I rolled my eyes at the pair as I pulled away, though a watery laugh escaped my mouth.
"Yes, I missed you both terribly," I said as I wiped away a fallen tear. They looked down at me with soft smiles and placed a kiss on separate cheeks.
"Honey, I'm home" a loud voice was heard from the hall. Our heads snapped towards the entrance, my eyes widened before looking at Ginny and Luna nervously. In a few seconds, four large males stepped into the living room, they stopped abruptly when they saw another group of males standing beside us. Their bodies tensed and a look of concern and need to protect was in their eyes.
"Hello, boys. I'd like to introduce you to our family" I announced with a cheerful tone, I walked towards them and grabbed Sam's and Jacobs's hands pulling them further into the room, the others following close behind.
"Everyone, this is Jacob, Jared, Paul and Sam" I introduced as I looked up at Sam with an affectionate smile.
"Boys, I'd like to introduce you to my family from back homes. This is Arthur Weasley, he's Ginny's father and the person that treated me like I was his own" Arthur, being the kind man that he is, immediately approached the large men and shook their hands with a warm smile.
"Nice to meet you lads" The Quileute boys smiled and nodded in agreement.
"Next, we have Bill, the oldest out of the bunch" Bill seemed somewhat cautious but shook their hands nonetheless.
"Then we have Charlie" As I expected, he had a large smile and approached them with ease.
"Fucking hell, you boys are huge" He laughed, causing the pack to chuckle and they subconsciously puffed their chests out in pride, causing me and the girls to roll our eyes fondly.
"Then we have the twins, Fred and George. Beware, they are mischievous" I laughed with a playful wink at the twins, who were grinning brightly as they shook their hands.
"Nice to meet you-"
"We are Fred-"
"And George. Mischief makers-"
"And professional pranksters-"
"At your service" They bowed dramatically. I let out a loud laugh at the confused but amused expressions on the wolf's faces.
"Then we have Percy, the more mature one out of the bunch" I declared, making his brothers gasp dramatically and place a hand over their hearts. Percy shook their hands with a respectful nod.
"Lastly, we have Harry Potter. My best friend and younger brother since I was eleven years old" I said in a soft but nervous tone. Harry had always been more protective than all the others, especially when it came to other males. I watched as Harry walked toward them and somehow, the boys looked rather intimidated. I could only assume it's because of his bright Avada kadavra eyes.
"Nice to meet you" His tone was casual but the tone of protectiveness was apparent.
"It's amazing to meet the girl's family," Sam said with a kid and honest voice. They all began to converse with one another, what we didn't expect was for someone else to step out of the fireplace. My eyes widened in fear and my head snapped towards the four wolves, who were staring at the figure with wide eyes.
"What the fuck" Jared whispered
"Oh no," I mumbled under my breath and looked over at Ginny, whose face was pale and full of horror.
"Uh, hey guys"
"Mate, I didn't know you were visiting today" Harry greeted with his usual bro hug.
"I was bored at the office and thought, why not," He said before turning towards me, his eyebrows furrowed as he saw the horrified expression on my face.
"Mia? What's wrong?" He asked in concern as he approached me. I plastered on a smile and greeted him.
"Nothing Draco, it's nice to see you," I said as I hugged him and when we pulled away, he looked at the four strangers with a raised eyebrow.
"You made friends with bodybuilders?" He laughed, causing a smile to form on my face with a shake of my head. I look over at the boys, who remained in some sort of shocked daze. My smile fell from my face and I let out a sigh, running my hands through my hair.
"Do you all mind giving us a moment, Luna will give you a tour." Luna nodded her head instantly and gestured for everyone to follow, leaving Ginny and me with the four shocked wolves.
"We have some explaining to do," Ginny said sheepishly, which seemed to snap them out of their daze. I gestured for them to take a seat, which they did somewhat hesitantly whilst Ginny and I stood in front of them.
"H-He walked out of the fireplace" Jacob stuttered.
"Listen, what we are going to say will be shocking but I hope you understand that we didn't tell you sooner because we weren't sure how you'll react-"
"Whatever you do, don't interrupt us until we have finished. Got it?" Ginny demanded which made them nod slightly.
"Our stories are slightly different. We were brought up very differently until we turned eleven. You see, I'm a year older than Ginny and we met each other when I was twelve. When I was a child, my parents knew I was different from all the other children. As a child, I was constantly bullied because I enjoyed school, you would always find me reading a book or doing my homework. I wasn't interested in anything but my education. My parents soon found that my intelligence was beyond my age and they began to grow worried when the bullying increased. I would go home crying every day and when that happened, odd things would happen"
"Odd things?" Sam questions with a confused frown. I nodded my head with a sigh.
"We didn't know what was happening until someone knocked on my door on my eleventh birthday. The woman explained to me that all the things that happened when I was a child were something called, accidental magic. The woman was the deputy headmistress of a special school, she was there to deliver me a letter that invited me to said school, which is called Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Suddenly, everything made sense. All those crazy things that were happening whenever I was upset, were because I could do magic. I was a witch"
"Magic? Witch?" Jacob mumbled in disbelief, I nodded my head with a small smile.
"Minerva McGonagall, the woman who had appeared at my home on my eleventh birthday had returned a few weeks later to accompany my parents and me to a place where we could get my school things. It's called Diagon Alley, which is in Magical London. Muggles, who are people with no magic, have no idea about our world and they mustn't find out, it's extremely important"
"If muggles found out, they could hunt us down and it would turn into a war, ending hundreds of thousands of lives. Muggles fear what they don't understand, keeping the magical world a secret means that we are all safe" The boys nodded their heads in understanding as Ginny explained.
"Anyway, at the age of Eleven, every magical child receives their wand, which is only allowed to be used in school, or in life-threatening situations until you come of age. On September first, I followed the professor's instructions and went to a train station. There's a magical entrance which leads you onto platforms nine and three quarters, where the Hogwarts express waits to transport the students to the school. On the trip, I met my two best friends, Harry Potter and... Ronald Weasley" I spat his name with a tone of distaste, which didn't go unnoticed by the four wolves. Ginny instantly took my hand, rubbing her thumb against my skin to calm me down.
"In all honesty, I didn't give a good first impression which made the two dislike me. I was somewhat stuck up but that was because I was so eager to learn and I had spent the last few weeks of my summer studying everything I could about magic. You see because my parents are muggles, I'm labelled a muggle-born which is looked down upon by the majority of pure blood and Some half-bloods"
"Purebloods are people who come from a long line of witches and wizards, half-bloods are those who have one magical parent and the other is a muggle" Ginny stated as she noticed the boy's confusion, they nodded their heads in understanding before looking at me to continue.
"I finally found a place where I belonged, I finally didn't feel like a freak but unfortunately, even in the wizarding world, there were prejudices that many couldn't get over. I was bullied again, sometimes it was because I was a muggle-born but mostly it was because I was known as a bookworm. A goody-two-shoes or teacher's pet but all I wanted was to learn and be the best witch that I can be. All I wanted was to show people that despite being a muggle-born, I'm just as powerful as anyone else" I took a deep breath as I felt tears appear in my eyes.
"Sweetheart ?" Sam said with concern, he was sitting on the edge of the couch with his muscles tense. I sent him a small smile and wiped away a stray tear.
"I'm okay, Sammy" He nodded his head hesitantly whilst I took another deep breath.
"When you arrive at Hogwarts, you get sorted into a certain house that is based on your personality. If you're placed in Gryffindor, you would have demonstrated qualities like courage, bravery and determination. Then there's Hufflepuff, for the students who are the most trustworthy and hardworking. Ravenclaw, for those who demonstrated qualities of wisdom, wit and a skill for learning. Lastly, we have Slytherin, who has an unfortunate reputation and is known to have the darkest witches and wizards, although the other houses produce them too. Slytherin is known for the ambitious, shrewd and destined for greatness. I was placed in Gryffindor, and luckily for me, so were all the Weasleys and Harry"
"I still think you belonged in Ravenclaw" a voice was heard from the doorway, our heads snapped in that direction to reveal Harry, who was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Harry" I let out a sad sigh. He approached us immediately and took our hands.
"It's okay, my dear sisters. I'll help explain" Ginny and I nodded our heads with a grateful smile.
"I'm ashamed to say if it wasn't for me, Hermione would have had a normal school experience. Without any threat" Harry whispered the last part, his head lowered in guilt. I leaned my head on his shoulder and tightened my hold on his hand.
"At the age of one, my parents were murdered by a psychotic wizard who believed that our world should be rid of all muggle-borns. He murdered hundreds of people, including my parents but what he didn't expect, was for a simple one-year-old baby, to defeat him, even for a while. My parents sacrificed themselves to keep me safe, my mother stood in front of the psycho and begged for him to spare me, but there was a prophecy, it said 'The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."
"Who was this child?" Sam asked quietly. A sad smile formed on Harry's face.
"I was that child. I defeated him and ended any more suffering, for ten years at least. I was sent to my mother's sister, who was a muggle and who was extremely jealous of my mother's magic, she treated me as a freak and I was abused until I received my letter on my eleventh birthday. A half-giant called Hagrid had tracked us down because my aunt and uncle refused to allow me to go, they were scared and thought if we left and went into hiding, I couldn't be found. Of course, they were wrong"
"I'm sorry that happened to you, no one deserves that" Paul announced, though his eyes showed he knew exactly how it felt. Harry nodded his head with a smile.
"I had no clue I was a wizard until Hagrid found me. I was sent to the muggle world because I was famous, everyone knew my name and I didn't know why, until I went to Diagon Alley. Anyway, when I started my first year, I did not know any magic and I was extremely nervous because everyone had such high hopes and yet, I was not what they expected. One day, during our school year, Ron had said something horrible about Hermione and what we didn't know, was that she heard. It was Halloween and Hermione wasn't at the feast, I was concerned when my Godbrother, Neville, informed us that Hermione was in the girl's bathroom, crying"
"Wish I wasn't" I mumbled and Both Harry and Ginny looked at me with a sympathetic smile.
"One of our professors stormed into the hall, shouting about there being a troll that had broken into the school and was apparently in the dungeons. Of course, everyone freaked out but the headmaster demanded we all go to our dormitories. As we left, I remembered that Hermione wasn't with us and that she hadn't known about the troll, Ron and I immediately left to find her but what we didn't expect, was for the troll to make its way into a particular bathroom"
"Oh no," Jared gasped.
"We heard her scream, it echoed through the halls and without a second thought, we ran into the bathroom where we found Hermione, hiding underneath the sink whilst the Troll tried to attack her. In the end, we knocked it out with its weapon and that's when our friendship started" he smiled down at me with a huge grin, making me giggle.
"What we didn't know at the time, was that it was a distraction. There was something hidden in the school and us being the stupid and brave Gryffindors that we are, went looking for it. It turned out, that one of our professors was possessed by the psychotic wizard, who hadn't fully died but had lost his body. Voldemort was what he called himself, and he was seeking this object. It was a stone that could make someone immortal. We went through many tasks, Ronald had been injured and I decided to stay with him whilst Harry went forward to retrieve the stone. He managed the defeat Voldemort once again and prevented him from returning fully"
"Why do I feel that things are only going to get worse?" Jacob groaned.
"They will"
- In Serial56 Chapters
Tome of the Mind
SPOILER WARNING: This is a sequel to Tome of the Body. If you have not read it, please do before reading this story, otherwise, a lot of things will not make sense. It can be found here. ~SYNOPSIS~ Every great story needs an author. Samuel Bragg, now the chosen champion of Arcana, has returned to the world of Ahya after one hundred years of being presumed dead. He awakes in his old home village, tended to by his last living friend, now an old woman. He spends some time enjoying the peace he finds but finds that his time away from the world has weakened him. Struggling with his new purpose in life and the returned boredom of village life, Samuel sets out on a nostalgic trip back to the capital city of Milagre. He is surprised to see that much of the world remains unchanged in the past hundred years, with a few exceptions. Accepted back at the Mage’s College with high honors, Samuel is offered the chance to teach his own class and educate future mages, but declines, deciding he needs more experience. Desperate to learn more about the mysteries of magic, he takes an apprentice and travels to the distant land of Zaban, where it is rumored that mages skilled in unique magic live. He is given a new title and permission to travel from the Royal Family of Gorteau and sets out for the natural nation of Zaban. On his journey, he learns new skills and discovers his talent for teaching. Powered by Arcana and guided by his influence, Samuel returns to the capital city Milagre, to find those small parts of his life that were lost. He encounters his old friends Shigeru and Grimr, each now well-known for their services to the world. But upon connecting with the world as he knows it, he also learns of a terrible war brewing beneath the surface, filling everyone with unease. With a god behind him and a new ally at his side, Samuel steps once more into the unknown. Can he continue to grow as a mage and find triumph again? Read Tome of the Mind, the second book in the Tomes of Ahya series, to witness the truly thrilling tale of a growing legend and the challenges he will face. This story is also available on Scribblehub.
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Val Verde: Legend of the Supreme Leader
My name is Johnny Rico, and I was born to an island that has rarely seen good times. Between the machinations of Hydra, the greed of Cobra, and the do well intervention of the Justice League, or the Avengers. Val Verde has suffered. I have obtained the coveted title of the Supreme Leader. All of Val Verde is mine to command. Yet I have also inherited every problem that the previous Supreme Leader had neglected. It is as they say, there is no foundation quite like rock bottom.
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Shatter the Heavens; Slaughter the Gods
Arminius of the ancient era stood over mankind with the ability to perform magic. His ability allowed him to triumph over mortal armies and carve a domain for himself. Then, the martialists attacked. Their individual strength was lower than that of magicians, but the sheer number of them made them an unstoppable force. In the wake of tens of thousands of martialists and hundreds of thousands of mortal warriors, one lone magician was unable to stand against the tide. But, the powers of a magician allowed Arminius to escape the cycle of reincarnation, landing him an eon into the future. In the new age, magicians are entirely extinct, and the martialists from the old era have perfected their martial way, allowing them to attain godly powers that far surpass what Arminius was ever capable of. So, what else should Arminius do except learn their method and use it against them?! Reincarnated as Andric, he seeks to gain the powers of the martialists and reclaim his position at the throne of the world! A fossil of a bygone age where magic was rampant and he ruled with an iron fist, Arminius is reborn into a world in which magic is fading. The non-magical revolution successful and his rule long over, he must master the new ways of martial arts to rule anew.
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Break Neck Alley
We are who we choose to be. Regardless of circumstances. Break Neck Ally is a story about friendship, love and kindness... except its not. Azizi, our protagonist, will go through hell as he searches for himself. Find out more in this sick story. Also, those who read my other fiction, One Step At A Time, will be quite familiar with some of the world building in Break Neck Alley. They are both set in a sci fi universe where mankind somehow managed to create an entire continent! Note: This is a work of fiction and all of its characters, places, scenes and themes are completely imaginary.
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S.E.X.T.I.N.G. (Jyler)
A sex website account created by mistake can lead an innocent girl to heaven.
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There's A Boy in my Bed (BoyxBoy)
"We can't do this." I whisper as our lips re-connect, a tingling fire surging through my body as his hands ravage unexplored lands; my innocence dissipating away with every peck he trails down my neck."I know we can't. That's why it's so exciting." He replies through kisses. His effortless charm intoxicates me; drowning me; hunting me; devouring me."What if my brother finds out?" The perpetuated patter of the rain unable to subdue my groan as he digs his nails deeper into my skin."Who cares."**********Welcome to my story, where an innocent boy finds a not so innocent boy in his bed; where they do not so innocent things.- YOP
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