《My Punk Lover (Yamaguchi x reader)》Chapter 3: Black cat [Y/N]


Yamaguchi is pretty again today, his green hair flows with the wind so perfectly. He is so aerodynamic. I am yet again in love.

Yamaguchi is doodling intently on his paper, his eyes sparkle amazingly.

Totally worth going to school.

I could stare at him for eons. Love is so weird, man.

"Omg is she staring Yamaguchi, could it be she is thinking of making him his errand boy. is she going to bully ?" said the girls gossiping at the corner of the classroom.

Sigh, they just had to judge me, didn't they?

I push my chair and start walking towards the school garden. Sometimes the classroom gets suffocating. The noise gets too loud, I feel like my personal space is getting merged with other people. I feel exposed in school, in front of all these people. I need to calm my nerves where there are no people. I would usually go to the school toilet and sit in the cubicle for some time, it's really peaceful but...


Tiny midnight paws prowled out of the shadows. Ms. Blackcat comes out. She raised her tiny nose to the sun and sniffed the fresh air. I chuckled at her and sat near the bench. The school doesn't know but there is a black cat the resides here. I always go here to talk with her. Okay, I'm not weird but at least animals don't judge me.

I scratch her ears and she lies on my lap. Well, my life ain't too bad if I get to see this cat and Yamaguchi every day. The garden has such a beautiful view and the gentle wind blowing keeps the entire scenery alive.

This does bring a smile to me. Aren't I right Ms. Midnights?

author's note:

7 Nov 2020

thanks for reading :))

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