《Flower Crown》16


Jack looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were droopy and cold, no sign of life or happiness in them. It was sucked out when Mark confessed to cheating.

That motherfucker. I don't ever want to see or talk to him again Jack thought sourly, his face turning into a pit ot disgust. He was so angry and heartbroken to the point where he couldn't possibly forgive Mark, not even the slightest. And I thought he loved me.

He worked up enough courage to come out of the bathroom and was greeted by a slumped and tired punk. Jack groaned and kicked him gently in the side.

Mark grunted and looked up, squinting at Jack. "I'm so--"

"Shut your fucking mouth cheater," Jack spat, stepping over Mark and walking towards his bed. He pulled out a suitcase from underneath, and began to pack some of his clothes.

"Where are you--"

"I said shut your fucking mouth Fischbach," Jack growled, slamming clothes and what-nots into the bag. Of course, he couldn't pack everything, but it was enough for him to go talk to the Dean and get him set with a new room; even if that meant paying a two hundred dollar fee.

Mark stood up and tried to hug Jack, but the pastel wasn't having it. He shoved him off, and stared at him anrgily.

"Don't fucking touch me! You're so disgusting and a total asshole." Jack zipped up his suitcase and drug it to the door. Mark stood there solemnly, his heart breaking into even more little pieces.

He walked back towards his dresser, and pulled on a pink sweatshirt and some black pants. A slip on of his shoes and one more bitter look towards Mark, and he was gone.

The room was silent. Too silent for Mark. He sighed heavily, and yelled in frustration. He kicked a small trash can over and punched his desk. Mark hissed in pain, but it wasn't anything compared to what he was feeling in his heart. Of course, he knew he did wrong, and he knew he was guilty for the crime he commited.


Mark slept in Jack's bed that night.

-Time Skip-

Jack trudged to his new room, finally able to call it his after hours of paperwork and money transferring. What angered the teen the most was that he had classes in twenty minutes, and he looked like absolute trash.

Jack's new room was a floor above Mark's, and he was thankful he didn't have to see the punk for much longer. Just a quick move and you'll be out of his hair Jack thought to himself. He stuck the key into his room's door, and turned it. The door opened up to a room much similar to the one he was just living in, minus the fact that he was roommate less, and he didn't have to worry about starting over with a new person.

He sighed happily, and collapsed onto his bed, thankful that there was something much more comfortable than the plastic chairs in the Dean's office. He didn't have time to rest though, only time to fix up his hair, wash his face from tears, and grab a quick bite to eat at the small barista in the school's cafeteria.

The pastel rushed to class, and made it with a minute to spare. He walked up all the way towards the back, and threw himself into an empty chair. The lecture was already starting, but Jack didn't really need to worry since he had already copied down some of the notes from last time.

Jack felt his phone vibrate, and he quick snuck it into his lap. His heart dropped into a pit when he read who it was from.

Mark: Jack, please. You're being irrational. Just let me explain over coffee.

Jack: No.

Mark: Please

Jack groaned and set his phone down, paying more attention towards the front than the fifty texts he was getting from Mark. He was the one that cheated on me, I have no reason to have contact with him, ever.


Mark: Image Attached You left this here...

Mark: Image Attached And this

Mark: Image Attached And this

Mark: I can drop it all by your dorm today

Jack gave up on focusing, and checked the messages. He saw Mark had sent him a picture of his beloved stuffed fox, his clothes and bedding folded neatly, and a picture of himself. Jack's heart melted at the sight of the punk, and he almost wished he hadn't left.

Jack: I don't want you knowing where I live now

Mark: Image Attached Too late. Dean gave me a key. Making my way over there

Jack rolled his eyes, and typed back.

Jack: I'm in class so don't be broken hearted if I'm not there.

Mark: How can I be broken hearted when I already am?

Jack: ...

He decided the conversation was done there, and put his phone away. Although he wanted to concentrate pn the teacher, his mind couldn't stop thinking about Mark, and all of the things they did together

Fuck, it's going to be hard to get over him.


Short chapter. I was thinking about making this the last one but,, ehhh I decided against it.



:,))) Tygsm for providing your input, votes, and views. It means a heccin' lot to me, and idk if this book would be anywhere without you guys.


Imma do a Q n A :D

You can ask me, Mark or Jack questions (or Tyler, Nicole and Ethan,,)

Jack - (ask away here)

Mark - (ask away here)

Me - (ask away here)

Tyler - (ask away here)

Nicole - (ask away here)

Ethan - (ask away here)

And ik the last three aren't really main characters, but they werw still apart of this book.

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