《Flower Crown》15


Mark stuck his hands in his pockets to protect them from the blistering winds. Of course, walking through a storm to talk to your ex can do that. He didn't know why he was doing this, or what the point of it was. Maybe it was because people thought he was fucking a girl the other night, and that made him upset. Or the fact that he was still sad and missing her.

Mark made it into the building, and snuck his way around. He wasn't technically supposed to be here along with fifty other men, but nobody really followed the rules.

His eyes landed on the door down at the end of the hallway on floor three. His heart hurt from the vivid memories that sparked from just seeing the dull, brown color of the door. Mark slowly made his way towards the room, and he hesitantly knocked on the door.

After a few seconds and a click of the lock, there stood the familiar face of Nicole. She was a beautiful sight to Mark, one that almost made him cry. Her dark brown hair fell to her shoulders, and those sharp green eyes could kill. She had full lips and breasts the size of bowling balls.

"Mark? What are you--" She looked down the hallway and grabbed his shirt roughly, pulling him into her room. "What are you doing here? You know you or I could get in trouble if anyone saw you."

"Nicole, I've been here numerous amounts of times, and not once has anyone caught me," Mark rolled his eyes. "And as for me being here... I-I missed you."

Nicole raised a brow, and folded her arms. "You... miss me?" She laughed and sat on her bed. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Tell me you're kidding, please."


Mark just looked at her with a blank stare. He completely forgot about Jack, his attention now focused on the beautiful brunette in front of him. Those icy blue eyes Mark so much loved, were replaced by the forest green ones that tore a hole in his heart.

"I'm not kidding Nicole... Look, what I did was..." He bit his lip and looked away, trying not to recall the mishaps from months ago.

"Childish? Immature? There's about a hundred words to describe what you did that day," Nicole seethed, her fingers grasping at the sheets angrily. "I'm still mad at you for it."

"I know... and I'm sorry. I-I-I was drunk and-and hurting and--"

"Mark, what are you here for?" Nicole interrupted. Her voice was like fire, burning and scarring Mark's heart. He missed hearing her voice and her sweet sounds of passion when they had sex.

"I want you Nicole." He made his way towards her, and hovered over her fragile body. "I want to feel you around me when I pound your insides with my cock. I want to hear you scream my name from pleasure, like it was way back then."

"Mark I..." Nicole gasped out, feeling her neck being attacked by Mark's lips. "This isn't right..."

"Then why does it feel that way?" Mark growled out, running a hand under her shirt and feeling her up. The only downside of being in a gay relationship was not being able to touch boobs, and Mark loved to touch boobs.

"I-I don't know... Can we just... do it again one time?" Nicole whined, thrusting her hip upwards to feel Mark's hard member against her throbbing core.

"Only if you'll let me~"

Mark didn't know what he was doing. It's like his mind was reverted back to his old ways of rejecting anybody who was gay and picking on anyone who was. Of course, Mark didn't really care at the moment, he just wanted to have angry sex and be over with it.


Sad how he used people for pleasure.

-Time Skip-

Mark shut the door quietly as to not wake the sleeping boy. He felt better in a way, but now knew he had to live with the guilt of cheating on his pastel boy. His heart ached, and he loathed to go back to that moment when he was standing outside of her door, and to just walk away.

But he couldn't, because time travel wasn't possible, and that meant he had to live in shame.

"Mmm... Mark?" a raspy voice called. The punk looked up at Jack, and smiled softly.

"Hey Jack," he replied back, slipping off his clothes and sitting on the bed. The pastel sat up, and wrapped his arms around Mark's torso tightly. "I guess you missed me," Mark laughed quietly, running a hand through Jack's hair.

"I did and--" Jack stopped and pulled away from Mark, his once smiling face now turned into a frown. "Where were you?" he asked coldly. Mark grit his teeth together and his heart began to race.

"I went down to the beach," he lied, covering up any signs of nervousness. Jack didn't buy it though, and scooted away from Mark.

"Who's scent are you wearing?"

"What do you mean?" Mark asked, sniffing at his shoulder. He gasped softly as the fragrance of peaches filled his nose. "Jack, I can explain."

"No! I-I-I d...do-on't want your explaination!" Jack cried throwing a fist at Mark and hitting him in the shoulder. "You cheated on me! You fucking cheated on me!"

"I didn't mean to!" Mark lied again, blocking himself from the weak punches Jack was throwing.

"What do you fucking mean?! Y-you can't just 'accidentally' cheat! Th-that's not how that works!!!" Jack shoved Mark into the bed, and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door loudly.

"Jack!" Mark yelled, getting up and knocking on the door. "Come out of there please! Just let me explain!"

"No you dick head! I fucking hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU!!!" Mark winced at those words, and slumped to the ground. Although tears weren't coming out of his eyes, he was crying mentally.

Mark was a fuck up. He knew it. He also knew he just lost the love of his life.

Yes, Mark loved Jack, but not enough to the point where he went and cheated on him.


How does one recover from this? Uhh let me think for a second.

You can't :D

Told ya you guys were gonna hate me

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