《Flower Crown》12


OOF number 1 in septiplierfanfiction? :,) thank you guys, it means alot to me


Jack awoke to the sound of his phone ringing, and his ass burning. Not literally burning, but that's what it felt like to the poor virginity-taken boy.

He groaned and stretched to reach his phone, noticing a strong pair of arms were wrapped tightly around his waist.

"Will you just," Jack struggled, his fingers barely touching the phone. "Fucking shut up already." The phome tipped, and fell to the ground, farther away than when it was on the desk. "Oh come on!" he hissed quietly.

The body next to him stirred awake, and a warm pair of lips pressed against the back of Jack's neck.

"How are you feeling?" a raspy and groggy voice said. Jack sat up and looked down at Mark, wincing at the pain in his rear. The punk chuckled, and rubbed Jack's back soothingly. "Maybe I should go a little lighter the next time, hm?"

"Most definitely," Jack giggled. He stumbled out of bed and grabbed his phone from the ground, turning off the alarm before jumping back into bed and nuzzling himself back into Mark. "I just wanna stay here, with you, all day long."

"You have class today Jack," Mark sighed, kissing the top of his boyfriend's head.

"Pft whatever. I'll just have Tony send me a copy of the lecture. Skipping one day can't be that bad, can it?" Jack traced the punk's tattoos, and landed on one on his arm.

"That's a daisy. One of my favorite flowers," Mark said quietly, looking down at his arm and examining the ink. "It reminds me of my soft side, which people rarely get to see."

"Well, I think you should show it more. People will love it, especially me..." Jack closed his eyes and began to doze off again. "Let's go get me a tattoo today..."


"What?" Mark asked quietly, narrowing his eyes at Jack. He pressed a hand to the boy's forehead. "Are you feeling alright Jack?"

The pastel laughed quietly, and kissed Mark's collar bone. "I'm fine Mark. I've always wanted a tattoo anyways... maybe of like... a purple rose." Jack looked up to see Mark was stunned. They sat up together, and Jack shifted to where he was stradling Mark.

"A purple rose? Like... the flower that reminds you of me?" Mark asked. Jack nodded his head, and ran a hand down his chest. "What if we break things off though? Wouldn't you be pained by a purple rose on your body?"

"Either way Mark," Jack started. "A purple rose is just a beautiful flower. It either does or doesn't remind me of you." Mark looked over at the desk as Jack left a trail of kisses down his neck. He thought about Jack marking his body with something that symbolizes the punk, and how stupid Jack would be to do so

"That's stupid Jack," Mark said honestly, pushing the boy away slightly. Jack looked at him, uncertainty and confusion filling his eyes.

"Wh-what do you mean?" The stutter was back, which was an indication that Jack was beginning to get nervous and scared. "It's stupid that I want to mark my body with something beautiful? At least it's not your name!"

Jack climbed off of Mark, his face twisting in pain. He limped over towards the bathroom, and shut himself inside. Mark sighed, and threw himself back into the bed. He's being ridiculous Mark thought. I'm just trying to protect him from a very bad idea.

The shower turned on, and Jack stripped himself of his boxers. He climbed into the tub, the hot water feeling extraordinary on his aching body. What Mark had done to him last night made the boy feel like he was going to fall apart, and honestly, if the pleasure lived up to the pain, he could see himself havinfg sex every night.


Mark got up and walked over to the bathroom, his knuckles raping against the wood. "Can I join?" Mark asked, leaning his head on the door.

Jack thought for a second, until stating a simple 'yes'. Mark opened the door, and got undressed as well. He made his way into the shower, and looked down into Jack's beautiful eyes.

"I'm sorry Jack... I just... don't want you putting something on your body that symbolizes me... I'd feel absolutely guilty if we ever broke up, and you'd have a permanent reminder of me."

Jack didn't say anything. He turned around and let the water run down his neck. A pair of strong arms wrapping around his waist made Jack sigh, and his leaned his head back into the figure.

"I... guess I understand where you're coming from Mark... but, I still want a tattoo." The punk smiled, and kissed Jack's head.

"Then I guess we'll have to go and get you one."


sCREE we can see Mark still has his homophobic/stubborn side and maybe that will get-

I've said too much >:) Next update to hopefully come sooner than this one

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