《Flower Crown》11 - NSFW


welp, you guys asked for it


"Just fuck me already," Jack whined, lifting his waist and rubbing against Mark's member. The older moaned, almost collapsing at the wonderful sensation that just passed through his body.

"Are you sure Jack? It's late and you have classes in the morning... I don't want to—"

"Mark, you can either make the both of us feel amazing, or you can go sleep in your own bed with a problem," Jack cut off, narrowing his eyes at the punk. Mark smirked, and pressed down onto Jack.

He rolled his hips against Jack's, and groaned quietly. Jack thrusted upwards, wanting to feel more of Mark than what he was getting. His hands gripped at the punk's biceps, and his nails dug in.

"Can..." Jack panted out, stretching his neck upwards to kiss Mark. "Can we just get to the fun part?" Mark leaned in and hummed in response, letting Jack's head rest back into the pillow.

They pulled away from each other, and Mark stood on his knees, towering over the smaller boy. His thumb traced the inside of his waistband, pulling it down slightly and stretching it out. Jack licked his lips at the show, and put his hands behind his head.

"Now, I have to warn you," Mark started, grabbing at his throbbing cock and moaning softly. "People say I'm big, but I'm sure you can handle it."

Jack gulped in slight fear, his body already starting to compulsively shake at the thought of Mark pushing into him with what he thought was big.

"H-how big?" Jack asked, his nervous stutter coming back.

Mark bit his bottom lip, and pulled his underwear down more until they were to his knees. Jack stared wide eyed, and wondered how people could stand the feeling of Mark being inside of them. "O-oh.... th-that bi-ig," Jack squeaked, seeing Mark grin.

"Too big?" he asked, already starting to pull his boxers back up to tease the boy. Jack shook his head 'no', and looked up in Mark's eyes. "I knew you would be able to handle it."

"Wait!" Jack squaked, grabbing Mark's wrists to stop him. Mark look up, a confused look on his face. Jack grew red, and muttered something incoherent.

"What was that?" Mark asked, leaning in a bit more to hear clearly. Jack bit his lip, and looked away.

"Wh-what if yo-ou d-don't l-like how I l-look do-own there?" Jack stuttered. Mark noticed this was a pattern. Whenever his boy would get nervous or embarrassed, he would stutter a significant amount. Mark didn't mind this of course, but it would've drove him crazy if he was still in his mental state he had a month ago.

"Guess what Jack? I could give two fucks about how you look. You're beautiful to me, always. And I bet a million dollars you're gonna be heaven compared to anyone else I've fucked." Mark kissed the smaller boy's forehead, reassuring him it was going to be okay.

"Um... I...." Jack started. Mark hummed, standing up and digging through a drawer before he pulled out a condom and some lube. "I.... I-I'm a virgin..."

Mark looked back, shock filling his eyes. "Really? For someone as attractive as you, I'm surprised," Mark flirted, coming back over and opening the condom. Jack flashed red with embarrassment and a smile formed on his lips. "Well, I guess I better make this the best experience I possibly can."


"I-I mean I've given handjobs and blows, but... not... sex sex," Jack replied, shifting slightly to where he was more under Mark.

"Any kinks I should know about?" Mark asked, looking up with a devious look in his eyes. Jack smiled, and shook his head 'no'.

"I haven't had enough experience to know... do... do you?"


Mark put the silicone protection over his member, and put his hands back on Jack's boxers. He looked up, his eyes asking for permission, and Jack's replying back. Mark pulled down slowly, until the cloth was stripped off of the boy.

Jack hid his face in his hands, nervous and scared Mark was going to criticize him. But, to Jack's surprise, nothing came. Only a hum of appreciation from Mark.

"Well, definitely bigger than any other guys' I've ever seen," the punk chuckled, making Jack uncover his face slightly. "I dunno why you're so insecure. You have a beautiful body with an even more beautiful personality Jack."

"Th-thanks," Jack muttered, feeling a little better. Mark opened the bottle of lube, and put a generous amount on his member.

"Are you positive you want to do this Jack? I don't want you to think we have to do this just because you don't want to upset me. A-and you can say stop at any point, and we'll stop or slow down. I just want to make you feel good and happy, not taken advantage of and scared."

Jack smiled softly, and reached up to cup Mark's cheek with his hand. "I'm positive Mark. This is how I wanted things to go anyways. I wanted my first time to be with someone who's already had experience, and knows what their doing." Mark clenched his jaws together, and put his hands on Jack's hips.

"O-okay..." He lifted Jack's legs to where they were over his shoulder, and positioned himself. "If you need me to stop, just say it. Or if I need to go slower..." Jack nodded his head, eager to feel what he hoped would be pleasure. But it wasn't. Mark pushed in slowly, and Jack hissed in pain.

"I-it hurts..." Jack whispered out, and Mark stopped to let the boy adjust. Jack was already panting, his chest heaving up and down quickly. "Y-you ca-an continue..."

Mark moved again, and Jack clenched his eyes shut. A tear threatened to escape his eyes, and it eventually did. The pain was nothing he had felt before. Jack knew it was going to hurt, but not as bad as it actually was.

Mark cupped Jack's cheek and soothingly ran his thumb across it. "We can stop if you want," Mark muttered, leaning down and kissing the boy's stomach. Jack shook his head, and told Mark to move again.

He had pushed in all of the way finally, grunting at how tight Jack was. "I guess I should've prepped you," Mark said mostly to himself, his grip on Jack's waist loosening up a little. "Just tell me when you want to go again."

Jack covered his face with a pillow and muffled a groan. He knew he was going to be extremely sore going to class in a few hours, and pondered if he should even go. Mark had told him to relax, and that it would feel better if he did. Jack did, and surprisingly, Mark was right. Although the pain was still there, it wasn't as bad anymore.


Jack took the pillow off of his sweaty face, and looked up at Mark. "K-keep going..." he panted out, his hands reaching up and intertwining with Mark's hair.

Mark started to move in and out slowly, Jack loosening up around him. He smiled softly as Jack's groans of pain, soon turned to moans of pleasure. His hips rolled whilst inside of Jack, making sure he wasn't going too fast.

"Faster~" Jack pleaded, his grip on Mark's hair tightening. Mark listened to Jack, and thrusted in and out of him at a faster pace. Jack's body shook at the ultimate pleasure he was feeling. Why hadn't I ever done this before? Jack thought. It feels amazing!

Their hips made quiet slapping sounds as Mark picked up speed. The bed creaked and groaned under them, lightly tapping against the wall. Jack knew their neighbors would surely be pissed when they realized people were having loud sex in the other dorm.

Having intercourse in the dorms was prohibited, but almost everyone broke the rules. It was number five on the protocol, along with no fighting, smoking, drinking and doing drugs. Mark never understood why, intercourse was a natural thing for humans to do, and he was sure the Dean did it too.

"Ohhhh.... fuck~" Mark moaned out. He leaned down and kissed Jack roughly, their lips making hardly any noise compared to what else they were doing. "Ah~"

Jack could feel his neck and chest being hickied up, and honestly, he could care less. All he wanted was to feel the outstanding amount of pleasure Mark was giving him.

"Mph~ M-Mark..." Jack threw his head back, his eyes rolling to the back. He could feel himself close to cumming, even though they hadn't been going for five minutes. Jack realized he was an easy cummer.

"Hah~ Hah~ haaAAAH NGH~" Mark groaned, collapsing onto Jack's chest and resting his head under the boy's neck. His hips continued to do the work, every thrust going faster and faster.

Jack clawed at the punk's back, surely getting skin under his nails. He had thought he was digging in deep enough to rip Mark's entired tattoo off, but that was silly. Maybe deep enough to cause blood, but definitely not that deep.

Speaking of deep, Mark was approximately six point seven inches inside of Jack, and a pit rose in his stomach. Mark knew that feeling all too well, and he lifted himself off of Jack.

"I-I'm gonna cum soon," Mark warned, arching his back and holding onto Jack's hips tighter.

"M-me too," Jack agreed. His body was glistening with sweat and so was Mark's. Their mouths created sweet sounds of love and lust. The room smelled of sex, whatever that smell was.

"OHHHH FFFUCK MARK!!!~" Jack cried out, his member shooting white liquid onto the older's stomach. Jack once again reached for the pillow, and covered his face to muffle the moans of pleasure.

Mark reached down and pumped Jack to help him come down from his orgasm. Mark bit his lip hard, and soon came, the condom filling with his sweet semen.

Mark rode the rest of his climax out, and shortly afterwards pulled out of Jack. He feel onto the spot next to Jack, breathing heavily and sweating like a bull.

"That..." Jack panted out, turning his head to look at Mark. "Was the best feeling ever..." Mark smiled, and kissed the boy's cheek.

"So... I'm assuming I did good to make your first time memorable?" Mark asked, getting back up and sliding the rubber off before chucking it into the trash.

"Oh fuck yes," Jack replied, reaching down and grabbing his boxers. He slipped them on and squinted his eyes as the bathroom lights turned on. "Why are you in there?"

"Because someone came all over me," Mark said cheekily, dampening a rag and cleaning himself off. "Did you get some on yourself too?"

Jack looked down and shook his head. He realized Mark couldn't hear silent actions, so he muttered a 'nope'. Mark threw the rag to the side and turned the light off in the bathroom before coming back over to Jack.

He grabbed his underwear and slipped them on. Mark was about to crawl back in when he looked at Jack's phone.

"Wait," he said to himself. He grabbed the pastels phone and smiled at the wallpaper. It was of him wearing the purple flower crown Jack had made for him, and he remembered taking the picture.

"Smile Mark!" Jack laughed, holding out his phone with the camera app open.

"But smiling takes effort," Mark whined, rolling his eyes and looking away. Jack sighed, and looked up at Mark with puppy dog eyesz

"Pleaaaaseeee! It's only fair since I'm your wallpaper! I wanna make you mine!"

Mark blushed. "Okay, that was kinda cute." He turned towards the camera and smiled, making a heart with his hands. Jack took the picture, and immediately set it as his wallpaper.

"There, now was that so hard?"

Mark swiped up and set an alarm for Jack to wake up in a few hours. When he turned back, Jack was already passed out. Mark smiled, and crawled in next to the boy, careful not to disturb his sleep.

"Goodnight Jackaroonie," Mark cooed, kissing the boy's temple.

"Goodnight Markimoo," Jack mumbled back, turning and digging his neck into Mark's chest. "Oh... and I'd love to do that again sometime."

Mark smirked, and wrapped his arms around the boy's waist. Oh don't worry Jack, you will.


yeeeyyy I did it! Not my first time writing smut, but actually it's my first time writing smut where one of the characters was a virgin :0

did I do good? I tried my best to get as much detail as possible without it getting really intense lol. And of course, the longest chapter I've ever written in the story was a smut ome xD

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