《Flower Crown》4


before this chapter starts, let's just talk about the last chapter. I obviously edited it but for some reason, Wattpad didn't save it, so I published the UNEDITED version by accident :,) I'm going to double check this one before I post it lol


Mark ran a comb through his hair, a confident smile on his face. He looked at his outfit one more time, before heading for the door.

"Well!" Mark started, grabbing his leather jacket. "I'm gonna go get laid tonight. See ya loser!" He was about to head out the door, when a soft voice muttered something. "What was that flower shit?" Mark growled, turning back around.

Jack cleared his throat, setting his pencil down. "I said, have fun getting an STD and being arrested by the cops for drinking under age. And we've been room mates for a month now, you still don't remember my name?" Jack grinned, standing up and walking towards Mark.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember names of gay fucks," Mark smirked, taking pRiDe in his remark.

"Oh? So... you don't know your name?" Jack smiled, folding his arms and silently cheering for himself. He grunted as Mark pushed him up against the wall, one hand holding him by the neck, the other ready to throw a punch.

"Don't fucking test me Jack," Mark hissed. He watched as Jack smiled softly, his eyes more playful than anything.

"It's probably the only test you'd pass," Jack choked out, Mark's grip around his neck growing tighter. He watched as the punk grunted softly with frustration, before letting go of Jack.

"You're lucky I didn't fucking punch you to the ground," Mark said, heading towards the door once again. He looked back at Jack, who was rubbing his neck and scrunching up in pain.


Mark felt his heart drop, knowing he hurt the soft boy. He was tempted to go over there and just hold him in his arms. Oh God, how badly Mark wanted to hold Jack and never let go. He dreamed of it, although he knew it wouldn't come true.

Because Mark isn't gay, not even the slightest, at least, that's what he's always told himself. Being gay was a sin, and Mark didn't sin (only the times when he drank and had sex). He was only getting jitter happy because he had someone new to pick on, that's it. Nothing else.

"And," Mark said quietly,"I'll bring you back an ice pack." Jack looked up at Mark, a small smile on his face.

"I thought you said you weren't going to do anything nice for me anymore?"

"Don't push it Jack." Mark opened the door and left, leaving Jack to himself. He got off of the floor, and turned on his mood lights, seeing as the room was almost pitch black.

He turned on some music, and grabbed his fox. His mind wandered to beautiful places, ones filled with flower fields and- Mark? That couldn't it right. Mark could never be in his dreams, because he was a horrible person that Jack shouldn't ever even dream of.

But he did. He dreamed on about starting a blooming relationship with the punk.

"Jack?" Mark asked, his arm wrapping aroung the smaller boy's waist. Jack hummed in response, swaying softly to the beat of the music. "Remember when I was a complete jerk to you in college? Why did... why did you ever fall for me?"

Jack looked up at Mark, their eyes only filled with love and happiness. He thought for a moment, looking back on all of the memories he had in college.


"Because, people like you deserve chances. I know you were just confused, and I don't blame you for anything you did. You just... you didn't know how to react to the feeling of you liking boys. And I guess your stubbornness made me fall for you more."

Mark smiled, kissing Jack's cheek tenderly. They continued to dance...

Until Jack woke up.

He sighed softly, wishing the dream had become a reality. He looked over at Mark's side of the room, and noticed something poking out from under his pillow. Curiosity got the best of Jack, and he went to go investigate.

He reached for the book, pulling it out to reveal it was a small journal. Knowing Jack shouldn't open it, he did it anyways, and inside, was all of Mark's deepest and darkest secrets

January 3rd, 2017

The entry was cut off there, which was a bit strange to Jack. He flipped until he saw one from just recently, wondering how Mark had written this without him noticing.

August 15, 2018

Jack felt his heart skip as he read the next line.

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