《Living With The Asshole》Chapter 21
Monday morning, I surprisingly woke up before my alarm went off.
I had a lot of time to get ready for school, so I figured I could get some more sleep but a few minutes later, I was still awake so I decided to take a shower instead.
As I was putting on my clothes, I saw my reflection in the mirror and grimaced.
I had put on weight and I hadn't even realized it.What with eating all that junk food with Aaron almost every day, it was bound to happen.
I needed to work out, badly.
After putting on my clothes, I put on a little bit of makeup and ran a brush through my hair, leaving it down.
I saw Aaron stuffing his face hungrily, making me chuckle softly.
The sound made him look up and he smiled at me, showing his cute dimples.
I smiled back ."Morning," I muttered as I approached the dining table.
Aaron winked in response and went back to eating.
"Good morning, dear," Joanna said with a warm smile as she set a plate of pancakes on the table, making my mouth water.
"Thanks," I said, returning her smile and dug in.
I suppressed a moan. They were amazing, as usual.
I gave Joanna a thumbs up and she grinned in response before returning to the kitchen.
I looked around for Amanda but didn't say anything, remembering that Aaron got really pissed these days, when it came to Amanda.
Just as I finished eating, and Aaron finished eating his second plate, she sat down on the chair next to me."Morning," she said and I smiled at her. Aaron however, made no attempt to acknowledge her. She didn't seem to notice though.
"Let's go, Ashley," Aaron said to me without looking at his sister, even once.
"Aren't we going together?" I raised an eyebrow, glancing between Amanda and Aaron.
"No," they both replied simultaneously.
"Oh,okay. See you later, Amanda, bye Jo!" I said the last part a but loudly since Joanna was still in the kitchen.
"Have a good day!" she yelled back.
"Bye," Amanda said with a small smile, and then turned to Aaron with a frown,since her brother wasn't paying any attention to her at all,but she didn't make any comment.
Normally, Aaron would make a few sarcastic remarks about Jake and annoy her and she would tell him off but today they weren't talking at all.
Aaron and I got into the car in silence.We were halfway to school, when he finally broke the silence. "I'm, uh, sorry for um, snapping at you the other day."
I looked at him with surprise.I hadn't expected him to say anything about that incident.
"It's fine. I know you didn't mean to," I said reassuringly.
He stared at me for a few seconds.He looked like he was going to say something but just then the car came to a halt.
"We're here," he said slowly and got out.
Sighing loudly,I got out of the car as well,but not before getting a weird look from the driver, Simon.
I'd thought Aaron would have already left, but to my surprise, he was waiting a few metres away for me.
Oh yeah, we go to the same school now.
Smiling inwardly at the gesture, I walked over to him.
Together,we went inside the school building earning a lot of looks from the kids making me snort.
Aaron raised an eyebrow at me,"What?"
How oblivious could he be? Either that or he didn't care about people staring at him.
He gave me a weird look, shrugging afterwards.
"What class do you have?" I asked him as we reached our lockers.His locker was five lockers away from mine.
"Chemistry," he said, glancing at his schedule.
"Me too."
He grinned."Great."
I sighed dramatically, feigning disappointment.
He rolled his eyes."Drop the act already, Ashy."
"What act?" I asked innocently.
He scoffed, taking his books out of his locker just as I shut mine.
"Deep down, I know you love me."
"And you would know that how?" I cocked an eyebrow up.
"I told you honey, I'm the reincarnation of Einstein," he flashed me a cocky grin before snapping his locker shut.
To my surprise, he slid his arm around my shoulders almost making me jump.
"Get your hand off me!" I shrieked.
"No thanks, I'm cool."
I tried to wriggle out of his grip but with his muscles, it was impossible.
"Aaron, let go."
He rolled his eyes but made no effort to unhand me, so I had to walk to class with his arm around me.
When we were just outside the classroom, I turned my head to look at him with an evil smirk before I bit down on his arm. It worked.
He winced, immediately pulling his arm back. "Hey!"
I grinned and raised my fist in the air. "Yes!" I yelled and dashed into the classroom, sitting down in the front.
Aaron came in a few seconds later, giving me a scowl as he slumped down on the seat next to me. "You'll pay for this, Ash."
My eyes widened just a little bit at the nickname. I think it was the first time he'd called me that and it sounded rather nice when he said it.
I smiled."I can deal with that."
"Well,we'll see about that," he smirked.
"So, at the party last night,I saw this really hot chick and-"
"Cut it out," I said to Cole, with a grimace.
Ignoring me, he continued talking to Trent, who was sitting on my right.
Annoyed by the disgusting "guy" talk, I got up and went to the back of the class where I luckily found a vacant seat and sat down.
I glanced around, the teacher still hadn't come to the class.
Bored, I took my phone out of my pocket and started playing Flappy Bird, aka, the most infuriating game ever.
"Fuck you!" I muttered under my breath when that stupid bird hit yet another pipe.
Someone next to me laughed, and I looked to my left. The girl who was sitting next to me was laughing.It was a new girl, and I figured she was one of the exchange students. She was pretty-she had clear blue eyes which twinkled as she laughed,under the glasses that she wore.Her strawberry blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail.
"This game is frustrating," she said,with a laugh.
"Tell me about it," I rolled my eyes, but I had a smile on my lips.
"What's your high score?" she asked.
"Don't laugh,but it's 10," I admitted sheepishly.
She cracked a smile."Mine's 25."
"Way better than mine"
"I guess," she chuckled. "By the way,I'm Elena."
"Gilbert?" I joked, instantly worrying that she'd get offended.
To my surprise and relief,she laughed."No,Greene."
She laughed at my joke, so I already liked her.
I chuckled. "Ashley."
"Nice to meet you," she said, an easy smile playing on her lips.
"Likewise," I said, returning her smile.
We didn't get to talk more though, because just then the teacher entered the class.
At lunch, I offered Elena to sit with us,but she said she needed to go to the office.
So here I was, sitting with Aaron, Cole and Trent, eating a greasy burger.
"So how was your day?" I asked Aaron as I took another bite.
It tasted horrible and I spat into a tissue, washing away the disgusting taste with water. All three boys shared an amused look.
"It was okay.I missed you though," he winked.
My eyes widened and I looked down, slightly embarrassed.
"Aww, would you look at that," Cole cooed and I kicked his leg under the table.
"Jesus Christ!" he exclaimed, wincing.''You're violent!"
"And you're so annoying . What's your point?"
Trent and Aaron laughed while Cole glared at me.
"Bitch," he muttered under his breath.
I quickly got up and went over to him, twisting his ear painfully."Apologise!" I demanded.
The other two boys were looking at us, entertained.
"Fine, fine, sorry!" he yelped when I pressed harder.
"Jeez," he muttered, rubbing his ear as I sat down again.
"Do you want me to hit you again?" I gave him a sickly sweet smile.
He scowled."Dude, I salute you for tolerating her every minute of the day," Cole said to Aaron solemnly which made Aaron crack up and say,"I know, right?"
I looked at Trent and he shrugged. When Cole still didn't shut up, I picked up a bottle of water and threw it at him.It didn't hit him, though.It hit the guy sitting next to him-which happened to be Aaron-square in the face and he gave me a look which could make little kids piss their pants.
"I didn't mean for it to hit you," I whispered just as he stood up from his chair.
I squealed as I ran out of the lunch room to save my life.
I turned my head back to check where he was when something slammed my forehead.
"Ouch!" I exclaimed, rubbing my forehead as I realized someone had opened the door on my face.
"Ashley? Are you okay?" a feminine voice said.
It was Elena."I'm fine," I said, wincing when my forehead started stinging a little.
"Shit, what happened?" a panicked voice asked.
"Let me take you to the nurse. "
"Aaron, it probably won't even bruise.There's no need to go to the nurse."
But of course he didn't listen to me and took me to the nurse who said that it was nothing,but on Aaron's insistence,she gave me a band aid.
"Thanks," I muttered, still embarrassed.
"You're welcome. Oh and honey? You're very lucky to have such a caring boyfriend," she said, pointing to Aaron and my eyes bulged out of their sockets.
"He's not my-" I began, but Aaron made me get out.
I glared at Aaron who waggled his eyebrows in turn.
"You know,I always knew we'd make a great pair," he winked as we walked towards my next class.
I stared after him with my mouth wide open.
After that, he insisted to walk me to my class even though he didn't take that class, to make sure that I "didn't die on the way."
"See you later," I said to Aaron.
"See ya," he gave me a short smile, which was enough to make my heart race, and left me standing with a silly smile plastered onto my face.
That smile was soon wiped off though , when my eyes landed on Kayla. I'd forgotten we had History together.
She was sat at the back of the class.Her eyes widened when they made contact with mine.
Ignoring her, I sat down next to a girl called Julia, after I shot her a smile before settling down into my seat.
The rest of the period, I just focused on staying awake.This was the most boring class in history.
Get it?Because-
Never mind.
As soon as the bell rang, I jumped out of my seat.I didn't want to have any, and I mean any sort of a run in with Kayla.
Thankfully, I was able to get out before anyone else and I walked fast to my locker.
Thank God,it was time to go home.As soon as I was done putting my things in the locker, I went outside.It was raining and I quickly ran my eyes around, scanning the parking lot for Aaron.
He was taking ages to come out, so I took my phone out and called him.
"Missed me?" he said as soon as he answered.
"Not even the tiniest bit. Where are you?" I asked impatiently.
I was tired and I just wanted to go home.
He clicked his tongue."Now, now.Is this any way to talk to a wonderful guy like myself? Ask nicely."
I rolled my eyes."You're testing my patience, Aaron."
"Am I, Ashy?" he teased me.
I sighed. "If you wanna do this then I'm leaving with Trent. Bye."
"Don't be that way, Ashy," he said and I could almost hear him pout.
"Hurry up, then!" I whined.
"What's the rush?" he asked.
Why was he being so annoying?
"I'm going to castrate you the moment I see you if you don't stop acting like a moron right now!" I yelled into the phone, earning weird looks from some people around me.
I could hear him laugh."Turn around, sweetheart."
"What?" I asked with confusion.
He didn't reply, instead deciding to hang up on me.
What the hell!
"Jerk!" I exclaimed loudly as I pocketed my phone deciding to go inside the school and drag him out myself.
I heard a deep laugh coming from behind me. To my surprise, I found Aaron standing just a few feet behind me. His damp hair was sticking to his forehead, somehow making him look cuter. But then I remembered I was pissed at him.
"You," I glared at him with narrowed eyes.
He laughed."I love to see you get all bothered by me."
Scowling, I walked to the car, ignoring him as I got in and slammed the door shut.
He got a few seconds after me and sat down next to me,still chuckling.
"That was really funny, Ashy," he sniggered.
"I'm so glad I'm a source of entertainment for you," I said with a flat look.
"So am I," he replied.
"Aaron, don't you like your face?" I asked him with a sarcastic smile.
"What?Of course I love it!" he said,"Why do you ask,though?"
"Because I'm gonna break it if you don't quit annoying me."
He started laughing again, and I grabbed my bag and started hitting him with it.
"Ow!Ow!Fuck! Stop it! Ashley!" he yelped, covering his head with his hands.
Fearing that I was actually hurting him, I finally stopped. I felt much relieved now,I have to admit.
"Ashley Forbes, I hate to break it to you-But you're insane!" he yelled at me, the driver had stopped even trying to make sense of what we were doing.
"Congratulations, Aaron Woods, you know a long word," I answered.
"Freak," he muttered.
He breathed heavily for a minute or two and I wondered if I'd actually hurt him.
"Did I hurt you? "
"Yes, look at me! I'm bleeding, oh my gosh I need to go to the hospital, I'm dying!" was his dramatic response.
I rolled my eyes."Drama queen."
"You mean drama king," he corrected me.
"No,I mean drama "queen"."
"Q-U-E-E-N," I said slowly, like I was talking to a four year old.
Well I mean he did have the brain of a four year old.
He huffed."I'm not a little kid, you know."
"Congratulations, again."
He scowled at me.
Ignoring him, I turned my head towards the window.
I hadn't even noticed when the car had started moving.
"Why do you always do this?" Aaron's frustrated voice questioned.
"Do what?" I asked turning my head to face him.
"Give me the silent treatment," he said,his lips pursed.
"Why,don't you like it?" I asked sarcastically.
"I hate it!" he exclaimed.
I smirked."Exactly why I do it."
He grunted. "You're such a..." he trailed off with a scowl.
"I'm a what?" I asked, ready to hit him.
He didn't even think before saying it.
"Yeah, whatever," I rolled my eyes with an impassive look on my face.
It got quiet for a while and I took my phone out of my pocket to check it.
I had barely pressed the lock button when I felt Aaron's gaze on me.
"Quit it," I said, slowly turning to him.
"Quit what?" he asked, innocently.
"You know what.Staring," I stated the obvious.
"But I was looking out the window!"
"Sure you were."
"Am I not allowed to look at a window?" he raised his eyebrows challengingly.
"You have a window on your side, why do you have to look at the one in my direction?"
"Because I want to."
"And I want to strangle you."
"And I want to-"
Just then, his phone rang and he finally shut up before frowning at the screen.
"Mandy?" he spoke. It was Amanda.
"Why are you crying Mandy?"he asked frantically glancing at me.
"What the fuck is - Oh.Okay.Yeah.I'm coming," he spoke urgently before hanging up and telling Simon the address.
"Aaron,what's wrong?" I whispered. His jaw was clenched, his hands balled into fists-he looked beyond furious.
"That moron! I'm gonna fucking kill that ..", he said a series of curses after that and I started panicking.
"Aaron please tell me what's going on," I pleaded and put my hand on his,in an attempt to relax him.
His muscles tightened for a second before he took a breath. "He dumped her. Apparently they had a small fight about something yesterday and he just broke up with her over text today or something. And then she found out he'd been cheating on her all along."
"That is horrible!"
He quietly nodded in response.
The car stopped just then and Aaron jumped out of the car in a second and I followed him.
We were outside Amanda's school and standing right outside the building was Amanda, looking like a freaking zombie drenched in the rain.
Her clothes were all wet and her eyes were swollen, showing just how much she had cried. She was still crying
I looked at Aaron for a fraction of a second.He looked terrified. He ran incredibly fast over to his sister and hugged her as she sobbed into his shirt.
I was shocked, staring at the siblings with disbelief as I walked closer to them.
Aaron finally pulled away from his sister and looked at me."Take her home. I need to do something."
"Aaron.." I began but he interrupted me."Go Ashley."
His voice was so stern that I couldn't protest.
I slowly wrapped my arms around Amanda, who was shivering and crying at the same time.
"It's okay, it's okay.Shhh," I whispered as I hugged her and took her to the car.
She didn't stop crying and trembling even when we were home.
"Oh my goodness! What is going on?" Joanna exclaimed with horror as soon as she saw us walk in through the front door.
I gave her a look, telling her with my eyes not to say anything at the moment.
Somehow, I managed to make Amanda change into something warm and put her to bed before asking Joanna to make her some hot chocolate.
Amanda had stopped sobbing now, but tears kept falling down her face as she I convinced her to drink the hot chocolate and get some rest.
Once I was sure she was asleep, I left the room and went downstairs to talk to Joanna.
I was still shocked with all that happened.Then I remembered Aaron and immediately felt into my pockets for my phone but it wasn't there.
Slapping a hand to my forehead,I remembered that I'd left it in the car so I used the house phone to call him.Anxiety and panic was gnawing away at my insides.
He didn't answer the first few times I called. The fifth time,I was going to pass out with worry but just then he answered. "Aaron?"
"Ashley? "
"Y-yeah.Where are you?"
Ignoring my question, he asked,"How's Mandy?"
"I-I put her to bed.Where are you Aaron? Are you okay?" I asked, worriedly
"I'm walking home."
"Oh. See you."
He hung up without saying bye.
He came home sometime later and I for some reason, I felt the need to hug him.
"Hey," I said softly as he entered.
"Hi," he replied.
As he walked closer, I noticed that his hand was bleeding a little
"What happened?" I asked, my eyes widening.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair."It's nothing," he replied.
I knew the answer when I looked at his knuckles again. He had beaten up that loser.
Joanna came in and bombarded him with questions.
He told her the basic outline of what happened and went to take a shower and I did too and changed into more comfortable clothes.
When I went downstairs, Aaron was already there, sipping some coffee as he talked to Joanna.
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