《Living With The Asshole》Chapter 15
Amanda was going on a road trip with her friends for three days.
Which left me and her not-so-easy-to-get-along-with brother together. For three whole days. Alone.
I say alone because not even Joanna would be here for those days. Not that I was well again, she had gone to visit her sister and wouldn't be back at least for a few days.
I could only imagine what would happen if the two of us were left on our own.
After Amanda left, Aaron went away to his room without so much as a glance at me.
So was this how it was going to be?
Great. That just made things easier for the both of us.
That thought should've made me happy, but it didn't due to some reason.
I glared at his retreating back as he disappeared into his room.
I rolled my eyes and went to my own room, groaning. I had a project to finish and school started in a week.
I scowled. I so did not want to go back.
Going back to school meant more work, more boring lectures and having to deal with crazy people like Kayla. Fun, right? Note the sarcasm.
I worked on it for a while but I got really frustrated and decided to go to the kitchen to get something to eat.
I bumped into someone then. I didn't even have to look up to know who it was, since it was just the two of us now .And also , because I'd grown accustomed to his smell.He had a certain kind of smell, which was as much as I hate to admit it, amazing.
"Move away," I said irritably.
"What crawled up your cute ass?"
he asked, amusement filling his tone.
I turned to look at him and shot him a 'don't mess with me' look which obviously did not affect him in any way, much to my annoyance.
"Anyway," he rolled his eyes."Do we have something to eat? or should I just order pi-"
"Don't you dare say pizza. I've started hating pizza because of you,"I scowled at him.
That was obviously a lie. Who could ever hate pizza?
"I affect you that much?" he winked at me.
I ignored him."Whatever, we're not having pizza.We could cook something. I don't suppose you can cook, can you?" I asked with a small smirk.
There was no way he could cook. Joanna being the sweetheart that she was had cooked us some food before leaving, which was enough to last us at least two days but because of Aaron's eating habits, we'd already exhausted it.
He came closer to me, making my eyes widen.
"There are a lot of things you don't know about this gorgeous guy standing in front of you," he said coming slightly closer.
"I'm a very amazing cook," he declared smugly and went downstairs.
God, didn't he ever get tired of himself? Of his arrogance? Of his stupid hotness?
Huh? Okay I should shut up now.
Scowling at my thoughts, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, where Aaron was.
When I entered the kitchen,Aaron was pulling something out of the freezer.
Chicken nuggets.
I burst out laughing.
"This is what you were being so smug about? Making frozen chicken nuggets?" I asked him.
He frowned at me."What's wrong with them?" he asked, kind of pouting, looking stupidly cute.
Why did he have to be cute?Couldn't he be just ugly? That way I wouldn't be distracted when I wanted to scream at him.
"I thought we were actually going to cook, like make some proper food,"
I rolled my eyes.
"And this isn't food?" he retorted.
I sighed in frustration. He was impossible.
"Let's go out."
" What? No! I don't feel like going out."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want to."
"Fine. Be that way. Stay hungry.",he shot me a fake smile.
Well, when he put it that way...
"Fine," I gave in , making him smile victoriously.
"But you know, we could order something..."
Of course, he didn't even consider my suggestion. It was either going out or ordering pizza at home. I did not want to eat pizza again. Besides, I'd seen Aaron eating pizza, and it wasn't exactly...a good sight. Let's just say he got carried away when he was having pizza.
We ended up going to McDonalds.
We went to sit upstairs, in a corner. It wasn't really full, but there were a few people around.
I caught a few girls staring at Aaron. at them.
Aaron smirked when he caught me looking at them.
"What are you so happy about?" I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Like you don't know," he rolled his eyes.
"No, I don't. Enlighten me."
"You getting all jealous.I like it," he winked.
"Jealous? You dream too much, Woods. Now shut up and eat your burger before I throw it on your face," I told him, half jokingly and half threateningly.
Speaking of his burger, it was humongous. I really didn't get how he could eat so much and still have a hot body.
His eyes shone in amusement as he picked up his burger and brought it to his mouth, his eyes on me the whole time.
Feeling his gaze on me, I sipped my Coke.
And then it hit me. In the face. A french fry to be specific.
I raised an eyebrow at Aaron, unimpressed."What?"
His lips twitched but he just shook his head and I went back to eating.
But then he did it again. And again. And soon it turned into a french fry war.
A guy who worked there came up to us.
"I'm sorry, but you'll have to leave," he said to us.
Thanks so much, Aaron.
Then he looked at me and shot me a flirtatious smile.
"Or..." he trailed off with a smirk.
Um, okay..
I glanced at Aaron, not knowing what to do.
He just continued eating what was left of his burger, unaffected.
Dear God. Him and his obsession with food.I kicked his leg under the table while the guy flirted with me.
"Actually,I think we should get going. The kids must be waiting for us," he smiled.
My eyes widened as I put a hand over my mouth to suppress my laughter. Children? Oh god.
Needless to say, the guy looked horrified and glanced at me.
"Yes babe, we better get them something to eat too," I played along, still struggling to control my laughter.
With that we walked away, leaving behind the poor guy who looked confused as hell.
As soon as he was out of earshot,I cracked up laughing.
"That was awesome."
He grinned back."I know."
"Good night, loser!" I yelled at Aaron.
I'd changed into a baggy t-shirt which had a picture of a penguin on it. Cute, right?
"What, you're tired already?"
I looked at him."What did you have in mind?"
"Let's watch scary movies.Hey, nice shirt by the way," he grinned.
"Thanks. And horror is boring."
His eyebrows rose up.
"Something else?" I continued.
"What, you want me to watch chick flicks with you?"
I rolled my eyes.
"No. But something interesting, at least. "
We decided to sit downstairs, make popcorn and then decide which movie to watch.
"Action? Romance? Comedy? What do you wanna watch?" Aaron asked as I pulled out the delicious popcorn out of the microwave.
"Whatever you like," I said in exasperation,walking towards him.
He smirked,taking the bowl of popcorn from me before putting it on the table."So how about we watch po-"
"Shut it!" I threw a pillow at him before he could finish saying it.
He laughed and went to put on a movie.
"How cute," he chuckled.
My eyes widened. Did he just call me cute?
He then went on to put the movie on normally, like he hadn't said anything.
He was probably just joking around.
We ended up watching a movie called "Abduction". After it was finished, we still weren't sleepy so I put on The Vampire Diaries.
Ah, Damon Salvatore. I sighed dreamily.
"Really?"Aaron snorted."You like this guy? "
"What's not to like? "
"Everything, pfft."
"You're just jealous."
"Why would I be jealous?"
"Um, have you seen him?"
"Um,have you seen me?"
"Fine. Shut up now."
He held up his hands."I win though."
I just rolled my eyes in response.
He was quiet for a few minutes but as they say, all good times come to an end.
He started commenting one every single thing after that.
"He's so old, Ashy."
"I genuinely do not understand why you like him."
"I mean, have you seen me?"
"I pity you."
"Wow, I'm so scared, Ashy! Help!"
"Shut.The.Hell.Up!" I yelled at him finally after ignoring his idiotic commentary for so long.
He smirked."What about no?"
"What about a kick in the balls?"
"Yeah? What about you kiss my ass?"
"What about you just shut up and let me watch peacefully?"
"How is that fun?"
"Fine.Have it your way. I'm going to bed," I faked a yawn.
I could watch my favorite show in my room, too. I didn't need to put up with Aaron for that.
"You're no fun," he groaned.
I ignored him.
"No wonder you don't have a boyfriend."
I gasped.He did not just say that.
"What did you just say?"
"Nothing," he smiled innocently.
"How does that affect you?"
"Well,you know I believe in social work. I could help you..." he trailed off with a wink.
I smirked at him, knowing exactly what he was suggesting.
"Okay, cool. Go find me a boyfriend,"
I laughed at his expression.He was completely taken aback.He looked at me incredulously.
"Who do you think I am ,cupid?" he rolled his eyes.
"You suggested it," I pointed out.
He opened his mouth to protest but shut it when he realized I was right.
"I was kidding. And, I can get a boyfriend if I want to, thank you very much," I huffed and turned to leave.
"Prove it."
"I'm sorry?" I turned around so I was facing him.
"Yeah.Go ahead.Get yourself a boyfriend and prove it to me."
Was he for real?
"Oh and yes don't even think about Trent or Cole,"he smirked at me.
What the heck..
"And why would I feel like proving something to you?Besides, it's just morally wrong to get a boyfriend just for a...challenge!"
"Well, you do have a point there.Okay, how about you confess to your crush?"
I narrowed my eyes at him.Was he freaking serious?!
I didn't even have a crush. Or did I?
"I don't have one."
"Are you serious?"
"Fine, then do what I said before—find yourself a boyfriend. "
"Is that a yes?"
I didn't answer.This wasn't fair!
"How about this — you don't have to do either, just find yourself a guy and go out on at least two dates with him. Simple."
"And why exactly?"
"I mean, what do you have to lose?"
I contemplated it.
"Fine. I'll do it," I muttered,knowing I'd regret it in the future.
His amused eyes snapped to mine. "You will?"
"If," I started.
He groaned.
"You can keep your hands off a girl for...three weeks. Can you do that?"
"Deal," he smirked."I'll do it."
I'd like to see you try, I thought.
"Deal," I said.
"So,then what?"
I raised an eyebrow.
"I mean, what do I get when I win?"
I rolled my eyes. Cocky much?
"When whoever wins, the loser will do anything the winner says, for...two days," I said.
I would've probably said a week, but then I thought of what would happen if I lost. I completely trusted Aaron to make it hell for me.
"You mean like a slave?"
"Well yeah, I guess," I bit my lip, kind of afraid what I was getting myself into.
Aaron's eyes lit up.
"And I do not in any way mean a sex slave Aaron, get your head out of the gutter," I quickly added before he got any ideas.
He barked out a laugh."Like I even need that. There are so many girls willing to-"
"-I don't want to hear it."
"But just two days?" he frowned.
"Well, if you're willing to be my slave for longer..."
He snorted."As if.Make it four."
"Cool," he said crossing his arms behind his head.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get some sleep,"
And just as I turned to leave something hit my back. A pillow.
Half a minute later, I was having a pillow fight with Aaron Woods.
Sad, I know.
I managed to grab as many pillows as I could while he was hitting me and threw them on him and hid behind the sofa in a split second, hurting my ankle in the process.I winced and struggled to keep my mouth shut.
There was an eerie silence for a minute and after that, he pounced on me. Pounced— like a freaking animal.
Not a good place to hide, then.
He was right on top of me crushing me with his weight.
"Get your fat ass off me!"
He obviously didn't.
"Next time, think before you mess with me," he whispered in my ear, making me shiver.
" Y-You're a..." I stuttered, the proximity making me jittery.
"I'm a what?"
"Nothing,let me go," I tried to say in a firm voice.
"Why would I do that?" he whispered again, driving me crazy.
"I'll buy you a pizza?"
"Deal!" he jumped off me like I'd just burnt him.
Wow, I was smart.
But why did I regret making him get off?
"Anyway, what were you saying before?" he asked, as I got off the floor.
"That I was a what?"
"I was saying that you're a..." I stepped closer to him.
He stared at me in surprise.
"A jerk!" I yelled before fleeing from him.
As I ran, I could hear his footsteps behind me . Because my ankle was still hurting, I couldn't exactly run very fast, but I tried my best.
Somehow, I managed to escape upstairs and get in the closest room.
Which was his.
I started laughing hysterically as he banged the door.
This was the second time he had to beg me to open the door.
"Aw, please," he said in a tired tone after some time.
I figured I should give him a break.And I wanted to go to my room and sleep anyway,so I opened it.
And regretted it as soon as I did.
"Gotcha," he smirked.
He advanced towards me and I retreated.
When I finally reached the bed,I said "Okay,I'm sorry.Goodnight."
And with that I walked away.
Hah, as if he'd let me!
He pulled me back and I fell on the bed.
I knew what was coming.
No.God no!Please no..
But obviously, my prayers were not heard and he started tickling me.
"Okay," I giggled."So-rry," I managed to squeak out.
"No.First say Aaron is the hottest guy ever," he challenged me.
But then he started tickling me again. And ladies and gentlemen,I of course did not say it.
That seemed to make him try even harder and he tickled me till i laughed so much that my stomach started hurting like hell.
He finally stopped, with a grin on his stupid face.
I took a few deep breaths as I sat up.
"You're an asshole, you know that?"
"You know you like it," he winked.
I rolled my eyes.Who did he think he was, Brad Pitt?
"Admit it."
"I don't," I smirked at him.
He narrowed his eyes at me.
"You'll regret it."
That was the least of my worries though...I really, really hoped I didn't have to become Aaron's "slave".
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