《His Heavenly Hell [COMPLETE]》• Understood •


After a while of chatting Calix and I headed back to his house.

When we got home I opened my door before Calix could again. I went into the house and I heard Calix lock the door behind him.

My eyes widened before I turned around. I sucked in a deep breath when I saw Calix rolling the sleeves of his shirt up.

"Calix-" I started and he briefly glanced at me. He said nothing after that and just grabbed a bottle of whiskey before heading outside to the pool.

He's ignoring me? What did I do?

I kicked my shoes off before going outside to the pool. Calix glared up at me before looking back down and drinking the whiskey in his hand.

I sat down next to him and he still ignored me.

"What do you want Heaven?" He asked blankly and I frowned slightly. Even when he's drunk he calls me Heaven.

I carefully took the bottle from him and placed it next to me. He still looked at me blankly and I tilted my head.

"Give me the bottle-" he said but I moved my head in his way. He froze before brushing my hair out of my face.

"Nevaeh I'm not playing." He said blankly but I didn't move a muscle. I looked away from him but he wrapped his hand around my chin.

I opened my mouth to speak and Calix crashed his lips against mine. My eyes slowly fluttered close as I gave in to his kiss.

He gently pulled back from me and his eyes widened. He quickly got up and went back inside without saying a word.

Okay what the fuck?

I stormed behind him and shut the glass door behind me.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked angrily.


"What is wrong with me?" He asked and I nodded.

"First you get upset for no reason, than you leave me for hours only to show up, still upset, then you kiss me and leave me like it was nothing." I said angrily.

"We're not supposed to kiss!" He said angrily and I froze.

"Then why are you pretending to be my boyfriend?" I asked desperately wanting to know the truth.

"Because that's exactly what it is, Nevaeh. Pretending! I'm pretending!" He said while looking deeply into my eyes.

"Then let me go!" I yelled in his face.

"I can't! I won't let you go!" He yelled possessively.

"Why Calix?" I asked in confusion.

"Because I don't want to." He said in an authoritive voice.


"Understood." I said softly. "That's all I wanted to hear. Don't fucking talk to me again." I said my voice cracking at the end. I went up to his bedroom and undressed before climbing under the sheets.

I really want to go home. I need to go home.

The door slowly opened so I turned my back to him. I heard shuffling before the bed dipped. He climbed under the sheets before pulling me flush against him.

His arm rested on my waist and I felt a tear slipping out of my eye. His warmth enveloped me and I sighed in content as he buried his nose in my hair.

That's the last thing I remember before I fell asleep.

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