《His Heavenly Hell [COMPLETE]》• Who Doesn't •


"Fuck you!" I yelled in his face. "You're a dick and you don't care about anyone but yourself. If you want to kill people! Don't do it on my account!" I said angrily.

He gripped my chin in his hand and my eyes widened a little.

"Nevaeh, what am I going to do with you? You should watch your mouth." He said close to my face. "I can be your worst nightmare baby girl. What you just saw isn't even the half of it." He said into my ear. His other hand gripped my neck.

"So for the last fucking time, don't forget your place." He said before letting me go. He held my door open so I climbed into the car.

"We're going to my parent's house." He said blankly while starting the engine.

"Why are you telling me this, it's not like I have a choice." I retorted and his jaw clenched.

"Do that again Nevaeh. I fucking dare you." He said angrily. I quietly looked at him before staring out of my window.

"For you to punish me again?" I asked and he hit the steering wheel.

"Keep provoking me." He said before speeding down the street and stopping in front of a mansion.

I opened my own door and smirked at Calix before walking ahead of him. He stood next to me and opened the door while glaring down at me.

I angrily followed him inside.

"Calix." His mother said before hugging him. "Nevaeh." She said and I frowned when she hugged me.

"Calix, Nevaeh." The father said before smiling at us.

"I gotta fucking handle business. Just keep her here." Calix said angrily before heading outside.

"Nevaeh what did you do?" His mom asked in a Spanish accent.

"Nothing." I said before sighing.


"Hey Nevaeh." The twins greeted me in unison.

"Hi." I said before running my hand through my hair.

"Can I have some water?" I asked and Calix's mom lead me to the kitchen.

"Calix tells me that you're a diabetic." She said and I nodded.

"Yup." I said before taking the glass of water from her.

"Just tell me if you need anything and you got it." She said kindly. She looks like somebody in her mid thirties but I think she's way older.

"Thanks." I said briefly.

"Oh and you can call me, mom." She said before brushing her hair behind her back.

"Sorry what?" I asked and she smiled at me.

"You know call me mom. Isn't that what all daughters in law does?" She asked as if I was dumb. "You're the first girl that Calix brought home." She said and I tilted my head.

"He kidnapped me." I said blankly and "mom" laughed at me.

"You're so funny Nevaeh. Calix would never do something like that. I know he's crazy but please." She said through her chuckles.

"You really want me to call you mom?" I asked and she nodded before leading us outside.

I can't believe she hated me once.

We walked through a garden when a butler came up to us.

"May I take your coat Miss?" He asked and I smiled at him before handing him my coat.

"Oh I love your dress." Mom said and I smiled at her.

"Thanks." I said and continued to walk with her.

"Do you like roses?" She asked and I nodded.

"Who doesn't?" I asked and she smiled before cutting some roses. When did she put those gloves on?

"They're Camreigh's favourite." She said with a smile on her face.


"Is she the little girl?" I asked and she nodded.

"She likes you." 'Mom' said and I smiled.

We went back to the house and Camreigh came running towards us. She hugged her mother's legs before giggling.

"Camreigh." Her mom said in surprise before placing the roses down and picking her up. "Say hello to, Nevaeh." She said and the little girl smiled at me.

"Hello Levaeh." She said and I tried to hold my laugh in but her mom and I ended up laughing together.

"You're so cute." I said before smiling at her.

"It's Nevaeh, baby." Her mom said and she gasped a little.

"Hello Nevaeh I'm Camreigh." She said confidently.

"Calix's bestie." One of the twins said and she huffed at him.

"I said it was ride or die." The little girl whined and my heart swelled at her cuteness.

"She's also a fast and the furious fan. Which is not weird for a six year old. My kids are fine." Her mom said and I just smiled.

"Welcome to the fast family." I said before tickling her and she giggled.

Her mom's phone rang so she placed Camreigh on the ground.

"Nevaeh please keep an eye on her." She said before exiting the room.

Camreigh took my hand in hers before taking me into the living room. What is she doing? I noticed a pink castle which she held open for me to enter and I couldn't help but smile.

We sat down at a small pink table with two small pink chairs.

"Would you like some tea?" She asked and I nodded.

"How much sugar?" I asked while she poured the water into my cup.

"1 please." She said and I winked at her.

"Healthy choice." I said and she cutely smiled up at me.

"Do you wanna come to my concert?" She asked and I smiled. "Calix never comes." She said sadly.

"I'll tell you what. I'll be there and Calix will be there." I told her before smiling.

"Thanks Leveah you're the best." She said before hugging me.

"Speak for yourself kiddo." I said before hugging her back.

Calix is probably gonna kill me for deciding on his behalf. But he should be there for his little sister. She adores him and she needs him.

When we were done drinking our 'tea' we went back outside. I placed her on my hip and she rested her head on my shoulder while she played with my hair.

The front door opened and revealed Calix. He walked over to me before taking Camreigh from me.


"How's my favourite chipmunk doing?" Calix asked and Camreigh threw her little arms around his shoulders. "Are you okay?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yes brother." She said before smiling broadly.

"Levaeh said that you would come to my concert." She said and I cringed. Shit. Calix glared at me before smiling at Camreigh.

"Did she?" He asked and she nodded excitedly.

"Of course we'll be there." He said and I nervously breathed out.

"Calix you're back." His mom said from behind me and I sighed in relief.

He pecked his mother's cheek before putting Camreigh on the ground.

"Where's River and Ryder?" He asked curiously.

"Why?" His mom asked suspiciously.

"Just tell them I'm gonna kill them." Calix said calmly before saying something to Camreigh who bursted out into a fit of giggles. I couldn't help but smile at them.

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