《The Reality of it All (Completed)》NEW STORY!!!!


I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED THIS BOOK BECAUSE THIS TOOK FOREVER TO END. LOL. So ... things ended okay for Spencer...she lost a few people but it's all good.

But hey... I have a new story.

It's called Death of Me. It's about a girl in a violent relationship and doesn't know whether to walk away or salvage her marriage for her unborn child.

Things eventually get worst and...well..read it to find out. There will be explicit parts in there so please only read it if you are strong enough to. 😞

It's an incredibly hard book to write and i want those that are actually in abusive relationships to please seek help. Don't wait until you think it'd be okay...


Before it's too late.

It happens to both men and women so if you see something that doesn't look right, report it.

Thanks you guys😘.


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