《The Reality of it All (Completed)》Could You Dare to Let it Go?
Spencer's POV
I picked up Ravin and she immediately stopped crying. I looked at her too see her normal self. She looked exactly the same except her face was all red.
"What's wrong, Ravin?" I asked her. She just looked at me, her blue eyes deepening.
I sighed and looked down at the coffee table. I know I cleaned up the mess, so Paige didn't do this.
I thought the last time it happened that was it. Looking at the pictures, I touched the x's over our eyes with my finger.
It was marker.
I felt fear rise inside me chest and panicked. I put Ravin down back into her car seat and ran over to my purse. I grabbed my keys and left the apartment.
The only place to go would be my mothers. She is the only one left to talk to.
Pulling up within ten minutes, I rushed into the house with the car seat in hand. Beating on the door, Mom eventually came to it.
I rushed inside the house and locked the door, for a fear of something following me.
"What is going on, Spencer?" She exclaimed. I walked into the living room and sat Ravin down on the couch.
"Something is up mom. I was in the living room cleaning up everything that Paige had destroyed when-"
"Wait. Paige destroyed something?" She interrupted. I stood up and started to pace.
"Yes, but that's not the point. Look, I cleaned up the shit-excuse my French- and then I'm getting ready to go. I'm checking the fridge for wha to should buy and I turn around non the coffee table is a picture of Paige and I that I had in the wall. There are x's over both of our eyes and candles surrounding them,"
"X's?" She questioned. I wonder if he believes me.
"YES MOTHER! Someone drew it with marker and I don't know how. I don't own red markers! Not to mention there were candles surrounding all of that and the spoiled milk," I exclaimed. My mother sat there and looked at me confused.
"I don't understand,"
I groaned and sat down next to Ravin. Shaking my head, u clasped my hands together.
Here we go again.
I finally finished the story and she tried to make logical sense out of everything when nothing fits. Nothing makes sense. I cleaned the house, why would I forget something like that on the coffee table?
That's incredibly stupid.
"Look, just go to the store and get your things. I'll keep an eye on Ravin," she said. I nodded and looked at her.
I probably should take my mind off of this. I think I'm going crazy.
I stood up and walked towards the door when Ravin screamed. I turned around to see she was in a crying fit. Her legs and arms were flailing and her face was turning bright red.
"Does she cry like this a the time?" My mom asked. She walked over to her and tried to cradle her.
"No she barely cries. She just started doing that today," I said, watching her struggle. It was obvious her attempts were failing as Ravin started crying harder.
I walked over to her and took her from my mothers arms. She immediately calmed down as I bounced her up and down.
Why did she cry so hard like that?
I looked at her to see the redness in her face lowering. She is being so weird.
"She stopped crying?" My mom asks as she wheels around me to see her face. I nod.
"Yeah, it's weird," I said. She nodded in agreement. I rubbed her back one last time before handing her back over to Mom.
Walking back towards the door, Ravins cry sounded again. I turned back around to see her face, red as ever.
"Looks like she doesn't want you to go,"
She said. I sighed and took her from her arms again.
"What is wrong, Ravin?" I asked her as I looked at her. Her face went serious as she looked at me and frowned.
"Alright, I'll stay," I said, giving in.
I didn't know a person could regret a decision so badly.
•. •. •. •. •.
Jakes POV
I woke up in the bed next to Megan. Please tell me I didn't do something stupid last night.
I looked under the covers and saw we still had clothes on.
Mission accomplished.
It has been pretty hard with Spencer not wanting to have sex. I swear, i will die the next time I see her in her underwear.
It's so unfair.
Megan rolled over and her eyes met mine. I stood and opened the curtain to the window.
"I am finally going home," I muttered to myself. It's funny how I consider home Spencer's house when I haven't fully moved in yet.
I mean, we haven't discussed it, but we pretty much live with each other. We never thought to make it official but maybe we should.
I grabbed my duffel bag and started to pac k everything.
"You're eager to go to Spencers," Megan said.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked her. Silence overtook and I looked up at her. She seemed to be day dreaming
I shrugged and continued packing.
"Don't go home. Stay here. This is.....family time for us," she said.
"We aren't a family Megan,"
"Yes we are, how can you say that?"
"Megan..look. I'm not going to go through this again. I will work harder for this baby once it gets here, but right now....i don't know how many times I have to tell you that I'm with Spencer and as my girlfriend, she gets jealous," I said, sighing.
"If she has jealousy problems then she's obviously not the girl for you," she said.
I sighed and looked at my suitcase.
"No Meagan. You are not the girl for me and I would really appreciate it if you stopped trying to take advantage of this pregnancy," I admitted.
She stood up from the bed and put on her shoes.
"I'm taking advantage because I want you to be there for this baby? Whatever," she said as she stood up. She walked over to the door and slammed it behind her.
Screw this, I'm going home.
I arrived at the airport two hours later. It wasn't very crowded, the weather was kind of gloomy.
I was on my phone when someone sat down next to me.
"Stay here,"
I turned to see Megan. Of course it was Megan. What the hell was she doing here?
"What are you doing here, Megan?" I asked her.
"Stay here...its for your own good," she said.
"What are you even talking about?"
"You don't want to know," she said. She gave me a fearing look.
"What aren't you telling me?" I asked.
She looked around and sighed.
"Spencer's going to die,"
•. •. •. •. •. •
Spencer's POV
I was sitting on the couch with a sandwich in my lap. Ravin was fast asleep next to me and Mom went out with some friends.
Today is the day Jake gets home and I wanted to get one last workout in. Ravin has made that impossible with her constant crying, I wonder why she cries every time I leave.
Maybe it's a possessive thing. I heard babies go through one of those phases.
A few minutes later I found myself slowly drifting off to sleep. It had been a long day from the start and a nap didn't sound so bad.
I was thinking about Paige when a pair of hands wrapped around my face. Something was flung over my nose and the other hand held my face there. I squeezed my eyes shut and grabbed the hands. I tried to pry them away with every bit of strength I had.
I struggled under my captors hands and tried to turn my head away.
It was no use.
The last thing I remember is looking over at Ravin. Then everything went black.
I woke up, shivering. Opening my eyes, I realized I was in a room. The walls around me were dark and it looked as though we were underground in some sort of basement.
I felt something at my wrist and looked down to see cuffs. I was cuffed to an old rusty pipe. I tugged my hands inside, causing redness to appear.
I hear shuffling and turned to see Paige. She was in some yoga pants and a baggy sweatshirt, it looked as though she actually showered. Her hair was in a nice little pony tail slicked to the back.
I hope she's is feeling okay. How is she here?
She looked at her hands and noticed the cuffs.
"Paige," I said. She looked up and frowned.
"What the hell is going on?" She asked. I tried to turn my body around to face her.
"I don't know. I was at home....."
Only then did I realize that the most important thing in my life was gone. I whipped me head to both sides of me however she was nowhere to be found.
"She's not here...oh my god, he has her," I said panicking. My heart sped up and I could feel swear forming.
I needed to find Ravin.
"Calm down, Spencer. I'm sure she's fine," she said.
Suddenly a door opened and a gust of wind accompanied the place. I looked up to see Nick, Also known as masons older brother.
"WHAT IS THIS?" I asked him firmly. He looked at both of us and chuckled.
"The miraculous kidnapping. How wonderful it is for us," he said with a smile.
I can't believe Nick would actually try and kill me for his brother.
"The apple clearly doesn't fall far from the tree," I said. He looked at me took out a little remote. He clicked something and put it back in his pocket.
"Your baby is gonna die if you don't cooperate. I suggest you pause the attitude," he said.
"Yeah right, like you could kill a baby," Paige said.
"As a matter of fact, I was the one to kill yours," he said happily. Paige's face dropped and pretty soon anger had settled in her eyes.
"It was quite easy. Get you to consume something with a drug in it. Why do you think the man was so happy after I called? I paid him $300," He said.
Paige lunged forward only to be flung back. Her handcuffs were right on her wrists and if she fought any harder, she could seriously hurt herself.
"Paige! Just calm down!" I yelled.
She was out of it. She continued to struggle under the Cuffs and Nick watched her with ease. He suddenly pulled the remote from his pocket and tapped something.
"PAIGE!" I screamed.
"You may want to listen to your friend. I mean you're killing her baby," he said as he continued to tap.
Paige slumped back down to the ground in defeat. I sighed in relief. If he really does have Ravin, i was going to do everything in my power to stop him from killing her.
•. •. •. •. •. •.
Paige's Pov
I watched Spencer get tortured. Nick had her tied up in a chair and he was basically killing her with every punch he threw. Spencer already had a bloody nose and I'm pretty sure she will have a black eye.
She as enduring all of this pain for one person only and thats Ravin. I don't blame her. I would've done the same for my baby. Spencer is a strong person.
I couldn't take watching this anymore.
"STOP!" I yelled. He paused and looked at me, breathing heavily.
"You want a turn?" He asked. I hesitated and looked at the ground.
"I'll have sex with you," I offered. Something in his expression changed and I knew I got him.
"I don't want to have sex with you," he lied.
"I followed you to that barn, Nick. I know you have a problem. the way you were banging her is self explanatory," I stated.
He walked over to me and Bent down in front.
"I don't have a problem,"
"You like it," I said. He raised an eyebrow.
"I don't,"
"You like the smell of it...the taste of it...all of it,"
"No, I do not ," he said. His tone became a tad bit angry.
"Admit it, you wanted to keep banging her until your boss came in. You guys were moving from hay stack to hay stack,"
"That doesn't prove shit,"
"It proves a lot if your brother actually ratted you out," I said.
His eyes shrunk as he looked at me and turned away. Mason actually did tell Spencer that Nick was a sex addict. Of course as best friends, Spencer told me.
Aye, best friends tell each other everything.
Back then, we saw Mason as an angel sent from heaven. He was kind and generous and he really cared a lot about Spencer. Now it's the opposite and the dots that connect them as brothers have become more visible.
"just say the word," I said. I saw spence in the back shaking her head.
I'm doing this for you.
"I want you to wear something," Nick said with an evil smile.
•. •. •. •. •.
Lacey's Pov
I rushed to get my stuff out of the plastic Baggie. Stuffing the things in my pockets, I ran out of the jail and took out my phone.
"Yo, where are you? We need to act now," I said.
I am very well aware that the big event is put in action. Spencer and Paige and Ravin can all die today.
What a tragic story that will be. Except it won't happen.
•. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV
I watched Paige model for Nick in some red lingerie and high heels. He was absolutely sick minded. I never would've pictured him like this.
He really is a pervert.
He sat slumped on the floor with his legs somewhat open. I could tell he was getting a boner from looking at her. Even with the extra weight she gained over the months, Paige still looked good.
Her boobs and butt fit into the lingerie perfectly. Only today is t the time to fashion model.
"Alright, now come here to poppy," he said with a nasty grin.
Paige looked at me and turned Back, walking over to him.
"No, paige," I whispered.
Nick shot me a glare and I zipped my mouth. Paige lowered herself on his body where he began to kiss up and down her neck.
I turned away not wanting to see anymore. Paige doing this for me is beyond astounding. I thought Paige wanted nothing to do with me after the baby loss.
Suddenly the door busted open and Jake came into view.
"SPENCER!" He yelled as he ran over to me.
"WHAT THE HELL?" Nick yelled as he shoved Paige away from him.
He stood up and that's when the last person I suspected came into the room.
She was holding her stomach as she limped in. She was as big as a watermelon now and due in less than three weeks.
"Why is he here?" Nick asked. He took a taser out from his back pocket and turned it on.
Megan stood in front of him and grabbed his shoulders.
"Nick, it's okay. Jake isn't to harm, but Spencer could be," she said soothingly.
"WAIT WHAT?!"I yelled. Jake was struggling to untie me from the chair when he paused.
"You touch her again and you're dead," he threatened. Suddenly, Nick lunged towards Jake and Jake slammed his body into the wall.
They fell on the floor wrestling Each other. Paige ran over to me, kicking off her heels.
"Oh no you don't!"
I looked up to see Megan with a gun aimed at my head.
"You touch her you will be just as dead," she said. There was a crazy look on her face as she looked at Paige and I. He eyes were wild.
"Why are you doing this Megan?" I asked her.
"BECAUSE JAKE IS MINE! He always will be mine, he's been mine from the beginning! He doesn't need a tease like you who works out but doesn't give anything up," she claimed.
"As opposed to a slut who gives it up to anybody?" I argued. She removed the safety on the gun and aimed again.
"I've Been tired of you two bitches for the longest. Always getting in between this family Jake and I will have. Always needing him when I'm the one that's pregnant,"
"You're out of your god damn mind!" Paige yelled.
"Only this time, my mind will actually work. Yours won't after I put one through your skull," she said.
She was suddenly pushed forward by someone. She fell onto the ground with the gun flying out of her hand.
It went off when it hit the floor.
"WHO GOT SHOT?" I yelled.
I heard a taser going off and j turned to see Jake. He was slumped against the wall, taser in hand holding his arm.
"Baby..."I said. I started struggling under the rope I was in trying to get to him. He got shot in the arm and blood immediately started pouring out.
"Hayden..lacey..." Paige muttered. I turned to see both of them standing in front of me. Hayden looked really bad. He looked like he had been starved for a while.
"Megan, put the gun down," Hayden said. I turned to see Megan with the gun aimed at her head.
"Megan dont,"
"Oh please! WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE?! You all want nothin to do with me!" She yelled.
"You can't end your life! You will kill the baby!" Paige yelled.
She shook her head hysterically and started to cry.
"All I wanted to do was start a family. I loved Jake with all my heart and now, what's the point? He'll never love me the way I love him and now he has his own family," she sobbed.
I turned around the other way to see Nick conscious. He didn't have control of his body yet but he was able to talk.
"Please, SHUT UP! I don't want anything to do with you!"Megan yelled.
"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked out of curiosity.
"You want to know the truth?"
"Shut up, Nick,"
"I'll tell you....you know that baby inside-"
"Be quiet Nick,"
"It's not Jake's. It's mine,"
"AHHHHJHHH!" Megan screamed at the top of her lungs.
Oh my god. This completely puts everything together.
"That baby isn't mine and you knew it this whole time?" Jake asked in pain.
"Damn right. She's been working for Mason since day one...she made up the whole thing about you screwing her at a club," Nick said.
"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Megan said and shot Nick in the leg.
He yelled in pain as he hugged it.
"Why would you do that?" Jake asked.
"Because I thought you would want me if I had your baby. You wanted Spencer when she had hers," she whimpered.
Jake stood and shook his head.
"I love spencer, megan. We aren't together anymore. You need to see that," he said.
"She can't. She's been obsessed with you since day one. I know that because I worked for Mason," Hayden confessed.
What the hell?!
"Is everyone in this room working for Mason?!" I yelled.
Everything was spinning in circles and moving too fast. How can so many people be related by one person.
"No. Hayden told me when he thought he was going to die that he was planning to bring you here. I came here to get you," Lacey said.
She walked over to me and took out a pocket knife. Within seconds, I was rope free. I hugged the life out Jake as he held his arm.
"I'm sorry guys, I think it's time to go,"
Megan had the gun aimed at her head once again.
"Megan don't do it. That may not be my child but she still matters," Jake said.
She shook her head.
"I need to shoot something," she said.
"Then go outside," Paige suggested. She had found her way over to Hayden who was now holding her.
"And shoot what? A tree? I should just shoot whoever was the problem starter,"
Hayden fell to the floor in slow motion, out of Paige's grasp. Everything went still for a moment as my mind tried to focus and my ears rang
Megan fell to the ground along with the gun she was holding. Paige slumped over Hayden, screaming her heart out. Jake ran over to Megan to check for any sign of life.
She was gone.
She shot herself in the head.
•. •. •. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV
"Your baby is being checked out in the hospital. she was in the freezer for a while," the police told me. I nodded and hugged Paige tighter.
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