《The Reality of it All (Completed)》The Night of Revelation
I stared at the ceiling of the clinic I so desperately didn't want to be at. The endless white walls, translucent lights, squeaking medical carts, and rush of nurse's feet brought a whole new world of anxiety onto me. It had been about 14 hours since I took my last 5 pregnancy tests, and I was ready to get this over with. Paige rushed me to the clinic after witnessing my third panic attack and frankly, if she hadn't brought me here, I probably would've been in fetal position on the floor.
The smell of cleaning chemicals clung to the air, making my head spin in frenzy. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to concentrate.
"Just breathe, Spence," she whispered, giving my hand a squeeze.
I inhaled and exhaled as deeply as a could and attempted to drop my shoulders to release tension.
Paige is my one and only best friend that I've lived with since college. To say we've seen each other grow would be an understatement. After stabilizing our income, we were able to get our own apartment and say goodbye to communal bathrooms, arguments about room temperature, and all too memorable sloppy roommate hookups. I'm slowly working my way up as a marketing research analyst and money has been pretty good for an assistant. However, I'm aiming to be my own boss or whatever it is they call it these days to sound free of a 9-5.
"Spencer Shapel?" The doctor called from the door. I stood slowly and Paige stood up beside me.
I couldn't open my mouth to speak and my feet were planted so hard on the ground, you'd think I'd melted into the tile. Picking up on this, Paige guided me towards the door where my doom awaited. We followed the doctor all the way down the hall, into a tiny room.
A bed with paper on it sat in the middle of it, with two silver metal chairs placed to the right of it.
The doctor took her position at the computer desk and turned to gesture us towards the seats.
"Please..." she said with a small smile.
I reluctantly sat down and started playing with my hands.
Please don't let me be pregnant.
"So, you're here for a pregnancy test?" The woman asked. I nodded and swallowed hard. She walked over to her desk and handed me a little plastic cup.
"Down the hall is a bathroom, you're going to have to give us a urine sample," she explained. I nodded and took the cup with shaky hands. My face felt as though it were stone, but I somehow managed to give her a smile. I gave a quick glance to Paige and walked out of the room, down the hall.
If this test comes back positive, I don't know what I will do.
•. •. •. •.
After I peed in the cup, I said a small prayer over it and handed it to the doctor. She took it and told us it would only take a few minutes for the results to come back. I watched her dip the pregnancy test in my urine and calmly sit it out on the counter to wait for the results. Now I'm just sitting here gnawing at my nails until there's nothing but nub left.
I don't know what to do. If I am pregnant, I wouldn't want to abort the baby. I don't believe in abortions. On the other hand, I don't really know if I can keep it either. I can't take care of a child right now!
Suddenly, my mind hit a bad thought.
Will Mason leave me if he finds out I'm pregnant?
Wait, no he's a really responsible guy. He has a career and he seems like his life is more put together than mine. He wouldn't just abandon me like that. I've known him for a really long time.
But then again, just because you know someone for a long time, doesn't mean you know them.
The door opened and in came the doctor, interrupting my thinking process. She walked over to the test and quickly wrote something down. Turning around, she held the test up in the air to show me the results.
"Well, your results came back positive," she said, giving a sly smile.
I sighed heavily and suddenly, tears started falling loosely. Pretty soon, I was full on sobbing. Paige tried to calm me down by rubbing my back, but it only made me cry harder. It wasn't until she started singing a child hood song that I remembered to breathe. Eventually, the tears slacked up and I could resume speaking.
"Spencer, have you told anyone?" The doctor asked.
"No, no one except Paige," I sniffled. I released Paige from my grip and tried to straighten myself up.
She sat down next to me and folded her hands together.
"You should, you're about 5 weeks. I wouldn't want you going through this experience alone," she said.
I was about five weeks along. How have I not noticed it? I didn't get any morning sickness, whatsoever.
"No morning sickness. I had none," I whispered.
"Not everyone gets morning sickness. It just happens to majority of the women. It also happens a bit later in the pregnancy, it's not always an early symptom." she explains. I nodded slowly.
"Earlier symptoms are sore breasts, tiredness, new food cravings, and some other things. They usually go by unnoticed and women tend to attribute them to other things that could be going on in their life." She continued.
She stood up and handed me a card. It was her personal card with her contact information on it.
"You can call me at the number I have on there, but first let's just review your options," she said, sitting down.
I nodded and met her eyes.
"If you really can't support a baby, you can always abort-"
"I am NOT aborting a baby," I said firmly. She shook her head, understanding.
"Well, there is adoption. So many families are looking for children to raise but can't produce any."
"I'd give her to a friend before letting her go through the system. The system is horrible," I said.
"You know you could meet the parents and select who you want to give it to," she added.
I thought about it in silence.
People lie all the time. What does meeting someone once or twice do for creating a life altering decision?
"Doctor I'll call you when I have an idea. I just really want to go home and sleep," I said standing.
"Okay. Keep in mind this is a time sensitive thing, prenatal care is highly recommended. Don't be afraid to call me for anything," she said just before I walked out the door.
There were a million things running through my mind as I hopped into Paige's car. What am I gonna tell Mason? What will happen to us? Will he dump me once he finds this out?
How the hell am I supposed to take care of a baby?
•. •. •. •. •.
It was about 2 pm when we arrived at the apartment. I was pretty hungry by then, so Paige decided to order a pizza. I went upstairs and plopped down on my bed.
Man, I have to tell Mason sometime today. I wonder if he will be as freaked out as I am. I'd never seen him react negatively to anything the entire time I'd been with him.
I was debating on calling him, but this isn't the type of news you say over the phone. Maybe if you wanted to get pregnant- Nope take that back. Still not the type of news to say over the phone.
"Spence, you okay?" Paige asked, peaking her blonde head into my room.
"No, I don't really know how I'm gonna tell Mason this," I muttered. She walked all the way into the room and sat on my bed.
"He'll man up and take responsibility for this or I'm beating his ass," she said firmly. Paige always was the aggressive type. I gave a small smile and sat up.
I walked over to the mirror and pulled up my shirt. I still couldn't believe I was pregnant.
Me as a mother, I couldn't see.
Suddenly the doorbell rang and my stress was relieved from my body. Pizza temporarily fixes everything. Paige went down to answer it and I followed, eagerly. I was really hungry.
To my dismay, when I got there it was her boyfriend. My eyes met him as he walked through the door.
"Hi," he said, waving, "can I steal Paige for today?"
I should've seen this one coming. I looked over at Paige who had the biggest smile on her face.
"Uh, yeah, go ahead," I muttered. He took Paige and ruffled her head with his knuckles , making her laugh. She got from out of his reach and walked over to me.
"Are you sure you can be here by yourself?" She asked with concern. Her green eyes were telling me that she wanted to go with him. So I lied.
"Yeah, have fun," I responded meekly with a small smile. She hugged me and left out, with her boyfriend on her hip. I stood there for what seemed like forever until the hunger was too painful.
Walking over to the kitchen, I made myself a sandwich and some carrots on the side. It didn't do much for me, I was still hungry.
The pizza arrived a good thirty minutes later and I managed to finish half of the box by myself. I had no clue if I was really as hungry as I was making myself seem, or if I was stress eating.
I had to tell Mason.
After all, the longer I wait, the bigger I grow and the less balls I have to say it.
Around this time, he was usually leaving his job or he'd be in Dunkin Donuts.
I got in a taxi after calling and telling him I'd be there shortly. I was really nervous. How should I break the news of a child, anyway?
•. •. •. •. •.
I walked into Dunkin Donuts with such fear, my knees started trembling. The store was pretty busy, there were people sitting and some in line. I finally found Mason on the left at a table. He seemed to be working hard on his laptop.
I walked over to him.
"Hey, babe," he said as he stood to hug me with a smile. I tried giving him a smile back, but anyone could tell it was forced.
"Are you bloated or did you just eat a lot? It's like rock hard in there," he said, suddenly feeling my stomach. My eyes widened and my breathing hitched. This was going to be harder than I thought. I know what he was touching was just food, but damn.
I played it off and giggled, sitting down across the table from him.
"So what'sup?" He asked. I took a moment to think this through as I was staring into his deep blue eyes. Our baby would probably have blue eyes and I love blue eyes.
I was slowly drifting off and his hand waved in front of my face. Snapping out of my trance, I decided to just say it.
"Mason, I'm pregnant," I whispered. The smile from his face dropped in an instant. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to come to terms with what I just said.
"I'm pregnant, I found out earlier today," I repeated hesitantly. He frowned harder and crossed his arms, shaking his head.
"It's not mine," I heard him say. My heart dropped and I suddenly regretted the entire thing.
"You're kidding me... Right?" I asked him, chuckling a bit.
He slowly started shaking his head again in disbelief. He really thinks I'm lying to him.
"You know this is yours, Mason. You're the only person I've been with-"
"No, you were fooling around behind my back," he said, his voice getting louder. We earned a couple of stares. "I wore a condom every time... there's no way it's mine."
"Are you serious? You think just because you're wearing a condom there's no possible way of conceiving a child?!" I asked, raising my voice as well.
"Someone else had to be screwing you!" He responded, leaning back. Half of the store was staring, now.
"This is unbelievable," I yell. "Condoms can break, tear, or simply not work. They are only stated to work 99% of the time. Even less if you're not pulling out, which let me remind you, YOU HAVEN'T BEEN."
"I'd know if some came through the condom! It's not mine," he argued. My anger was building by the second and I was about to curse him out when a hand touched my shoulder.
"I think you should leave, sir. Now," someone said. Mason looked at them in disbelief and got up quickly. He left the store with stares from the entire crowd of people.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, are you?"
I didn't realize there were two people as they sat down. They were both guys but they looked gay. One of them was a bleached blonde with a fade in pink and the other was a brunette who had a piercing on his nose.
They both looked at me with contempt in their eyes.
"Uh, yeah," I muttered.
"Girl, what he said to you was wrong,"
"Yeah, I can't believe you put up with that," the guy with the pink hair said.
"Yeah, he's not like that all the time," I tried to say, but my voice cracked," he's usually responsible and trustworthy but now-"
"Aww sweetie, don't cry," the guy with the piercing said. I didn't even realize I was crying until I touched my cheek and looked at my tears.
The one with the pink hair came over and hugged me, trying to keep the tears at bay.
"He ain't even worth it," he whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and wiped my tears. He isn't worth it, he is right. I'm not wasting tears on him.
I straightened myself up and calmed down.
"I'm Spencer, by the way," I said, making eye contact. They both smiled.
"My names Chad," the piercing said.
"I'm Alex," pink haircut said.
I nodded and we started talking. I was just getting to know them a little better and they seemed really cool. One thing led to another and we ended up talking for a whole hour. Realizing that it was getting late, I was about to call a cab but they insisted on dropping me off instead. Eventually, I was home and we traded phone numbers.
"Call us when that asshole does something else, we got you," Chad yelled. I smiled genuinely and nodded as I waved goodbye from my front door.
Their white sedan pulled out of the driveway and I walked into the house to hear moans coming from upstairs.
I walked up the stairs with an umbrella, just in case it was a burglar. Then again, what burglar has sex in the house their robbing?
I continued up the stairs and found the moans coming from Paige's room.
"AHHHH- yes!"
It sounded like Paige. I dropped the umbrella and went back down stairs to watch some tv. Spongebob SquarePants was on and I grabbed a bucket of ice cream.
I was a good 20 minutes into the show when Paige's moans got louder and the ceiling started shaking, sending dust down.
I remember sex. Mason and I used to do it all the time, but now when I think about it, I see bold letters reading danger.
I had enough of it and stomped up the stairs, thrusting the door open. Both stopped in their tracks, and I immediately regretted ever opening this door.
"If you guys don't keep your voices down, I swear to god you will end up on a porn website," I threatened. Paige watched me carefully.
"Yeah, sorry about that. Are you okay?" She asked eyeing me.
"Just peachy," I replied and closed the door back. I suddenly felt tired. It had been a long eventful day and I just needed to crash. I'm not sure if Mason will want to be apart of this baby's life.
I may just be on my own this time.
Ryder got on top of me and started pumping harder and faster. Our bodies were dripping sweat, but we didn't mind.
He put my legs around his neck for better access and the next thing you know I was moaning. We went on in this position for a good two minutes, until I flipped him over and straddled him. The bed was shaking and Ryder was giving me a face that meant it was good.
Suddenly the door bursted open and Ryder grabbed the sheets. I turned around to see Spencer standing there. She looked aggravated and her eyes seemed red. Was she crying?
I asked if she was okay and she replied with a sarcastic answer. I automatically knew This had something to do with Mason.
I turned back to Ryder after she closed the door and his face was red as a tomato.
"That was so uncomfortable," he muttered. I shrugged and leaned in, kissing his lips.
"Babe, I gotta go. Something's up with her," I said trying to get off, but his hands held my hips down.
"Why do we have to stop now? Can't we just finish here?" He asked, whining. I shook my head no and started laughing.
"You were about to explode if I kept riding anyway. We can pick this up later," I Confirmed. He sat up on his elbows and gave me a hard kiss and I returned the favor.
I walked him to the door and after he left and jumped in the shower. If Mason said something stupid, he's dead.
•. •. •. •.
I knocked on the door of his office and he opened it within seconds.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO SPENCER?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips.
"She tells me she's pregnant when she's been fooling around? I tell her it's not mine!" He responded.
"You know you're kinda hot when you're mad," he said raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah I know," I said touching his face with my hand," you know what you are?" His arm went around my waist and he brought me closer to him.
"No baby, what?" He asked. I could smell his minty breathe.
"A piece of shit," I said slapping him straight across the face. His face dropped the smirk it held and he let go of my waist.
"You know what? I can't believe I paired you two together! You're trying to flirt with me when I'm Spencer's best friend!" I yelled in his face. I went on for a couple of more minutes until security came.
"Don't even touch me, I'm leaving! You're not even worth Spencer's time anyway's," I said, sending him a look as if he was scum on a floor which in reality, he was.
I left with the entire building staring, feeling proud of myself. Spencer is going to be in for a treat when I tell her this.
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