《Let's stop | KookMin/Jikook》The truth


A long ass chapter, more than 1K words. Enjoy :))


Author's POV

"Oppa, what's it with Yuna. Just call me Yuju!" she greeted him. For some reason Jimin noticed her getting closer to Jungkook, which irritated him. He scrunched his nose and said hi back before focusing on Jungkook. But he was looking away.

"Yuju-ssi, if it's OK with you, I have to talk to Jungkook for a bit." He wanted to be polite, but hell no one liked seeing her with Jungkook.

"Yeah sure, why not." Jimin tried to catch up the girl's expression, and she kind of looked amused, but why? He decided to ignore that and waited for Jungkook to stand up. Jungkook quickly told his mom that they're heading to his room, which his mom hummed to in response.

"Why are you here hyung? You have schedule for tomorrow."

"Look at my Kookie all worried. You know my schedule too?" Jimin was teasing and Jungkook wasn't in the mood at all. He decided that this has been dragging too long so he went straight to Jungkook and looked him in the eyes.

"Why is she here?" He started to get a source of red in his eyes.

"Who? Yuju? She's here because our parents wanted us to get to know each other. Before we decide whether to get engaged or not." The last part Jungkook mumbled.

"What?! No you can't!" Jimin almost yelled, but almost.

"So, I can't try to find love on my own when I get rejected by you?" Jungkook was pissed at his hyung. Why wouldn't he let him be when he tried to forget about him.

"No, that's not what I meant. I'm sorry, of course you have the right to be happy. But I can feel it Jungkook. It's forced, you and I know you'll never like her sincerely." He was right, and Jungkook knew. But no way he was going to look more pathetic in front of his hyung.


"But before you go out, let me tell you something about me that only Taehyung knows." With that he took off his shirt, which took Jungkook of guard. In merely a second, Jimin's wings spread out. A beautiful pair of white wings with silver decorations. But some places, it was burnt.

"What are you?" Jungkook couldn't believe what he was seeing. Jimin took his hand and guided it to feel his wings, and he whimpered under Jungkook's touch. It felt right for him.

"I'm an angel. I know this may not look real, but let me explain everything to you." He paused before continuing. "I'm actually a fourth human as well, that's how I can hide my wings, and the silver strokes represents the human part of me. My dad was full angel, but my mom only half. They fell in love and well, here I am." He scratched the back of his head waiting for the younger to show something or say something.

"Why are you all of a sudden telling me this?" Jungkook was starting to believe everything. Because only gods knew how many fantasy books he's been reading and secretly hoping for angels and aliens to be real.

"You see these burnt holes?" Jungkook nodded. "It's because I'm running out of time. I need to clarify my soulmate so I too can fully become a human. Jungkook, you may think of me as selfish, but in short amount of time I'm going to be gone and sent to Hell. For us angels, times goes by fast when we have a limit to it, because we're usually immortal." He then waited for the younger to nod before continuing.

"I decided to become a fully human when I got to know that my mom was sick. She had to leave me and my dad when I was only three years old. My dad being the loving husband he is, decided to let my mom go so she could mate with another human to recover. I'm pretty sure that to this day my dad misses her, as same for my mom. I was furies at the begging on why she left us. But now I understand. She did so she could live to see me grow up, from a distance.


I search for her and when I finally met her, I felt so happy. Then I got to know that she had a son, Jihyun. I came to know this little brother of mine, which I instantly fell in love with. Not that way btw. He was the cutest little thing. After so much pleading, I got to be his guarding angel. Since we shared the same mom, he too had inherited my mom's illness. More because he's body was weaker than mine, since he was almost 100% a human, with only a little bit of angel-blood in him.

When seeing them both, I started to question for how long I'd be able to see them. So, I convinced my dad on becoming human. He let me, despite being hurt by both me and mom. But he loved us too much. So I came here, and I was told that if I wanted to become a human I had to find a job. Since I was good at dancing and singing I auditioned, because being an idol is a job, right?" Jungkook nodded at that too, he was really interested in Jimin past life.

"So, I got into this group which changed my life, to the better of course. I met you and the others, even if I knew Taehyung way before. Whenever I looked at you, I was reminded of Jihyun – hey don't look at me like that. Just let me explain. The Heavens wanted me to find a soulmate. She or he didn't have to be in love with me, just by my side for till my last breath. Checking up on me, being my best friend. First, I thought of Taehyung. We were dating at that time after all. Surprising, right? But then when we joined BTS, Taehyung started to act weird. I guess now we all know why."

"Because he's in love with Hoseok hyung" Jungkook said.

"Yeah. We broke up but decided to be best friends as always. And then boom, I thought of Jihyun being my soulmate, but no way I was going to be his lover, no, that was just so wrong. You remember when I mentioned the fan-meeting at the park? He knew he was going to have a break down, and I was there every time he had one. Each time a gave him a little of myself, a feather. Which helped him back up. But that day I wasn't, and well... he died."

Jungkook was at loss for words, so he just hugged his hyung that was almost crying. Now he knew how much Jimin actually cared for him by seeing him as Jihyun.

"So, you want me to become your soulmate since Tae and Hoseok hyung are basically lovers?"

"You're indeed smart. But no. I won't be that selfish. I guess after all the things I've done to you, unintentionally, I deserve this. But I couldn't leave without telling you everything and clearing this up." He said. Despite that you'll not remember anything after I'm gone. No one will, he said that to himself.

Now Jungkook's eyes were cold as ice when he looked up, and that scared Jimin.

"Good then. Hyung I love you and I always will. But I can't keep on doing this. I'm glad you're not that selfish." With that he left Jimin alone in his rom.

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