《Let's stop | KookMin/Jikook》The past


Author's POV

Jimin took the first train to Busan, not saying anything to anyone. On his way, he cancelled his schedule and started thinking, thinking about everything.

"Jungkook, you're being ridiculous! How can you like me? I'm fat. I'm chubby and I'm no good!" Jimin was getting angry. Couldn't the younger recall how he pushed Jimin away at the very start of their carrier? Only saying everything cute they did was fanservice? It hurt him like hell, because Jimin really wanted to look at Jungkook as Jihyun after he got to know him.

"Hyung, I never said that! Ok, maybe in the begging of our carrier I was an ass! But you're being an ass now. I was scared of my feelings, scared of liking you too much." The youngest admitted.

"Jungkook, Jihyun died in the most brutal way and I wasn't there to save him. And for what, for a fucking fan meeting. He knew he wasn't going to make it, and he begged me to go with him, which I agreed to. But you Jungkook, grabbed my wrist and asked me to stay! How stupid was I to ever listen to you, and now you tell me you were scared. Scared of what? Let make things clear Jungkook; even then I looked at you as my Jihyun, and I still do."

Jungkook was very angry, and when he was angry, he couldn't control himself. Suddenly he threw a punch on Jimin's face making him fall backwards on his back. Then he sat on him wanting to punch the shit out of him. But he didn't, no, he couldn't.

"Only as a brother huh? Then why did you kiss me back in your sleep. Why?!"

"I was asleep you dumbass, I didn't know what I was doing!"


Then from nowhere, Namjoon came.

The train stopped at Busan and Jimin went down. He took a cab to Jungkook's house, or his parent's house. When he arrived, he knocked twice before seeing Ms. Jeon.

"Oh, Jimin sweetie. What are you doing here?"

"Hi Ms. Jeon, I'm here because I really need to talk to Jungkook." Jimin bowed at the elder.

He then was welcomed to their house. It wasn't too big, but it was beautiful. He was led to the living room where he heard Jungkook laugh. He smiled at the younger's laughter. When they skipped the long corridor, he saw Jungkook sitting on the couch next to some girl.

"Jungkook honey, you have a guest." Ms. Jeon said.

Both heads looked back to be greeted by a smiling Jimin, but Jimin's smile faded when he saw who Jungkook was sitting next to.


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