《Never Hit a Maid ↠ Loki X Reader》13


Hey guys! I must confess it's been a while since I published anything. Thank you all for sticking with me through dry patches! 

In other words, 1k reads!!! I am so happy so many of you are enjoying this. Love u lots <3

tw; suicide

- A x


I had always enjoyed midguardian books. Perhaps that's why I jumped at the opportunity to rule them. They were far less superior than Asgardians, however they were skilled when it came to literacy - particularly authors such as H G Wells or Dickens. This book in particular that I was reading was by a man called Ernest Hemingway and depicts the story of a man out at sea. I was quite happy getting lost in my literature down here, especially since there isn't really much else to do.

That was until my brute of a brother showed up once again. He had a stern glare plastered across his face, his bulging arms folded angrily. I laughed.

"Maid not want to go back to your chambers with you oh brother?" I teased. 

"What did you say to her?" He growled back. I smirked at him. 

"Are you not enjoying the raining women, desperate to get with such a... a hero? Were they not good enough for you?"

"Loki I am not interested in your maid. I wanted her to help me get through to you. To help get my brother back, the man she loved." That word made my guts twisted. My smirk dropped.

"Enough." I turned around and tried to continue with my book, just to tune him out. I knew he would stand around like an idiot trying to talk to me. 

"You shut the only woman out that seems to help you so that you can take it out on me?" I couldn't help but turn back around and look at him.


"Oh I'm not shutting her out."


My whole body was aching. My vision was blurry as I walked through the corridors of the Asgardian palace, and the marble floors were cold against my bare feet. My heart felt like it was being crushed and flattened inside my ribcage, and every breath I took tightened the invisible force's grip. I felt something running down my leg. Confused, I turned back, seeing a trail of blood being left in my wake. I looked at the back of my legs and saw streaks of blood decorating my skin. I ran my hands up my back, screaming out loud as they ran over deep, deep wounds created by the crack of a whip. 

"You deserve this." I heard a familiar voice say. I whipped round to face Hugo. "You hurt that maid. You hurt our good name. You hurt the only family you have left."

"What the fuck?" I tried to say, but the words I spoke disappeared as they left my mouth. "I don't understand..."

The pain on my back got worse. My breaths were getting shorter and shorter. It hurt to even breathe. I collapsed on the floor in front of Hugo. He kneeled down, and lifted my chin up. It wasn't Hugo anymore.

I was met with a pair of beautiful ocean eyes. A soft smile. Relief. I took a huge breath in, gripping onto his black locks for support as I began to stir.

I jumped awake, breathing heavily. My face was wet with tears. My entire body was trembling. I looked outside, and it was still dark. I felt heavy. I felt so alone without him. 

I don't really know what came over me. It was getting harder to breathe. I got up and left the maids quarters. I entered one of the main corridors running along the side of the castle, overlooking the west of Asgard. The moon left a yellow tint across the already golden city. I leaned against the balcony, trying my best to get my breath back, but my chest was getting tighter. I needed release. I needed Loki.


I decided to climb up on the balcony, letting the cool summer night breeze sway over my heaving body. It loosened up my chest. I looked up at the stars as I started to feel dazed yet calm. It was like a feeling of hypoxia. I lifted my arms and smiled as the cool air travelled over them. I heard my name being called, but it was muted, unimportant.


I smiled. I felt free.


I let my legs buckle and tumbled over the edge of the balcony.

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