《Never Hit a Maid ↠ Loki X Reader》14


Hey guys. Sorry for the cliffhanger last chapter! This one is completely from Loki's POV so something a little bit different.

tw; there is some implication of self harm and mention of suicide.

- A x


"Thor, I thought I made it explicitly clear I did not want to be in your presence." I sighed. I didn't need to turn around without knowing it was him. It's like there was a certain... arrogance in the air. However, to my disappointment, there was no annoyed reply back. I turned around. Thor was standing with a solemn look on his face.

"I don't need to be here, Loki."

"Then why are you?" I sighed, rolling my eyes and turning back around.

"Something happened last night." My curiosity sparked.

"Let me guess. You had an epiphany on what I said and have come to lecture me about (y/n) for 'shutting her out' even though you so pathetically want her for yourself even though you're not interested? No. Did you realise you have been a huge oaf to me and those around you your entire life and have just realised and want to provide an extremely late apology? Or what about you decided to take my words of carefully considered advice and finally-"

"Loki." He interrupted me. "(y/n) tried to kill herself last night."

In that moment it felt like everything stopped. I stayed silent for a second.

"I need to see her." I demanded. Thor scoffed slightly, and I could feel the rage bubbling up inside of me. "I don't understand what's funny." Thor shook his head lightly.

"You have absolutely no rights to leave this cell, and I have no debt to pay to you. I am simply doing this so you don't haunt yourself over why she hasn't come running back to you yet." He spoke quietly. I frowned. "You hurt her. Although I would expect nothing more coming from you." He was getting louder, angrier.


"You don't know anything about me. Or about us." I spat.

"I know that she was in love with the man she used to know!" He shouted at me. "Not the disgusting waste of a man you are now."

I could feel the rage boiling through my blood. Using my limited magic, I picked up a chair and hurled it at the barrier between Thor and I, grinding my teeth and growling at him. Thor scoffed, trying to act tough even though I could see the tears welling up in his eyes.

I started destroying my cell. At some point, Thor had left, but I didn't care. The only thing on my mind was (y/n), and how I left her. I spent what felt like hours lying on the cold stone floor, staring at the wall. I had used a barrier to protect my image, no one could see the state I was in apart from me.

I was awoken in the middle of the night to my mothers voice.

"Loki, you've been reading that book for the past 16 hours. I'm not a fool. Lift up your barrier."

I sighed and waved my hand. She was greeted to the sight of my trashed cell and me standing in the back corner, slightly dishevelled. She sighed.

"I'm so sorry to hear about what happened. I heard that Thor didn't help either."

"Stupid oaf." I grumbled.

"Loki, if I do this for you, you need to promise you will co-operate with us and let us help you. We don't want to see you in this cell forever."

"I'm sure father does."

"Loki, please."

"Well, what are you going to do for me? Tidy my cell?" She smiled at me and turned to a guard, nodding her head slightly. He looked reluctant, but after a scorning look from Frigga he turned to a control panel and pressed a button. The cell opened. Frigga turned back around to me.


"What is this?"

"Loki, you need to promise me you won't do anything. I'm doing this to let you see (y/n). Can I trust you?"


"And will you help us help you?"


"Well then." She stepped aside, letting me step out. A guard stepped forward to handcuff me but mother waved him away. We left the dungeon, made our way up to the corridors and for the first time in what felt like centuries, I felt crisp, fresh night air hit my face. It felt good. I felt mother pause slightly and looked at her. She was still looking ahead.


"Just up there is where she did it." She said quietly. "Around this time last night." She nodded slightly towards a curved balcony. I walked over, placing my hands on the cold golden perches. I tried to imagine her, standing where I was and wondered what tipped her over the edge to make her jump.

"I need to see her."

"Of course. This way."

I followed her into the medical ward. Eir was there, and it was empty apart from a bed in the back corner. I ran over to her, and my heart broke.

She was asleep. Her arms were bright red, as if she had been scratching her arms all night. The top of her left arm was purple. Her face was scraped and bruised, and her lip was burst open pretty badly. I carefully cupped the side of her face which wasn't as damaged. Eir came up the other side of the bed. Mother was standing out of the way.

"She fell about 15 metres. She is lucky she's an asgardian, any other form of life would've probably had a lot more damage with a fall like that." Eir explained. "She has damaged her ankle pretty badly. It's going to be hard for her to walk for a while, and probably to run for the rest of her life."

I sighed and pressed my forehead up against hers. Eir gave us some privacy.

"I'm sorry, maiden. I love you." I whispered. I cried silently as I sat with her. After an hour the sun began to rise and I knew that I would have to leave. I kissed her forehead and left her sleeping soundly. The walk back to the dungeon was silent until I got to my cell, as I turned around to mother.

"So what do I need to do to get out of here?"

"If you co-operate with us and prove that you can change, I can let you out."

"Okay, but it needs to be you who will keep me sane."

"Of course, Loki. I will be there every step of the way." She smiled. As she was leaving, she paused and turned back around. "Oh, and tidy your cell."

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