《My Sweet Bodyguard Randomness》MSB AU: The Hybrid Who Fell From the Sky
On break from both college and work, Kendall was going to join the bodyguards on their training retreat up on the mountains. She wasn't going to actually 'join' them, but be there for support and she had nothing to do anyway, so why not? They were traveling by shuttle, and it was pretty quiet, except for one...
"Just a small town girl~ Living in a lonely world~ She took the midnight train going anywhere~ Just a city boy~ Born and raised in South Detroit~ He took the midnight train going anywhere~" Kendall sang jamming out to her iPod while wearing headphones.
She felt someone taking out one of the earbuds. "I'm sorry to interrupt you, but do you realize that you're singing out loud?" Mizuki asked. "I am?! Sorry about that guys..." Kendall said. "What song are you listening to?" Sora asked. "...I don't know." Kendall answered. "Liar. If you didn't know, you wouldn't be singing it." Kaiji said. "Huh... Embarrassed?" Subaru asked. "Not really no. I didn't realize that I was screaming out the words, so... Sorry." Kendall said. "It was really cute." Mizuki said. "Thank you, but please don't add more fuel to fire when I'm trying to put it out." Kendall said. "Give us an encore!" Sora said. "Encore! Encore!" The four exclaimed. "Will all of you settle down and sit back in your seat?!" Katsuragi exclaimed.
The guys who originally got up went back to their seats. "Thank you Katsuragi." Kendall said. "I'm sorry that my men were giving you a hard time." Katsuragi said. "It's fun when they're like that and all, but sometimes I'm like 'Really guys?' but they'll still my really good friends and Mizuki is my... You know." Kendall said. "I understand. We're almost to our destination, so please hang on a little longer, Ms. Ferreira." Katsuragi said. "Ok, thank you." Kendall said. "I'm your what?" Mizuki asked smirking. "My... Boyfriend... Who I love very much and- Wait, why am I explaining this to you?! Damn it, Mizuki!" Kendall exclaimed while blushing. "Hehe. I just wanted to hear it." Mizuki said. "You love teasing me, don't you?" Kendall asked. "Since I know what makes you tick, it became a lot more fun." Mizuki said. "Oh yeah... When we were getting to know each other, it was hard for you to tease me since I would just respond with smartass comments. But now..." Kendall said. "I know your weaknesses." Mizuki said. "If you use them against me I swear to god..." Kendall said. "I already have before." Mizuki said. "I love you bae, but oh my god..." Kendall said.
They arrived at the destination. "I get my own room, right?" Kendall asked. "Correct. While we're doing our physical activity, you may stay inside your room or take a look around if you like, but please don't go too far off." Katsuragi said. "Understood. You guys going to start right now?" Kendall asked. "Once we get our stuff settled, we will begin." Katsuragi said. "Ok. I'm just going to walk around for a little bit, and then relax in my room for the rest of the day." Kendall said. "Don't stuff yourself in your room for too long or else you'll become a hermit." Kaiji said. "And it's not good for you. The least you can do is open a window or step out from time to time." Subaru said. "She's most of the time in her room, looking at things on her laptop." Mizuki said. "What things..?" Sora asked. "I'm on social media! If you were thinking about something else, you're way wrong!" Kendall exclaimed. "You sure about that?" Subaru asked. "Yeah! I'm too chicken to look up 'things' and if I come across it, I... Uh... Never mind." Kendall said. "So you do look at things." Kaiji said. "No I don't! Get your minds out of the gutter!" Kendall exclaimed. "Stop harassing Ms. Ferreira and get changed! NOW!" Katsuragi said.
She let out a relieved sigh. "I'll see you later, Kendall." Mizuki said. "See ya and good luck." Kendall said.
While the bodyguards were doing their training, she was walking through the small woods, making sure she wasn't going too far. "What is there to do out here..?" She asked herself.
She found herself in front of a stream. She picked up a rock, trying to make it skip on the water but failed. "It was worth a try... Seriously though... What is there to do?"
As she was turning around, something landed on her, making her fall flat on her back. "What the hell was-" She said lifting her head.
A little kid was lying on her stomach, but not just any little kid. "Cat ears? What..?"
The little creature lifted its head up, looking directly at her face. She gasped in admiration. "So cute~!"
The child with cat ears's stomach began to growl. "Oh... You're hungry. Hm... I'm not sure what you eat, but..." Kendall said getting something out of her bag. "Maybe you'll like this."
She unwrapped a rice ball from the wrapper, handing it to her new friend. "Here. Try it. It's really good."
He took the rice ball, sniffed it, and took a tiny bite. His eyes sparkled and ate bigger bites. "I'm glad you like it. My name is Kendall. Do you have a name?"
He didn't respond, probably because he was shy. "Hm... Can I call you... Mako?"
He nodded and tugged at her sleeve. "What? You want another one?"
He smiled and nodded. "Alright then. Here you go." Kendall said handing another rice ball to him.
He was eating it happily. "You should have a drink to go along with it. Here." Kendall said handing him a juice box.
He took out without hesitation and drank it with no problem. "Are you parents around?"
He shook his head. "Where did you come from?"
He pointed at the sky. "The sky..? I'm not sure how to bring you back up there, but I'll figure something out. How about you spend the night with me tonight?"
In response, he clinged to her. "I'll take that as a yes. Then it's settled. Hm... I can't let the guys see you or else there will be a lot of chaos, so you'll just be in my room." Kendall said getting up and holding little Mako. "Let's go."
Carefully going back to her room and succeeded, she shut the door to her room. "Mi casa es su casa. Well... It's not really my house, I'm just staying here for a few days."
Mako jumped out of her arms and went towards a white teddy bear. "Oh, that's my teddy bear that a special someone gave to me. His name is Yuki."
He was tugging at the hoodie the bear was wearing. "You like that? You can try it on if you want." Kendall said taking the hoodie off the bear, and helped Mako put it on. "The sleeves are a little bit long, but other than that it looks good on you, Mako."
She poked his tiny cat ears which made him jump a little. "I'm sorry I scared you. It's just that your ears are really cute and I unintentionally touched them. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
In response, he nuzzled her, signaling that he wanted to be petted on the head. "Aww! Ok, little guy!" Kendall said gently petting him on the head. "You're so soft just like a real cat."
Enjoying the sensation of being petted, he began to feel sleepy. "Looks like it's nap time for you." Kendall said picking him up and cradled him in her arms, still petting his head while humming a nursery rhyme.
Later that evening, she heard the guys coming in through the other room. She slowly rose up from the bed, rubbing her eyes. "They're back... Cool."
She looked at little Mako who was still sound asleep. She smiled and petted his hair. "Kendall? Are you in there?" Mizuki asked at the other side of the door. "Uh... Yeah! Hold on! I'll be out there in a sec!" Kendall said and rushed towards the door and swiftly came out of the room. "Hey guys. How was training?"
"It went well though I'm pretty exhausted." Mizuki said. "Were you in your room all day?" Sora asked. "No, I took a walk earlier and took a nap. Got a few bug bites here and there..." Kendall said. "I brought some anti-itch cream if you want to use it." Subaru said. "Thanks. I need it." Kendall said. "I'll help apply it on for you. Come into the room." Mizuki said. "Aren't you guys going to get changed though?" Kendall asked. "Then how about your room?" Mizuki asked. "On second thought, let do that in your guys' room." Kendall responded. They looked at one another and shrugged it off.
In the bodyguards' room, Mizuki was putting cream on Kendall's bug bites which were mostly on her legs. "Thanks Mizuki." Kendall said. "It's no trouble at all." Mizuki said.
There was a 'thump' noise that made them all freeze. "What was that?" Kaiji asked. "It was... My phone vibrating on the table and dropping on the floor. I'll get it." Kendall said and ran out of the room.
She shut the door behind as soon as she entered, and saw that Mako was face flat on the wall. "Oh you poor thing. You rolled towards the wall." Kendall said walking towards him.
He lifted his head up, seeing red liquid on the wall, and started to tear up. "No! No! No! It's ok! Don't cry!" Kendall exclaimed, picking him up.
She saw that his forehead was bleeding, but it was only just a little. "Shhhh. It's ok. I will make it all better." Kendall said getting stuff out of her bag while still carrying Mako in her arms.
She gently put him down on the cushion, and started to clean the wound with a cotton ball.
Soon after, she took out a ziplock bag with bandages in them. "You can choose which one you like. Go ahead." Kendall said opening the bag.
He ended up picking the bandage that had cats on them. "Good choice! I'll put it on for you." Kendall said taking the stuff off the bandage and stuck it on his forehead. She took out a tissue and wiped his tears away. "See? You're all better now."
He went over towards her bag, and fell in it. "Mako! Are you ok?"
He stuck his head out, and came out of the bag, holding an apple. "You're hungry again? Ok. I'll cut it up into tiny pieces for you."
He placed the apple in her hand, and watched her peel the skin off of the apple with a knife.
She cut the apple into pieces and placed them on a plate. "Here you go."
He took a piece and ate it, and his eyes went wide and gave out a little giggle. "You like that? It's all yours."
He got another piece, and walked up to her. He took a hold of her hand, and placed the tiny piece of apple on her palm. "For me? Thank you Mako." Kendall said petting his head.
Together, they enjoyed eating the pieces of apple.
The sun fully set and the moon was up. "You know... I wonder what guys talk about when they're together. Since they're all in the same room, they're basically having a sleepover. I'm surprised that Mizuki hasn't came into my room, maybe he's having fun hanging with the guys. I'm glad that he is. Also, it'll be difficult and awkward explaining why you're here since no one knows you're here except me."
She heard a knock on the door. "Spoke too soon. Uh... Mako, get into the bag and don't come out until I say so."
"Kendall? Are you in there?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah! Coming!" Kendall shouted.
Mako went into the bag and she answered the door. "Sorry I was- Holy shit..."
The four guys were in their pjs, but one stood out the most. "Nice... Pjs, Subaru..." Kendall said holding back her laugh. "Thanks. It's nice, huh?" Subaru asked. "Yeah... Real nice." Kendall answered. "You want to join us?" Sora asked. "Thank you for offering, but I'm going to stay in my room." Kendall said. "Oh come on! You've been in there all day! Come on! Talk to us!" Sora said. "He's right, you know." Kaiji said. "We want you to come talk with us." Mizuki said. "Ok. Ok. Just for a little bit. But after that, I really have to head back to my room, because... I have homework to do." Kendall said. "From one of your classes?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah... It sucks, so I want to finish it so I don't have to worry about it anymore." Kendall said. "Maybe you should do it now and join us later." Subaru said. "Thanks for understanding. I'll come in later, so until then... Good night." Kendall said. "Night!" Sora said. "See ya." Kaiji said. "Make sure to take breaks so you don't overwork yourself." Mizuki said. "Will do. Have fun, guys!" Kendall said and went back into her room.
She heard the footsteps fading away and the door closing. "Ok good. Mako, you can come out now."
The bag was moving, and he came out holding a pocky box. "Now you want pockys? Alright. I'll open it up for you." Kendall said going towards him.
While the two were munching down on pocky sticks, she got out a glass cup. "I wonder what they're talking about when I'm not there. Hey Mako, want to listen too?"
He nodded and she got out another cup. "Ok. Just place your cup on the wall like this, and put your ear against it." Kendall said and saw him mimicking her. "Good. Now we have to be very quiet or else we won't hear."
"Cheers!" They exclaimed and gulped down their drinks. "That's the stuff..." Sora said. "Man... They're getting turnt. I wanna get turnt. But I choose hanging out with you than getting turnt any day." Kendall said and sighed, realizing what she said was ridiculous to a little kid.
"So... What kind of girl are you guys into?" Sora asked. "Wow... Guys talk about this kind of stuff? I thought they always talked about-" Kendall said but was interrupted when Mako sneezed. "Bless you."
"She has to be pretty, but what matters the most is her determination." Subaru said. "Nice! I like girls who have a cute smile." Sora said. "If a girl is crying, it makes me want to calm her down and... Protect her." Kaiji said. "You have someone in mind, Kaiji?" Mizuki asked. "N-No! I never mentioned anyone!" Kaiji exclaimed. "Really now?" Mizuki asked. "What about you then?" Kaiji asked. "Haha! Good thing Kendall isn't in the room or else you wouldn't be telling us!" Sora said. "For once, you're right." Subaru said. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" Sora exclaimed. "Well... I like a girl with inner strength. The kind of girl that doesn't seem any special, but is actually really tough, and someone who can cheer me up when I'm feeling down." Mizuki said. "Aw, bae..." Kendall mumbled.
"Anything else?" Kaiji asked. "I also like girls who are shy. I like it when girls get embarrassed! It's really cute! Especially Kendall! I like to see if she can get any more embarrassed. It makes me want to do all kinds of things. Lots of things..." Mizuki said.
The room went silent. "My god Mizuki! You really like making things awkward!" Kendall thought, slamming her fist on the floor.
"...What about you, chief?" Subaru asked. "Yeah! You've been really quiet!" Sora said. "I-I don't know if..." Katsuragi said. "What was that..?" Subaru asked. "What was what?" Kaiji asked. "I thought I heard something." Subaru said. "You too? I think it's coming from the veranda." Sora said. "I know where it is, but I'm already in bed and I don't feel like getting up." Mizuki said. "What?!" Kaiji exclaimed. "It sounds like it is coming from the veranda. I'll get it, any of you want to help?" Subaru asked. "I can-" Kaiji said. "No, Kaiji. Stay out on this. Trust me." Mizuki said smirking. "I think it's only just the wind." Katsuragi said. "You guys are just... Fine, I'll see what's up." Subaru said tiptoeing towards the veranda. "Alright! Come out you- EEEEEEEEEEEEK!"
"What's wrong, Subaru?!" Katsuragi asked. "It's nothing that bad, it's only a co-" Mizuki said. "Mizuki! Don't you dare!" Subaru exclaimed. "You knew all along?" Kaiji asked. "I did." Mizuki answered. "...That's it? I'll take care of it." Sora said. "Sora! That's my-" Subaru said but it was too late. "My... Slipper..."
"Got it!" Sora said happily. "Why you little..!" Subaru exclaimed. "Enough!" Katsuragi exclaimed. "Poor Subaru. I had no idea he was frightened of cockroaches. And his poor slipper..." Kendall mumbled.
She heard a noise below her, and saw that Mako had made a little peephole. "Mako, no!"
The hole was big enough to see into the next room. "Dang... But you made that in the right spot where they can't see it. Nice- No! I can't encourage you for doing this... But... Eh, whatever." Kendall said and peeked through the hole.
"Pillow fight~!" Sora said and threw a pillow, hitting Subaru in the face. "You're in for it now, shorty!" Subaru exclaimed. "Who are you calling short?!" Sora exclaimed. "Hmph. Who else?" Subaru asked. "Will you two cut it-" Katsuragi exclaimed and had a pillow thrown on his face. "Whoops! Sorry chief! That was meant for Subaru." Sora said. "Sora!!!" Katsuragi said. "I'll get him." Kaiji said. "Not if you can't get me!" Sora said hitting him with a pillow and ran away. "Quit acting like a little kid! Get back here!" Kaiji exclaimed chasing after him. "...I'm going to bed." Mizuki said laying down. "Stop running around and get in you bed!" Katsuragi exclaimed.
Kendall moved away from the peephole. "Things escalated very quickly... So that's what guys do, huh? I seriously thought they talked about-" Kendall said but was interrupted by Mako's sneeze. "Bless you... Again." She said and laughed.
He let out a yawn which made her yawn. "I'm ready to hit the hay too."
Mako lied on one side, snuggling up to Kendall's teddy bear. "Good night, Mako." Kendall said and turned off the light.
The next day after seeing the bodyguards off to go do their training, she went out for a walk with Mako. "I need to somehow find a way for you to get back home. It was nice to spend time with you, but I would feel at ease if you were where you belong, and I bet you miss your family too."
He didn't give any sudden moments, only lied his head on her back since she was giving him a piggyback ride. "Hey, you..." A voice called out.
She stopped walking and looked around. "Who was that?" Kendall asked herself. "Me." A guy's sleepy voice said appearing in front of her. "Oh! Uh..." Kendall said slowly looking up at the unfamiliar person.
He was wearing the most unusual outfit and his hair was going in every direction, but it still looked good. "What are you? A god or something?"
"You figured out. Great. I won't have to explain." He said. "Whoa, really? What's a god like you doing out here?" Kendall asked. "I came to pick someone up." He said. "Who..?" Kendall asked.
Mako poked his head out to see the mysterious man. "Aigonorus." Mako said. "Whoa! You can talk, Mako?!" Kendall asked. "Mako? His name is Enki." Aigonorus said. "Enki? That sounds familiar like I've read it somewhere before..." Kendall said. "The name Enki comes from a God that has the head of a goat and a body of a fish." Aigonorus explained. "But Mako is a half cat." Kendall said. "I can name him whatever I want, and it's not Mako." Aigonorus said. "Are you his owner or something?" Kendall asked. "Yeah. I found him abandoned somewhere and took him in." Aigonorus said. "Wait! When you mentioned want Enki means, I just remembered that it's something Capricorn related." Kendall said. "It is. I'm the God of Capricorn." Aigonorus said. "Oh..! That explains it. That's my sign, so that would make you my 'god-father'. See what I did there? You're a god, and you're Capricorn, and I was born under the sign of Capricorn... Get it?" Kendall asked.
He said nothing. "Well whatever. So then... I guess you got to go back home, Ma-I mean, Enki." Kendall said.
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