《Her Final High [C.Cullen]》1. (E)
Carlisle laid next to his beautiful human fiancée caressing her bare body as she sighed happily.
He was watching her tv. The news specifically about the missing people in Seattle.
"Mmmm... Baby, you're gonna fuck up my sleeping schedule." Destiny muttered having decided to quit her job a few days ago. Carlisle didn't want her in the city for the moment.
"My apologies." His lips met hers. The kiss was soft and brief.
"Carlisle?" She said questioningly.
"Shh..." He whispered before speeding to the window. Destiny gasped at the wolf curling up on the treeline in her yard.
"He's on territory line." Carlisle whispered.
"Don't. Leave him." Destiny whispered pulling him toward the bed.
"But-" Destiny looked deeply into his eyes.
"Leave him. What's going on in Seattle?"
"She's on her move." Carlisle stated.
"Who?" Destiny questioned looking towards the wolf for a moment.
"Victoria. The sccorn of a widowed mate is..." He hissed shuddering.
"Baby, look at me." His golden eyes met her dark ones and they kissed. "I'm alright."
"I know. Now let me deal with your pest." He got up before a book was thrown at his head.
"Don't call him a pest. He kept me company when you weren't here." Destiny defended. Carlisle smiled.
"Fine." He walked down the stairs and confronted him. The black wolf instantly tense when Carlisle showed up.
The fur on his back stiffened and he shifted back into a rather tan man. Destiny's eyes widened in curiousity.
"Why are you here? Alpha." Carlisle questioned.
"I wanted to make sure you weren't breaking the treaty with this human. She's in between our territories."
"I am well aware." Carlisle answered cooly.
"Tell your 'children' to remember the treaty lines. We'll deal with red head if she comes on our land."
"Very well. I'll respect that." Carlisle stated glancing up at his mate watching with adorable wide eyes.
"Redhead has gotten under your skin." He joked.
"She's creating something. Something that may destory us all. We need to stop it before it's too strong." Carlisle explained. There was a yip before a sleek grey wolf came growling out of the forest. Destiny tensed anxiously. 2 against 1?
"Paul. Calm." Sam growled. Paul whined under his alpha's command.
Carlisle turned "Alice."
"I always watch over Destiny. It's a thing." She said coming out of the bushes shyly. "I just thought you'd need back up."
Destiny sucked in a breath walking away from the window and downstairs.
She opened her patio door and looked at them. Everyone looked at her.
"You're a bit late, human girl." Sam stated.
"A queen is never late. Everyone else is simply early." She quoted with a giggle. Alice grinned and Carlisle smirked.
"She's strong." Sam commented.
"I try to be." She replied. "I don't see a problem here. So please leave my property."
Paul growled a bit as his snout wrinkled in disgust before running away.
Sam looked at her with a lingering look of understanding yet confusion before running off himself.
"You did so good!" Alice praised jumping on her. They giggled and fell down to the ground.
"Alice..." Carlisle called. "We need to go."
Destiny sighed "Am I going? I know you guy don't like humans in vamp buisness."
"You are no ordinary human. You are my wife and will be treated as such." Destiny blushed hiding her face from Alice's growing smile.
"You proposed! Now, I get to plan 2 weddings!"
"2!?" Destiny turned towards her.
"Edward propses to Bella. They're getting married after graduation." Alice explained.
"Damn, They are really rushing in head first. They could at least wait until she's in her twenties." She muttered
"The Volturi has them on a time crunch."
"Vamp government. Gotchu." Destiny nodded.
"Let's go, family meeting." Carlisle called out.
"Seattle is in a state of terror..." Destiny watched the news as her mouth dropped. Carlisle tightened his hold around her. Bella and Edward came in soon after.
"It's getting worse." Carlisle stated muting the tv. "We have to do something. Take action."
"Our kind is causing the damage that their reporting. Quite a few more. Their undisciplined, conspicuous..."
"Newborns." Edward stated confirming everyone's thoughts.
"Like new vampires?" Bella asked. Destiny nodded having learned a lot in her year with Carlisle.
"The first few months after the change..."
"That's when we're at our most uncontrollable. Vicious. Insane with thirst."
"Something to look forward to..." Emmett said with a smirk. Destiny rolled her eyes at that one.
"No one's trained these newborns. This isn't random." Jasper spoke to Carlisle.
"Someone's creating an army." Carlisle confirmed his thoughts.
"Now we're definitely going to Seattle!" Emmett said jumping up with excitement.
"An army of vampires?" Bella looked like she was about to scoff at the idea.
"Well they were created by someone." Jasper stated
"We're the only clan even close to Seattle."
"Regardless of why they were made, if we don't go after them, the Volturi will. I'm surprised they let it go on this long." Carlisle said holding his mate close.
"Maybe they're behind it." Edward suggested. "In Italy, I read Aro's mind. He wants me and Alice to join him. He knows we'll never choose as long as our family's still alive.
"Edward Cullen, your neighborhood vampire government conspiracy theorist." Destiny muttered. Emmett chuckled.
Jasper muttered something that was lost to her before they concluded their meeting.
Destiny raised her head from on top of Carlisle.
"There's something wrong, babe."
"You sense it, too?" Carlisle questioned running his finger through her hair.
"Can I go to Charlie's. I want to talk about things."
"I'm not your master. You can do anything you wish."
"Oh yea? Can I go to the wolves and drop it like it's hot?" Carlisle laughed shaking his head.
"Nothing like that." He kissed her cheek before getting serious. "Destiny. If we fight, I want you to stay here. Newborns are too much for you."
"Fine, I promise. I'll be at Charlie's. I love you."
"Love you more."
"Love you one thousand fold." She said before slipping out.
By the time she made it to Charlie's, it was sunset. She knocked on the door.
"I'm coming." He stated opening the door. He saw Destiny with a beautifully wrapped gift. He opened it and saw a white gold wristwatch.
"From me and Carlisle, for your birthday. Happy early birthday, Lie." She hugged him.
"Thank you. It's beautiful." He muttered returning her hug.
"How have you been?" She asked.
"Bella's been out with Edward every chance she can get. He gives me such and innocent look whenever I look at him. It's hard not to be upset when he's taking my baby girl away."
"I could never understand, Charlie. I probably will never understand to have something so precious." She whispered sipping the coffee he brought for her.
"What about artificial insemination?" He suggested. Destiny shooked her head.
"I don't want Carlisle to deal with a child that isn't his. Besides if I don't want to become a vampire, he has to watch us both die. Not to mention a innocent human baby in a house full of vampires." She shuddered.
"You haven't decided on changing?" He changed the subject.
"Charlie it's-" The two stood up walking toward the door as they heard fighting outside.
"If you ever, against her will again!"
"She isn't sure what she wants!"
"Well I'll give you a clue wait for her to say the words."
"And she will..."
"Just go, ok?"
"Hey!" Charlie repeated walking down the steps. Destiny watched from the doorway.
"Easy, guys. Easy. Let's take it down a notch." He tried to calm them coming between them. He looked at Jacob "What's going on?"
There was a long silence filled with crickets.
"I kissed Bella." Jacob admitted. Charlie looked at him.
"And she broke her hand... Punching my face." Everyone looked awkwardly at each other. Destiny snorted and began to laugh silently behind her hand.
"Total misunderstanding." That killed her. She used the doorway to brace herself as she laughed hard.
"I'll call Carlisle to patch her up. This is priceless." Destiny said in between her laughter.
"It's just a sprain. It should heal rather quickly." Carlisle informed her wrapping her hand in gauze.
"Caught trying to walk and chew gum at the same time, again, Bella." Emmett teased. Destiny shook her head.
"I punched a werewolf in the face." She admitted.
"Badass. You're gonna be one tough little newborn." He complimented.
"Tough enough to take you on." She retorted with a smirk.
Rosalie huffed throwing her newpaper and walking out.
"Don't worry about it." Emmett whispered.
"Rosalie is like an onion. A lot of hidden layers. She's worried about you and me, Bell." Destiny explained.
Edward turned towards Jasper "Got any leads?"
"No sign of the intruder. Victoria, however, continues to make appearances." Jasper responded. Destiny gulped a bit shying into Carlisle before a rush of calm enveloped her.
"Thanks, Jas." She muttered taking a deep breath.
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