《A Bet (Completed) ~ [English]》Part 8


Actually War fell bad. It's not his intention to not reply Yin chat last night. He want tell it to Yin, but don't know how. It's really hard to War for socializing with people outside his bestfriend.

War don't focus on today subject. He just stared at Yin back. Again and again. Even after Yin get caught his gaze. Somehow, he enjoy it a little.

When the bell to break rang, War saw Yin walked to him. His numb body come back again.

"Hei, want grab some food?" Yin ask when he reach War table.

War like ussual, have tongue tie. He cursed his self to be always like that, especially when around Yin. He really want to accept it, but like something in his throat was blocking him.

"Let's eat prince, I'm hungry" Bever cut their awkward situation and drag War go to canteen. Of course with abandon Yin.

"Be, you promise not call me like that again" War grumbled as they walked. Fell upset but relieve in same time. Upset to lost his chance, relieve for out from the awkwardness.

"Yup... I do... Now I change it to prince, don't I?" Bever wink make War punch him.

"Shouldn't believe you from the start" War hiss.

"What you want to eat?". Bever ask when they reach canteen.

"Fried rice" War answered and straight go to order his meal.

When War back to their usuall table, Bever is there with Benz. "Owh not busy maintenance your reputation today?" War ask sarkasm to Benz, make him grins. "You too Be, don't playing?"

"Tired. Have a long practice after school today." Bever said lazily.

"Our assigment still not finished. Lets wait Bever finished and we'll stay overnight again today."Benz say their plan.

War clicked his tongue. Both of them always bother him but he couldn't resist. He'll just there monitoring and they do it alone after all. War then remember, he promise Yin to continue their pending work today.


"Hmm.. But i need work mine too. Just came to my house after Bever practise done" War tell them even he don't know if Yin offer still valid or not.

Bever nods, followed with Benz.


Are you have time to finished our assigment?

War read Yin chat when they back to class.


War reply short.

Still want in library?

Where you want?

Remember chat last night, War ask back.

I'm okay if you choose library.

Choose the place, meet there.

Why not going together?.

Doing something first.

Ah.. Boyfriend thing right?


Tell him to calm down.

I'm not thief.

Just send the location,

will there after I'm done

Yin try again bring up the boyfriend topic, but War reply is not implies he admit or deny it make Yin frowns. In another place, War confused what Yin means.


Yin choose a cafe which is a little far away from their school. He don't want someone snatch his partner again. War walks a while after Yin waiting there patiently.

"Hei you came,so get your boyfriend permission?" Yin bring the topic again.

War raised his eyebrows, ask the meaning.

Earlier, he wait a moment after their school ended and go to this cafe. He don't want go together with Yin for same reason.

First, Yin is popular, War don't want make his fans mad. Just enough when they get attention previously.

Two, he don't want earn questioned from his two bestfriends.

Three, of course he must calm down his heartbeat, even its not working now.

"I mean he not forbit you to meet me?" little push again from Yin.

"Who?" War ask back and sit across Yin.

"Your boyfriend?"

"Who's my boyfriend?"

"Someone you called Be?" Yin voice turn be flat.

"What? Who tell you?" War ask shocked.


"So its true?" Yin want clearly his doubt today.

"No, he is my bestfriend."

"Really?" Yin lips make a smile.


"You are very close"

""Of course, we are bestfriend". War said make Yin smile wider.

"Ah...so I have chance right?" Yin ask and then wink to War.

"For what?"

"Chase you?"

Uhuk..uhuk... War chocked his own saliva. His cold face turn be red. He mask is totally fade now.

Before they meet here, Yin deciding to back off, but hearing that info, of course he cancel it immediatelly.

"You okay?" Yin get up and try calm War with pat his back. Little touch from Yin make War choke even worse. He just can shake his head and pull his body away.

"Lets finished this" War says after calm his self and put again his cold mask.

Yin grins and back to sit. But now, he choose seat beside War.

They started work at their assigment after ordering drinks and some snacks. While they are working on it, sometime their hands will touch lightly, or they arm will bump softly, or just exchanged some glances and look away right away.

They finally done although it took a little longer because the distraction.

"Want eat before we go home?" Yin offer.

"I have something dealings" War remember he still need help his friends later so he refuse and makes Yin feel little down.

"Owh, you are busy person" Yin said teasing. War just shrug and gather his books. His heart is not safe if he stay much longer.

"Let me take you home then. Ups, I'm not accept refusal" Yin said quickly when he saw War want talk.

"Oke" War agreeing forcefully and walk out from the cafe first.

I'm done now. War voice in his head.


After give his address, War just silent in his seat. It was so quiet when they are heading War home. Yin want to talk but War put his headseat on.

Yin don't know War is mess now. Being in same car like that its to much for War handle. He tried so hard to look calm, but he has limits too. The only way he could think now is close his mouth.

When they reached War home, War quickly open the door.

"Thanks" He said in a hurry and turn his body in a flash.

"War" Yin shout make War steps stopped and turn his head. "Are you banned to use phone at night?"

"No" War answer confused.

"So, can I hope you will reply my text tonight?"

War just nod shyly and walk fast to get in his home. Run actually.


They started guys....


Sorry i dont really know make flirting scenes...


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