《A Bet (Completed) ~ [English]》Part 7


3rd POV

"So, how your date with Yin?" Benz ask toward War when they reaching parking area.

Bever throws his bag to Benz, don't catch slight blushing in someone cheeks. War open front door of the car and get in quickly, leave his friends quarrel, trying not to be caught.

"You don't work yet?" War try change subject when three of them already in the car. In they call before, Bever ask him to help them in assigment.

"I'm little busy early" Benz answered from behind.

"Busy your ass" Bever hisses.

"Hei... If not because your basketball practice, we will done it already" Benz retort back.

"Don't try put a blame to me. Its for our school reputation"

Benz grins. "I'm working maintain my reputation too"

"Yeah?? Useless" Bever mock him.

War sighs. Tired saw them always bickering. "Bever is right, you must start it first Benz" War try settle them.

"Always in his side" Benz sulk while Bever drive in widely smile.

"Benz, you know I'm not like that, right? Bever really busy practice, but you busy for chase girls and boys. You need set your priority" War clearly his point.

"Yes mother" Benz answer earn War death glare and Bever laughs explode.

"Just drop me at my home. Both of you, do it alone!!"War said annoyed. "And I'll no allow you and you to stay overnight today" He continue pointed his finger to them.

"Owh, heaven will gone when our angel is mad.... What you want to eat, my King, i'll buy all the word for you " Benz teasing his sulk friend.

War rolls his eyes. "Not work to me"

"Don't you pity me, War? You know what happened when in same group with him right? I'm really tired after practice" Bever begging.

"You laugh at me" War said cold.


"Not at you, I'm laugh because the mother word" Bever trying to excuse himself.

"Not different asshole"

"You prever to called princess then?"

"No..!!!" War shout frustation. "Stop with the nickname"

"I will..... If you help me today" Bever grins.

War frowns. Don't believe he have friends like them. "You must pay my dinner. I want a lot of food"

"Deal" Benz and Bever says in unison. First time in a decade.


War, still awake?

Chat from Yin appear in War phone screen but he to busy keep an eye on his friends who work with their assigments. Because he already worked on it with Yin earliar, he just help them give the source and force them to do it alone.

Tomorrow, can we work our assigment outside school?

Another chat come and War still not aware. His forget to change his phone which in silent mode.

You can choose the place.

Or should I choose?


You don't want it?

It's okay if you prefer library by the way...

No one will mad right?

We just do our assigment...

Oh, maybe I need your boyfriend permission?

When they tired and decide go to bed, War finnaly check his phone. His frowns read all Yin chat. Little confused with the boyfriend thing. He thinking hard what supposed he must reply.

"Stop play with your phone War, the light is dazzled me. Its to late, we must wake up early" Benz nagging. Bever then snatch War phone and turn in off.


Yin could't keep calm.

He don't know why so hard to approach War. He never doing anything difficult when he want to near someone else. Just a little smile or gesture, Yin will get them easily.

He don't know why he feeling un-easy remember how soft and comfortable when War talk with Bever.


War always talk a little with him, sometime he just keep quiet. To cold like his nickname, ICE .

It's true they have something special? Yin thinks upset.

Yin lets his heavy breath, stared at his phone again, waiting a reply for War, until he fell asleep with phone in his hand.


"Let him go Yin. He have someone already" Bonz says when he saw Yin look fiercely at War, Bever and Benz who came together this morning.

Of course with Bever hand safety in War shoulder.

"Yeah, maybe we are a player, but not a bit we can tolerant with cheating" Prom join them.

"Relax Yin, we agreed before right?" Folk said now.

Yin sigh. Deeply.


Yin feeling someone stared at him from behind. His seat in edge, two rows from behind.

Yin turned his head to another side, and meet eyes with War, who looked away immediately. He blinks.

Yin take a look again at the same site after few minutes, and there, he saw War look at him, but quickly cut their eyes contact. Again.

From time to time, Yin stealing glances at War side, and always meet beautiful eyes there. Just a moment, because the owner will throw his gaze in other way.

Thin smile appearedin Yin lips. Its not just his imagination after all.


Hai... I'm back again...

Sorry if its boring already..

Need time to close with someone right???

Thanks again to read this story..


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