《Plot Twist [VKOOK/TAEKOOK]》January pt.1


Taehyung is banned from going to any awards shows or making any public appearances in the new year.

"It's good they finally did that, you were pushing it last year. This is much too big to hide." April taps on Taehyung's stomach at the end of his appointment when we tell her. "Next month you'll be in your third trimester, for God's sake."

"The staff here really irritate you, don't they?" I ask jokingly.

She throws her hands up in the air. "I just want what's best for my patient. This would all be a lot easier if we didn't have to hide it."

"Yeah. I wish I was a woman," Taehyung sighs, then laughs at the thought of it. "Or Jungkook could have just not gotten me pregnant in the first place."

"Sorry about that," I say.

"So you're still not feeling any kicks, Taehyung?" April changes the topic.

Taehyung chews his lip. "Little pops sometimes, but none that can be felt from the outside. Is that bad?"

April nods. "I'm not surprised. Like I said before, the baby is measuring very small. You should have been able to feel kicks from the start of last month. She is developing, just slowly. This is just a slow moving pregnancy. We'll keep her in for as long as we can."

"About that... how exactly will we know how long that is?" I ask.

"Taehyung will go into labour."

"What?" Taehyung shrieks. "How the hell am I supposed to push a baby out? Where?"

"Out his butt?" I ask, just as outraged.

April screws up her nose. "Ew. No. Remember when I told you about that small opening where sperm can get in?"

We both nod.


"Well, that will try and dilate and you'll want to push," she says. We both stare at her, waiting for more. "But it physically can't dilate enough for you to push the baby out, so a caesarian will be carried out."

"So I'm going to have contractions and stuff?" Taehyung asks in the small voice he uses whenever he's scared.

"Why can't you just do the caesarian before that has the chance to happen?" I ask.

"Like I said, I think it's smart to keep the baby inside for as long as possible since she's developing so slowly."

Taehyung runs a hand through his hair. "Okay. You're right. I just didn't realise I'd have to do that."

"I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner," April apologises.

I hold Taehyung's hand and kiss it gently. "You'll be okay, Tae. Just wait and see."

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