
"Amy is everything alright? Can I get you anything?" Lucas maid Greta asked me for the millionth time.

"I'm fine Greta, thank you" I smiled at her.

So Lucas had decided to be a bit more humane to me. The room that I was in now had in a vanity table, dresser, wardrobe with mirror and even the bathroom had a mirror now. I guess he trust me not to try attempt suicide again so the room now felt like a room for a living person. I was allowed to leave my room and wonder around the apartment as well. It was more like a penthouse from what I've seen. The catch to all this freedom though, was that I couldn't leave. The doors had security locks which a code was needed for, which I of course don't have. And there was also security camera installed about the place, so my guess is Lucas or someone else was monitoring my every move.

"If you need anything you let me know alright?" She said to me, which gave me an idea.

"Greta? I actually need a favor" I said to her. "You know how I've been here for a month now and I was down being all drugged up and out of it? I haven't gotten much chance to go for a run or something. Could you give me the codes for the door?"

"Mr.Ackles would've had my head. I'm not supposed to give it to you. According to him you're not supposed to leave " the lady responded.

Just freaking great. Anyway nothing tried, nothing done.

"Of course not" I sighed defeated. "I just want to go see my mom"

"Maybe you should ask Lucas to take you one day, I'm sure he would. Or even had one of the guys take you if he's busy" Greta replied.

"He's not" I shake my head. "The guy forbids me to see the outside world. Haven't you noticed? I'm his personal prisoner".

"He isn't that bad you know" Greta tried telling me. "He may seem all harsh and scary but he isn't exactly all bad. Most of his tough act is just a facade, and for work. You should try talking to him, maybe he'll hear you out".

"Its nice of you having such strong faith and belief in your boss" I said to her, before deciding to ask a question that's been on my mind for a while now. "What exactly does Lucas do for work?"

"He's into business management. He runs a couple businesses and partner in some larger ones like in the hotel and restaurant area" Greta told me.

"So he's a businessman?" I said in surprised. I never really knew what Lucas does but I've always assumed it was something illegal, seeing what happened with Alfredo and the whole drugs thing. "Is that the only thing he does?"


"What do you mean?* Greta asked.

"Uh...never mind. Its nothing" I shake my head. "Greta, I know this is a weird request but if you don't mind could I help you around the place... I mean its so hard just sitting here not doing anything.... Please don't object, I need to keep myself occupied or I might go crazy".

"I'm not sure Lucas is going to like this... But... Alright" she finally caved.

"Thank you, I'm going crazy not doing anything" I said as I followed her to the kitchen. "So what should I do?"


Lucas POV

Gio and Lexi had gotten back from their honeymoon this morning. Apparently, they had decided to stay a bit longer hence I had to be in charge of Gio's business affairs and the family for almost a month now. I always loved responsibilities but I couldn't say I wasn't glad that they were now back. This means that Gio could take back over handling his business and I'll just stick to my job as right hand man.

"So how was the honeymoon?" I decided to try and make conversation with Lexi.

I was over at there house, since Gio had requested I came there the minute he had landed. He was annoying and bossy like that, the guy couldn't even wait to settle in properly first before started hounding me.

"Do you really want me to tell you how much sex Gio and I had?" Lexi asked me in a sarcastic tone though I can't really tell with her when she's being sarcastic or not. "Because that's basically the whole point and what a honeymoon entails, so if you want I could give you details on..."

"That's OK" I stopped her holding up a hand. "I take it you guys enjoyed yourselves".

"Good" Lexi said sarcastically with y fake smile. " If you want to know how our honeymoon was, ask Gio he's your friend not me" Lexi said rolling her eyes.

I guess she still hated my guts even though she try to me civil with me most times, for Gio's sake.

"When are you two ever going to stop hating each other?" Gio asked as he returned to the living room and went beside Lexi.

"Probably never" Lexi commented before starting to kiss him.

It was unbelievable to see Gio like this today- so whipped. I know the whole making out thing now was Lexi's spiteful way of trying to make me uncomfortable someway by standing there and watching them.

"Did you call me all the way over here so I could watch you guys make out?" I asked clearing my throat to get back Gio's attention.


"How is everything running?" Gio asked after pulling away from his wife. "Any new issues?"

"So far everything is running just as smoothly, shipments or regular, everyone still loyal and the last issue we had was Alfredo. Of course I took care of that" I told him.

"Not even a day back and you're already getting ready to slump in work" Lexi said shaking her head before leaving us alone.

"Speaking of which, what did you do with the girl?" Gio asked me.

"Amy? She's at my apartment, I got Ankell to flush out her system so she's no longer having withdrawal symptoms-she's clean now" I told him.

"You're on first name basis with her?" Gio asked raising a brow.

"Of course I know her name, do you expect that I should have her in my apartment and not know her name?" I asked back.

"That's not what I'm saying, I'm just curious about the relationship you have with her" Gio said to me.

"What relationship? The girl is just there because I didn't think I should kill her too after what happened... You know if you want me to I can just go back and take care of her if you just give me the order" I said to him fed up of what he was insinuating.

"That's not what I want" Gio said serious. "I want to meet the girl, have a word with her. Bring her by the club tonight. We need to have a little chat".

"You know I haven't done this in a while, I'm just so awkward with this knife now" I said to Greta as I tried cutting some vegetables.

"You don't hold the knife like that...no don't put your fingers there put them ....yeah like that...that way you won't slice your fingers too" Greta said as she showed me how to set my hand when holding the vegetables so I could cut them safely and properly.

"Thanks" I chuckled after setting my hand and holding the knife correctly. "I used to help my mom in the kitchen when I was smaller. But I hadn't been in the kitchen much since...since she wasn't with me anymore".

"I'm sorry for your lost" Greta said sincerely most likely thinking that I meant my mom died or something.

"She isn't dead, she just didn't live with me anymore" I corrected.

"Oh sorry, I just assumed that since you..." Greta started explaining but I cut her off.

"No, its okay. It probably sounded that way to how I said it" I said to her.

"So where is she now? If you don't mind me asking" Greta asked.

"She lives in a nursing home. She had a heart condition" I told her.

"Amy I'm sorry to hear that. Is it that bad?" Greta asked me.

"I'm not sure, she had coronary heart disease" I said to her. "At first when she was diagnosed she only had some difficulty breathing at times or heart palpitations but my stepfather had became a drug addict and when mom got sick, he just sold everything we had for drugs and dragged her off to a nursing home. After which he also sold me and because he already emptied our bank account we had no choice but to left her at the nursing home. And I of course was forced to work in that despicable place for that bastard in other for them to support her there".

"Oh sweetie, you went through a lot. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that" Greta told me sympathetically. "And then you got hooked on drugs too?"

"I didn't voluntarily become a drug addict, it was also forced on me. But its okay...maybe these are the types of experiences that makes a person stronger" I told her with a sad smile.

"Amy, sweetie you're..."Greta started saying but Lucas voice cut her off.

"What's going on here?" Lucas deep voice asked.

"Uhm nothing!" I answered quickly. "Greta was just showing me how to..."

"Doesn't matter" Lucas said holding up a hand stopping me from saying anything else. "Come with me, we need to talk".

"Sorry Greta I'll be back" I said wiping my hand on a dishtowel before taking off the apron I had put on earlier.

"Its okay dear, go ahead" she smiled at me before I left to follow Lucas.

"Is something wrong?" I asked as I followed Lucas to the living room.

"Here" Lucas said handing me a bag. "You need to wear this and be presentable by seven"

"Why? What's this?" I asked eyeing the bag he had shoved in my hands. "A-am I going somewhere?"

"Just try to look presentable and be ready by 7pm this evening" Lucas said to me. "The boss wants to meet you".

There you go guys another quick update. U probably won't get another chance to update again until Saturday or next week, but if you do happen to get an earlier update it means I wasn't too extremely busy to write.

Anyway don't forget to vote and comment and let me know what you guys think.

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