《Roommates // killugon》Break x up pt. 2??




Gons POV

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard someone storming in and glass shattering. I panicked and jumped up. I ran out and saw killua.

"Killua?!" I looked at his face. It looked so... broken.

"Are you ok? It's one in the morning..."

He ran into his room and I followed.

What's wrong?!

He had hidden under his blankets.

"Killua! what's wrong?!" I heard his sobs and started to warm my voice.

"Killua.. are you ok?? Will you tell me what's wrong, please??" I asked politely

"Three m-months..."



"Three months!!" He screamed and stood up.

"Killua," I said as I pulled him into a hug

"I don't know what's wrong but I hope this helps" I told him as he sunk into the hug.

I hope he's ok... and man, I love hugging you killua...

"Gon... Chrollo, h-he was a lie!" Killua forced out with so much pain in his voice.

Oh no... but I somehow expected this...

"I'm so sorry killua.." I pulled him closer

"He cheated on me with stupid feitan!! But why though! We were so happy..."

He started to cry more

"I'm so sorry... so sorry. I don't know why he did it but it wasn't ok, it was the wrong thing for him to do... I- sorry" seeing killua broken makes me so sad.

I pulled away

He looks exhausted...

"You should get some sleep, I think you'll need it" I tucked him under some blankets

"Goodnight killua"

I walked out and went to my room.

I feel so bad for him, but I'm also happy? I don't know...

I plopped down on my bed and tried to sleep

Man, I can't fall asleep now

I grabbed my phone and went on Instagram. Trysatan had posted a picture from our date earlier today. For some reason I cringed.


Man... I wanna ask killua out but I'm dating trystan...

I put my phone down and thought.

Plus killuas probably not ready for another relationship.

My eyes started to water. And I wiped away some stray tears.

I... I think I need to tell trystan... yes, that's what I'll do.

I cuddled into my blankets and slowly found sleep.

When I woke up and checked the time it was 8:00

Yes! It's a weekend!!

I went out into the kitchen and started making an egg when I heard soft cries.

"Killua, your awake?" I asked walking in.

He just looked up "yea-" he rasped out of his dry throaght.

"I heard you crying so I thought I'd check in..."

What a stupid thing to say gon! Gosh now that he's single I feel awkward...

"Thankyou" he burrowed under his blankets and fell asleep.

I walked out and ate my breakfast.

I don't wanna spread rumors, but I really wanna tell Kurapika and se if he can help..


That was not helpful.

Someone suddenly knocked on the door.

"Yea?" I said and opend it. It was Chrollo

What the fuck is he doing here!?!

"Gon... can you let me talk to killua??" He looked like he hadn't slept a wink.

"No way, you broke his heart Chrollo. Maby next time don't cheat" I told him as I slammed the door in his face.

"Gon! Please" he whispered through the door "it was a mistake... I know he won't take me back..." I heard tears "but please let us talk!"

Silence. I didn't know what to say.

"I can try to plan something... but just wait a little, ok? He's sleeping right now" I whispered back.

"Ok, thankyou gon" he started to walk away.

I was bored in the kitchen when I had the best idea.


"Killua" I shook him awake after about 5 hours of sleeping.

"Mhhh" he moand and woke up.

"Chrollo asked me if you could talk" I whispered.

Aww man I wanna touch his hair so bad...

"You woke me up for that!?" He got up angrily.

"Well yeah... you've been sleeping for a really long time..." I told him and he looked down.

"I have?" I nodded.

"Well tell Chrollo to give me a few damn days before I can talk to him" he told me.

"Ok..." I was about to ask him if he would date again soon but then thought better.

"Never mind... how have are you doing?"

"Better then earlier..." his voice cracked and he started to cry. I immediately pulled him into a hug.

I hate seeing you like this... why did you have to go through so much pain! Why you.. why not me? You don't deserve this pain...

"I'm so sorry killua... but I baked you some chocolate! Your favorite!!" I pulled some out from my pocket.

I hope it's good!

"Awww thank you!" He told me and I smiled.

I started to notice his eyes watering again though...

"You know killua.. it's ok to feel these feelings" I pulled him close.

"I-I know but w-why!!" Killua cried

"I don't know killua... but I promise you if I could take it away I could!" My eyes started to water now.

"I-you don't deserve this... I wish I could put you in a safe cage of happiness" I whispered hoping he didn't hear

He's think I was weird if he heard me say that...

"Gon..." he whispered and pulled me tighter.

I need to talk to trystan

"I'm sorry, but I have something important to do... is it ok if I leave you here alone?" I asked pulling away.

"Yeah" he said and smiled.

I left his room and got ready.

I heard the soft knocking on trystans door as I knocked. She opend it and looked at me questionly.

"What are you doing here?" She asked curiously.

"Do you have time to talk? It's important"

She turned around

"Hey, Izzy I'm gonna go out with gon really quick, I'll be right back though"

"Ok!" I heard isabell say.

We started walking down the hall till we got outside.

"Trystan... I need to tell you something"

She nodded.

"I'm so sorry" I got out and she stared at me questionly.

"I-I only dated you because I was trying to distract myself from someone else... someone that I couldn't be with" I burst out, expecting her to be mad.

"Well I'm glad you told me then, because if we had been dating for a long time and you told me that I would be so mad" she giggled.

What?? She's not mad?!

"Trystan..." I got out

"Gon... I like you but don't love you. If you want to move on that's fine, I want you to be happy too" she said kindly.

"And was the person you liked killua??" She said and giggled.

A blush ran up my face "how'd you know?!"

"It was kinda obvious.."

It was?!

"Well... can we still be friends?" I asked her

"Yeah, let's still be friends" she said smiling.

Now... just mabey I can ask killua out.

After he gets a break of course!


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