《Roommates // killugon》First x date



Killuas POV

Gon left the dorm leaving me alone.

I got ready really fast then zoomed out after him.

I was 5 minutes late for class. That's what I get for sleeping in. I took my regular seat and looked around.

Where's gon?

He wasn't in his seat. But he went to class, and he doesn't seem like the type to skip.

"Gon will you answer the next question?" Our teacher asked and I looked around.

"It's..." I finally set my eyes on him. "I think it's 52" he said.

I was hurt. He had changed seats, and was now in the back of the class.

Does he not wanna be my friend anymore? I was planning on saying sorry again and forgiving him but he doesn't seem to wanna talk...

"Correct" our teacher said

My eyes started to water as I thought about our fight.

"Killua! Answer the next one please"

I was not prepared, I was basically crying, and I hadn't been paying attention.

"Sorry sir, but what was the question?" He looked at me in disbelief.

"Everyone killuas crying!!!" A student suddenly shouted. I turned around and locked eyes with gon.

That was all it took.

Oh no,

A waterfall came. I apparently had not cried myself out last night. There were more tears to come.

Our teacher looked at me consernd "Killua..."

I ran out of the room and headed to the bathroom.

I burst in and ran into a random stall and broke down.

What am I supposed to do now?! My teachers ferrous!"

I suddenly heard someone come in. I pretended to flush and walked out wiping my eyes. It was Kurapika.

"Killua?" He looked at me "long time no see! We should hangout more!"

I just nodded and washed my hands

"Are you ok? You look kinda sad..." he looked at my puffy eyes.

"I'm fine" I started to leave when he grabbed my sleeve.

"Killua, what's up?" I turned back to look at him.

"Help..." I managed to whisper.

"Killua what's wrong?" Kurapika said in a momly voice as he hugged me. I broke down again.

"I-it's just gon-" I soaked his shirt in tears and snot

"W-we got in-into a huge fight the other d-day and I think h-he hates me!!"

He patted my back.

"Now why would you think that? Gon loves everyone."

"B-because in class he s-sat on the other side of the roommmm"

Why was Kurapika so comporting??

"Aww, I'm sure he just wanted a break. Everything will be back to normal soon, I promise!" He looked down as I let go "and you don't need to tell me if you don't want to, but just out of curiosity, what was the fight about?"


I sniffed

"Well, I started dating someone and he got mad and said I didn't really love him so I slapped gon, but I feel horrible because he was right! I don't even know if I love Chrollo!!"

Kurapikas eyes widened

"Chrollo Lucifer?!"

I nodded

"Wow, I think I know what he's mad..." Kurapika whispered.

"W-why?" I asked and he looked regretful.

"Oh it's nothing, he was probably just mad that you didn't tell him sooner or something... but I don't think it will last!!"

"Really?" He nodded

"Ok, thanks Kurapika, I-it helped a lot" he smiled and I left the room.

"Hey honey!" It was me and Chrollos first date.

"Hey!" I said and walked over.

"So we're going to the tea place down the street?" I nodded.

"Why are we getting tea anyways?" He asked confused.

"I thought it would be cute..." I smiled at him and he wrapped an arm around me and I blushed.

"Your so cute Killu..." he whispered in my ear and I shivered.

"Sorry but can you not call me killu, that's what my brother calls me and I kinda hate him..."

"Of course!! Sorry bout that!"

"It's totally fine!" I said

"Aww man" he moand "now I don't know what to call you"

I chuckled.

"Well I'm gonna call you, my dark angel" I blushed as I said it.

"Aww that's cute..." he smirked "I think I'll call you my baby~" he leaned in and kissed my cheek, but I moved towards him and he kissed my lips instead.

"That's cute dark angel..." I giggled through our kiss.

"Mhm" he hummed.

"I think we're here." I looked up at the shop. It was a really cute restaurant with old tea cups and decorations everywhere.

"It looks cute" Chrollo said.

I smiled and we walked in.

"Hello! How many will be dining?" A waitress around our age asked.

"Umm, just the two of us, thanks" I said and Chrollo nussled in me more.

She showed us to our seats and we sat down at a cute round table with lacy cloths all over it.

She handed us a menu each "if you need anything I'll be in the front" she said and left.

"Well, baby what do you want~" he asked.

"I think im gonna get the earl grey tea with some cucumber cream Cheese sandwiches."

"I'm gonna get the green tea with basil and mozzarella sandwich"

I nodded.

We had some small talk until the waitress came over again and blushed

"Sorry but my coworker," she looked back at a girl at the front desk. "Was wondering if you two were dating"


I blushed but Chrollo leaned forward.

"Why? Is she interested in my baby?" He asked and all I wanted to do in they moment was hide.

"Probably, I mean your both pretty hot..." she blushed and was about to speak again when Chrollo leaned forward more and kissed me. He then bit my lip, making me open my mouth, and he started to explore my mouth with his toung. Making sure she could see him doing it.

"Chrollo..." I moand

"Angel..." I couldn't speak without moaning crazy.

He finally pulled away.

"Does that answer your question?" He asked and she just blushed.

"Yes I think it does..."

Poor girl I chuckled.

"Well a-anyways I was just about to ask what you guys wanted, but if your b-buisy I can wait..."

"No were ready" I said glaring at chrollo and he just smirked.

"I'll get earl grey with cucumber cream cheese sandwiches"

"And I'll get green tea with basil and motzerella sandwiches" she nodded and walked away, talking to her coworker.

"You sound good" Chrollo said

"What do you mean!!" I blushed.

"Your moans were cute~" he giggled and I just glared at him.

"Well I wonder what your moans sound like..." I accidentally said.

"Wanna find out, baby~" he snickered and leaned forward again.

"No way!!" I said but secretly wanted to.

"I now you wanna," I blushed more

"Mabey..." he looked surprised.

"Really?!" I just nodded as I blushed even more.

"Come and give it a try~" I was about to when the waiter came over again.

"Horrible timing. He was about to kiss me" Chrollo pouted and I threw him a glare as the waiter blushed again.

"O-oh well umm, here's y-your tea" she handed us both a pot.

"Your sandwiches will be ready s-soon..." she left.

"Poor girl" I chuckled.

Chrollo just poured some tea into my cup.

"How many sugar cubes?"

"Umm, just three is fine." I told him.

He put two in my cup then another in his mouth.

"Make me moan, killua~"

I blushed but leaned forward.

I kissed him first and then but his lip till he opened his mouth. I put my toung in, not really knowing what I was doing. But I explored his mouth till I landed on a cube of mostly dissolved sugar.

How has he not moaned yet!!! Man this is embarrassing, I wish he would hurry up!!

I finnnaly decided to try and suck the cube out of his mouth and into mine, when he moand. It was a cute, but hot noise that came from him.

I was so proud of my achievement that I pulled away and pumped my fist in the air, and the cube along with saliva, fell onto the table from out mouthes.

My face lit up as the waiters and costumers looked at us weirdly.

"Your pretty good at that, not as good as some other people, but good" he said

"Well what other people have kissed you my angel?" I asked.

"A lot you don't know, but Katelyn and feitan have both kissed me like that" he smirked.

"FEITAN?!?!" I shouted then coverd my mouth.

"Yea, umm we used to date" he blushed.

"Why are you blushing!!" I asked and he looked away.

"Let's just say we dated a while and had a deep relationship..." then I blushed and looked away.

The waiter came over again.

"Here's your sandwiches sirs, and would you like anything to clean up your... mess" she said eyeing our sugar cube.

"I think we're fine." Chrollo said and she walked away.

"Mmmm these sandwiches are good" i said and Chrollo nodded in agreement, then dropped his spoon.

"Oops, I'll get that." He leaned under the table then grabbed my thigh and I gasped.

"Chrollo!!" He giggled and got up.

"Sorry I tripped!"

"Mhm" he just smirked.

"You liked it!!" He sang and I blushed again.

We finished our food and got up to pay.

"I can pay darling~" I said.

"No, baby it's fine, I'll do it." Chrollo was interesting but he definitely still had a gentleman side.

We payed and left to go outside.

"Thanks for planning the wonderful date honey" Chrollo told me.

"No problem! Thanks for paying!"

He nodded and wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked home together.

"How was your date?" Gon asked.

"It was good, we had lots of fun." I told him, avoiding his eyes.

"Hey, killua I'm sorry about yesterday." He looked down.

"No, gon im sorry." I said "and why did you sit on the other side of class today? I missed my friend right next to me" his eyes lit up

"Sorry! I forgot to say but our teacher asked me to move, because last class we we way too loud, remember!!" I giggled.


I'm glad that's the reason.

"Oh! And the tea place you recommended was great! Thanks for the help!!" I said.

I think I do love Chrollo... our date today was really fun.

"Yeah, I'm happy to support you too!" Gon said happy, but I could tell he was sad inside.

Why do you hide so many things from me?


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