《Love on Top》Ch.23
I woke up at 10:34 am on a Saturday morning due to Samuel's freaking alarm. I'm going to kick him in the face. I groaned and put my pillow on my head to block out the loud noise.
"Daphne, wake up," Samuel said. Samuel and I have been sleeping over at each other's places for the past few weeks. Because of this, we have a few clothes in each other's closets, a few pajamas of each other's in our drawers, and other things of his or mine at my place or his.
"Daphne, get up. It's Saturday."
"All the more reason to stay in bed," I replied.
"Daphne, you are not sleeping in," He sighed.
"I'm sleeping in today, Samuel. If you don't like it then kiss my ass," I responded.
"I'll be happy to do that, but for now get up," He said.
"Samuel, you've been an amazing boyfriend so far and I don't want to mess that up by murdering you," I hissed.
"You are over dramatic," He said.
"And you can get out," I retorted. Suddenly the covers and my pillows were ripped away from me. I glared up at Samuel.
"That's cool. I can sleep without a pillow or sheets," I said. Samuel chuckles and I closed my eyes again. I started to get comfortable in my bed again.
"If you don't get up, I will pour a bucket of water on you," He said. My eyes snapped open and I got out of bed. I stormed to my bathroom and slammed the door.
"Daphne, I'm sorry," He said. I opened the door wide enough for my arm to be stuck out there. I flipped him the bird before pulling my arm back in and closing the door. He boomed with laughter at my offensive gesture.
After taking a shower, I started my hygienic routine while Samuel showered then I got dressed in light colored jeans, a black t-shirt with a pocket that said 'Queen of Disaster', and a plain black zip-up hoodie. I go downstairs with Cristian trailing behind me. I filled up his bowl with food and he went straight to devouring it like a starving man. I went straight to the fridge to grab a blueberry bagel and strawberry cream cheese. I cut my bagel in half and then I put it into the toaster. I started making coffee for both Samuel and I. Samuel came downstairs fully dressed. My bagel popped up from the toaster when it was done. Samuel grabbed one of the halves.
"Hey. You didn't even ask," I tell him.
"May I please have the other half of your bagel, Daphne?" He asked innocently.
"Sure, Samuel," I smiled. He chuckled and kissed my cheek.
"I have to take a business trip out to London to shake hands on this big account," He informed me.
"How long will you be gone?" I asked.
"Approximately a week and a half," He answered.
"So I won't see you for a week and a half?" I questioned.
"Yes," He nods.
"Alright, but I have one condition," I said.
"What is it?" He asked.
"You video chat with me every night you're there," I answered.
"I can make that happen," He smiled.
"Great," I nodded.
"And I have one condition as well," He said.
"What is that condition of yours?" I asked.
"Take care of Dave for me while I'm gone," He replied.
"I was going to take care of him wether you wanted me to or not," I said.
"Well I guess I really didn't have to say anything," He said.
"No you didn't," I responded. My doorbell rings and I go answer it. Once I saw who it was on the other of that door, I cursed to myself. Why is she here? Damn it. I don't have time for her bullshit.
"Daphne, aren't you going to let me in?" She asked. The person at my door was the one and only Bernadette Wilson, my mother's mother. I strongly disliked this woman with a passion. Whenever my grandparents on my father's side couldn't take care of us, her and my asshole of a grandfather would take care of us. My grandmother would practically hold food from me as a kid because I was 'too fat' in her eyes or she would make me run on their treadmill until I was tired. As I got older, the insults from this old witch got worse and worse. One time when I was fourteen, she made me run on the treadmill until I passed out. I tried to tell my mom when she got back, but all she could say was,
"You need to lose weight anyway. Your grandmother is trying to help you."
After that, I tried to avoid going to my grandparent's house at all costs. I would even ask my mom to take me to my aunt Angela's, my dad's sister, house while she was out of town or on a date. I couldn't stand that old lady at all. When I couldn't get out of staying at her house, I avoided that woman in her house like the plague. Whenever my siblings went out, I went out and wherever my siblings went in the house, I went. No one understands how much I wanted to sneak into her room and choke the shit out of her and her husband.
"Oh I'm sorry. My father taught me to never answer the door for strangers," I said.
"Daphne, I'm here to talk," She simply stated.
"You can talk right there," I curtly said.
"You are just like that no good father of yours. Dis-"
"Shut the fuck up! You don't talk about my father like that, old ass bitch. You have no right!" I snapped.
"Daphne," Samuel said from behind me. Our head snapped in his direction.
"A young lady and a young man should not be in the same house together unless they are married," She said. I glared at her.
"And an witch should be burned at the stake, but here you are," I quipped. She glared back at me and I smiled.
"Now state your business or get the hell away from my damn house," I hissed.
"Your Mother told me about how you slept with your sister's ex-fiancé and made him break off the wedding, but I guess you did that so you could get back at your sister for simply being happy unlike you," She said. I laughed bitterly at her accusation.
"Bitch," I said, "You, my Mother, and Sidney need some fucking help because the shit that comes out of your mouths sounds crazy as fuck. I didn't even want Sidney's ex-fiancé. He was too young for me."
"Did you really think that I would actually believe that lie you just told, Daphne? I know your true colors and you are a gold digger," She said.
"Listen here, Bernadette. You. Are. Working. My. Fucking. Nerves!" I clapped my hands with every word.
"You will regret what you have done," She snapped. I snatched her wig off her head. I dropped it on my doorstep at her feet. She looked down at it in horror.
"And you will regret the day you came here with that nasty ass wig, hoe! Now get off my fucking property!" I hissed.
"You little bitch!" She growled.
"You old ass bitch," I countered, "Now get the fuck on." She scurries off to her car and I smirked. I closed the door and locked it. I turned around to find Samuel standing there with his arms crossed and a disappointed look on his face.
"Daphne," He said in a serious tone.
"Don't, Samuel. Just don't," I held up a finger.
"Daphne," He started cracking up. I started laughing with him. I guess that whole interaction was funny.
"I can't believe you snatched her wig," He laughed. I chuckled.
"Yeah it was pretty funny," I giggled.
"Good thing I got it on video," He said.
"You what?" I gasped.
"I got the whole thing on video," He answered. Oh my God.
"Samuel, please tell me that you didn't send it to anyone," I said.
"Oh I sent it to your grandmother, your older siblings, and a few of your cousins," He smiled.
"What did they say?" I asked. He unlocks his phone and goes straight to his messages.
"Chad said, 'I can't believe she did that'," He replied.
"What about Marcela?" I asked.
"She said, 'I've been waiting to do that for years'," He replied. We both started laughing and most of the messages he got were along the lines of 'good job', 'finally someone snatched it', and 'you should've let me do it to that dried up ass bitch', but that came from my grandmother.
"So what do we do for the rest of the day?" I asked.
"Well we can go over to my house because I have to check on Dave," He answered.
"Okay," I nodded. I took Cristian outside before we left and then I put him back inside. When we arrived at Samuel's house, he parked the car in the garage then we went inside. Dave jumped in Samuel as soon as we stepped through the door. Samuel chuckled and petted him.
"Hey, buddy," He smiled. Dave barked in response then got down. He came towards me and I petted him as well. Samuel goes into the kitchen with Dave. I sit down on the couch and play a game on my phone. Samuel comes into the room moments later and plops down onto the couch right next to me. He soon rests his head on my lap and his legs stretched out along the couch. He had his eyes closed as he laid there. I looked down at him for a split second before I continued to play my game.
"Is there any reason as in to why you're laying in my lap?" I asked.
"It's comfortable," He answered.
"Mhm. I bet," I responded. He chuckled.
"So who was that woman at your door?" He asked.
"My grandmother on my mother's side," I answered.
"Wow. I see where your mother gets it from," He said.
"Yep. Bernadette Wilson is a bonafide bitch just like her daughter, except she's ten times worse," I tell him.
"I can tell," He said.
"Mhm," I nodded.
"My mother wants us to see us today. She's saying that she hasn't seen us in a while," He informed me.
"What time?" I asked.
"At around four," He answered.
"It's 2:38," I said.
"Well we better get going," He smiled.
"Alright," I replied.
"But let's lay here for a few moments. I just got comfortable," He said.
"Of course you did," I murmured. He closes his eyes again and turns on his side. He wraps one arms around my waist. I blushed slightly. He soon fell asleep and I smiled down at him. Dave walks into the room and I noticed that he needed to go to the bathroom. I try to get up, but Samuel doesn't allow me to. He pulls me closer. When I finally managed to do so, I took Dave outside so he could use the bathroom. When he was done, we went back inside and I sat down on the couch. Samuel put his head back in my lap and then he wrapped his arm around me again. Dave lays down onto the floor.
When it hit 3:30, I woke up Samuel. He got up sleepily and then he stretched. I said goodbye to Dave. Samuel drove to his parents house. When we arrived there, I started to get self-conscious of what I was wearing.
"Daphne, you look fine," He yawned.
"I don't know. Are you sure?" I looked at him.
"Yes I'm sure. Now quit worrying," He said.
"Fine I'll stop worrying," I sighed. He pulled into the driveway of his parents' house. We both get out the car together holding hands. We walked towards the front door and I rang the doorbell. Samuel's mother opened the door.
"Daphne, it's so nice to see you," She smiled then pushed Samuel out the way. He stood off to the side with a pout on his face.
"Samuel, quit pouting. You don't want your lovely girlfriend to see a grown man cry," She said. She pulled away from me.
"Let's go inside. We have a lot to talk about and catch up on," She excitedly said. She led me inside with Samuel right behind us. He closes and locks the front door.
"Mother, you act like you saw her two years ago. You saw her two weeks ago," He tells her.
"Samuel, do you really want me to make you cry in front of her?" She asked him.
"Nǐ wèishéme yīdìng yào wǒ nánkān?" He whined (translation: Why must you embarrass me?).
"And why must you act like a big baby?" She quipped. I snickered and Samuel glared at me. His mother popped him in his mouth.
"Ouch," He yelped.
"Lilian, what's that noise?" I heard Samuel's father say.
"Méiyǒu," She replied (translation: Nothing). I chuckled.
"Let's go talk," She led me off towards the kitchen and left Samuel at the front door. Samuel's mother and I talked for hours on end about Samuel and I's relationship, our future together, and is having kids. The conversation drifted onto the topic of my family.
"Samuel told me about how you don't have a pleasant relationship with your Mother," She said.
"No I do not," I looked down at my hands.
"Can you tell me why? If not, then I understand," She placed her hand upon mine.
"Ever since I was younger, my Mother wasn't as nice to me as she was to my siblings. She would always get onto me and me alone about my weight, how I dressed, and how I acted. It hurt to know that my own Mother thought that I was fat and that I was unacceptable in the way I carried myself," I explained.
"I'm sorry," She said.
"It's fine. Up until recent events, I realized that she wouldn't change," I replied.
"What happened recently?" She asked.
"It's a long story," I answered.
"Well I have time for long stories," She tells me.
"Okay," I nodded.
"So what happened?" She asked.
"I was at a wedding rehearsal for my sister and...." I explained the situation to her. She listened intently. Her expressions throughout me telling were mostly anger. When I finished, she looked at me.
"Your Mother and your sister are real pieces of work. I haven't met two people like that in a long time, but I am so sorry you had to endure that all of your life," She said.
"It's alright. I cut ties with my Mother and sister anyway. I don't need negativity in my life," I said.
"No you do not," She replied.
"Thank you for listening to me," I tell her.
"You're welcome, dear," She smiled. We continued talking to each other until it hit seven o'clock. Samuel and I ate at his parents house before he dropped me off at home.
"I will see you later," He kissed me on the lips.
"You too," I kissed him back. I went inside and then I watched him as he left before going upstairs to shower. I went to bed after my shower.
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She has it all except his heart. She had done both amazing and ridiculous things but was still treated as a wallflower. She's been a good wife. But now, she can no longer be. __________________**SLOW BURN and roller-coaster plot****This is my original story. ***I do not own all the pictures that were attached to this book. Cover photo design idea from @ImReginaOscura[[Free on WATTPAD and Amazon Unlimited]]Highest Rank Attained (2021):#1 Royal - July 2022#1 Heartbreak - Sep 2021 - Jan 2022#16 Romance - Oct 2021#1 Intrigue - Nov, Dec, Feb, May 2022#1 GeneralFiction - Oct, Nov, Dec, May 2022#1 Divorce - Oct, Nov, Dec#1 Millionaire - Sep, Dec#1 Husband - Nov#1 Wife - Oct, Nov#1 Drama - Oct#1 StrongFemaleLead - Oct, Nov#1 Revenge - Sep, Oct, Nov#1 Rebel - Sep, Oct, Nov 2021, July 2022#1 President - Oct, Nov#1 Slowburn - Sep#1 DramaRomance - Sep, Oct, Nov#1 Random stories - Sep 2021 - Jan 2022#1 DominantMale - Sep, OctStarted on August 27, 2021Completed on October 11, 2021Around 72,332 words
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