《Dirty, Little, Traitor [Scaramouche x Reader] Genshin Impact》The Dream Both of You Had (PART I)


It was such a long time ago, it was almost impressive that you remembered the events in perfect detail. In your dream-like state, you could feel yourself standing on your feet, legs apart in a ready-position, and a scarf wrapped on your neck. The snow, how you missed the snow, was falling from the grey clouds onto Snezhnayan grounds, coating everything in white.

You remembered the smell of gunpowder, water, and dirt. It was evaluation day, a very important day where recruits from different sections come together to fight for a chance to be promoted to a higher position. It's very stressful for recruits but it was kind of an easy day for you.

At that time, you were already at a Lieutenant's rank, you even had an Insignia to prove it. Though, it wouldn't hurt to try your luck in getting on the Harbingers' radar. You wanted to become the strongest in the Fatui, even though it seemed a little far-fetched.

While wiping down your spray guns with a cloth, one of your Skirmisher comrades placed a boot on the bench you were sitting on to grab your attention.

"The Harbingers are beginning to evaluate Lieutenants now." He informed you.

Right away, you slipped your gear onto your body, fastening the tank to your back and jumping to your feet. You didn't want to keep them waiting, so you quickly made your way towards the training battlefield.

Anxious, yet fired up with excitement, you made your way into the lineup filled with the other Cryogunner Legionnaires. They made space for you by shuffling to the side. Unfortunately, there was no time for chit-chat, the whole area was now silent when a certain woman sauntered in front of the group.

La Signora, eighth of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers, had a seductive smile on her face as she studied each and every soldier. She had her arm mid-cross under her chest while the other one was up, her fingers curling in intrigue.

Next to her was a man who was not really dressed for the weather, though he didn't seem to be bothered by it. His foreign looks, both wardrobe and physical features, were most likely from the region of Inazuma. At first, you wondered who he was, but you knew.

Easily, you put a name to his face: Scaramouche, the sixth Fatui Harbinger. He was practically glowing with all his glory, such a strong man who has probably killed dozens. You felt intimidated by the mere presence of him.

Your heart skipped a beat when his eyes made contact with yours. Something made your body tense up like an electric shock was sent down your spine and up your back. It was a feeling you've never felt before, let alone felt towards someone you just met.

"Lieutenants," La Signora commanded, making you and the other soldiers stomp a foot on the ground attentively. "Today one of you will be selected to accompany Harbinger Scaramouche on his future missions. Do not ask why and do not refuse."

After a few minutes of listening, the young man walked in front of the line up to study each and every soldier. There was a look of disappointment and dissatisfaction on his face, his eyes rolled and he continued onward.

The trinkets dangling from his hat chimed and it echoed in the silence, each step made the see-through silk curtain sway effortlessly in the chilly wind. He was shaking his head, had a hand on his chin, and ignored almost every person he passed by.

After his walk around the group, Scaramouche returned to the front and stood next to La Signora. It felt like he wasn't a fan of any of the Cryogunner Legionnaires, maybe he would have preferred the Cicin Mages.


But to your surprise, he raised a hand and pointed. You felt your heart drop to your stomach when everyone turned their heads in your direction. At that very moment, maybe for the first time in your life, you felt hesitant to step forward.

"Cryogunner [Y/N]," La Signora called your name and immediately, you started to march. "Congratulations, you have been chosen to be Scaramouche's secretary-assistant."

You stopped in front of both of them, saluting and standing proudly with your hands behind your back. Finally, you saw a look of gratification dawn on Scaramouche's features.

"You picked the skinniest Cryogunner out of all the legionaries!" A masked man cackled like a wild animal as he suddenly walked up to you, looking up and down.

He was a very dangerous man, Harbinger Dottore, you knew that very well and obviously didn't want to get on his bad side.

"Very shallow of you to judge her based on appearance," Scaramouche grumbled, clearly showing disagreement with what Dottore said. "Plus, you're late."

"Hmm, so this is who you chose?" Dottore placed a hand on his chest out of shock, his ice blue hair swaying as he shook his head.

La Signora laughed quite charmingly all while smiling angrily, "She's top of her section. Are you questioning my recommendation?"

Dottore continued to giggle uncontrollably, his red eyes dilating sharply. You inhaled a quick breath when the masked man slapped the bottom of your ice tank, it only fueled his sadistic laughter. Then finally, he separated from you.

Scaramouche curled a finger to make you walk forward, to which you followed. He narrowed his eyes enticingly and leaned forward to whisper.

"Are you ready to fight?"

"Yes, I am." You replied.

"I want to see what you can do," Scaramouche grinned creepily. "What better way to test out your strength than to spar?"

The sound of a loud thud made your eyes dart towards the location of the sound. Your gaze had to travel upwards. To your horror, you realized why you were chosen and called. A fellow comrade seemed to be in the same situation as you.

"Let's go, hurry it up!" Dottore ordered the Anemo Boxer, growing impatient when he saw it stomping slowly.

No worries, think of it like training. It's not like a fight to the death right? You studied the Anemo Boxer, he was about twice your size, his fists were clearly bigger than your whole head, and he had an emotionless look on his face.

Well, the bigger they are, the harder they'll fall, right. No use in getting all nervous now, it was time to prove yourself that you were worthy of this promotion. You felt confident in yourself.

"Defeat your opponent."

Easy. Maybe a few charged hits to the face can knockdown the Boxer into a stun-locked position. You were already fuming with excitement and adrenaline, your hands hovering over the guns. Your body was already preparing to fight.

"No shields," Scaramouche commanded the Anemo Boxer, and then looked at you. "And no spray guns."

Oh, you felt your face go pale as the colour drained away. It wasn't as easy anymore. The fact that you have to fight without your weapon was probably a death sentence for you. Were the Harbingers looking for hand-to-hand combat?

After unbuckling your ice tank and stripping the gun holsters from your thighs, you were left defenceless. Scaramouche was looking smug the whole time as he saw you stretching your arms and legs.

The Harbingers backed away to give some space. The rest of the Legionnaires stood back to watch the upcoming fight, your comrades secretly rooting for you. They understand how challenging evaluation day can get and only wished you good luck.


After stretching some more, you finally felt ready to fight your opponent. You weren't allowed to use spray guns but the Anemo Boxer wasn't allowed to create shields. You felt like the rules were in your favour.


As quick as lightning, you ran towards the Anemo Boxer and moved out of the way when it threw a fist in your direction. You wanted this fight to end as soon as possible, you were starting to miss your weapons.

The Anemo Boxer twisted around and randomly punched the air, it was a good thing you ducked just in time or else you were sure that your head would have gone flying. He began to groan angrily, growing frustrated that you were moving too quickly.

Swiftly, you raised a foot to parry another swinging punch, kicking the Boxer's elbow in hopes to bend it the other way. You jumped up and landed another flying kick to the shoulder blade, your opponent stumbled and the next punch faltered from the contact.

You blocked out all the background noise to focus on the person in front of you, he must be fighting you for the assistant position too. Honestly, you just wanted to end this fight as quickly as possible. You were a clear winner in everyone's eyes.

After a while of kicking the Anemo Boxer's joints, he became angrier than before and started to swing punches randomly in all directions. All you could do was dodge until he began slowing down due to lack of stamina. Yet, the most damage you did was from jumping up and kicking its chest, in an attempt to knock the wind out of it. Pun half intended.

Finally, you saw an opening. The Anemo Boxer slouched and immediately, you jumped up to land an unforgiving kick to the back of its head. You could finally see it now, your new rank, new promotion. Your proud family.

A strained gasp escaped from your mouth as your ankle was grabbed by a large hand. All of a sudden, you felt your body collide with the snowy ground. There was a distant ringing in your ears as you cringed from the spinning of your vision.

Disoriented and dizzy, you helplessly glanced up and saw the Anemo Boxer pull back a fist. There was an elemental burst building up in that punch, you just about saw white for a split second.

"Stop!" Scaramouche ordered. "I've seen enough."

The Anemo Boxer halted his movements and stood back as if nothing happened.

"Wait..." You groaned. "I can still fight...!"

"I said: stop. Do not go against direct orders, Lieutenant."

You tilted your head upwards to see Scaramouche staring down at you with disappointment. His large hat covered the cloudy sky behind him, it just felt like it was the two of you. There was something pricking at your eyes, you've never lost a sparring match, ever.

Sighing deeply, you got up and kept your head to the ground, fixated on the Harbinger's feet like the failure you were. You could practically hear Dottore laughing wickedly and slapping a hard hand on the Anemo Boxer's back.

"You're not that skilled in hand-to-hand combat." Scaramouche commented. "You're lucky you're still alive."

"I'm sorry I couldn't live up to your expectations..." You bowed your head respectfully, expecting him to dismiss you.

The young man continued to stare at you with a look in his eyes. You felt the whole world crashing down, you worked so hard to be in the position and it all ended because you were beaten by a stupid Boxer. If only you had your spray guns, you would have won easily.

Then again, if Scaramouche didn't end the battle so quickly, you would have been able to get back on your feet to fight back. Your opponent had superhuman strength, there was no way he was able to grab you after in that slouching position. His stamina just ran out, right?

"Again," Scaramouche removed his hat and gave it to the Anemo Boxer like a hat stand. "This time I will be your opponent."

You raised your head up in shock. You were given a second chance but the opponent was just about harder than the last one. Still, you tried to recollect yourself.

"Here, as a handicap, you will have a knife with you and I won't use any of my elemental powers." Scaramouche carelessly tossed the blade your way and you were clumsily able to catch it. "The goal is to pin me to the ground, not that bad, right?"

"Not... that bad..." Easier said than done.

The Harbinger simply stood back, with a lazy hand on his hip and basically commenced the fight. The goal was to pin a single person to the ground, it shouldn't be that hard.

You took a step forward and studied your surroundings, then finally aimed everything at Scaramouche. He was looking bored as he waited for you to make the first move. All the Cryogunner Legionnaires watching were practically holding their breaths in anticipation.

As quick as blinking, you charged at the Harbinger. Using the knife to your advantage, you flashed the blade to make Scaramouche's eyes follow the weapon. Then, you moved it behind your back as a way to throw off his vision.

You made your way to the side and to your favour, he dodged by side-stepping. Pulling out the knife with your non-dominant hand sort of made Scaramouche raise an eyebrow.

Then, you finally decided it was time to do your final attack. He stumbled a little when you suddenly swiped his ankle with your foot and you raised the knife above your head to make him duck.

But, he didn't move. Scaramouche risked getting a knife to his head when he grabbed your wrist to take you down. You let out a surprised gasp when you were swept off your feet and in the air.

You were pushed to the ground, falling into the snow once again. The young man locked your body in place and you knew the match was over. Your arms fell to the side out of defeat as you looked up at the sky helplessly, a Snezhnayan curse word leaving your mouth.

"Nice try, but you still lost." Scaramouche taunted, pinning you with a knee under your breasts and a hand on the ground near the side of your face. "The sparring match is over. I think I've made my decision, La Signora."

The woman chuckled, "I see."

Fueled with anger, you tried to get up and slash the knife at the young man while he was distracted but he dodged it swiftly. You were held back down with a tight hand wrapped around your neck. You choked at the action, gagging quite loudly and tossing the weapon aside.

"Oh ho..." Scaramouche scoffed with intrigue, clicking his tongue and shaking his head. "You play dirty. So unexpected from someone like you."

"Urgh..." You felt your lips turn purple as his fingers tightened.

"Don't ever do that again," He muttered angrily. "Try attacking me while I'm not looking, and I will choke you until you beg for mercy. Not forgiveness - mercy."

He released you from his grasp when he saw your eyes rolling up and on the verge of fluttering shut. Finally, you inhaled deeply and your back arched as you were finally able to breathe. You coughed and he stood up unbothered.

"Someone take [Y/N] to the infirmary ward and have the Hydro soldiers check her out." Scaramouche ordered, taking his hat back from the Anemo Boxer and placing it back on his head.

You continued to cough as your arm was gently grabbed by a fellow Cryogunner. The larger man helped you up as you stumbled with your footing.

"And," Scaramouche glanced at you from over his shoulder. "Stick to the spray guns."

Then he left just like that.


"Congratulations, you are now promoted from Lieutenant to Major, a rank soldiers rarely reach." A fellow Lieutenant bowed respectfully and saluted.

You were just about halfway done with cleaning your guns after your evening training when you were told the news. Your eyes were as wide as saucers at the same time your hand stopped wiping the weapons. What the soldier said was a complete surprise to you, it was as if you were dreaming.

"Really?" You gasped.

"Yes, the Harbingers were impressed with your overall performance." She nodded and then pointed upwards. "Your presence is needed."

Just like evaluation day, you jumped to your feet, wiped the sweat off your brow, and equipped your spray guns. Quickly, as you passed by other people, you made your way to a building where you were directed to.

You were called up to one of the towers looking down at the Fatui base camp. There were a hefty amount of stairs that you had to climb but you thought nothing of it, mostly because you were quite curious about what was waiting for you ahead.

Pushing a door open, you finally made it to the top of the watchtower, outside on the balcony. From up high you could see all the soldiers marching in perfect formation, the training grounds flashing with all kinds of elements, and the orange sun setting over the horizon of the Snezhnayan snowy mountains.

The sight simply took your breath away. For a second, you felt touched by the sombreness of the darkening sky.

"There you are," A male voice suddenly announced making you turn to the side. "Don't be shy, I don't bite... hard."

"Harbinger Scaramouche," You sighed in disbelief, timidly walking up to him and saluting. "I believe I was summoned here because of the events that went down on evaluation day."

The young man nodded, "That's correct. You have been promoted to be my personal secretary-assistant."


"Am I hearing an echo?" Scaramouche taunted, cupping his ear and turning around aloofly. "Yes, you were promoted, why do you seem so shocked? I've had my eye on you for a while now."

"But," You stuttered and fiddled anxiously with your fingers. "I failed both tests yesterday."

The hat chimed when he tilted his head to laugh, "First of all; that Anemo Boxer you fought was one of Dottore's prototype robots, a programmed war machine. We were testing it on you, though, I had to put a stop to it since I was fearful you were going to be killed. We expected you to lose."

Amazing, you thought, not even disturbed the slightest that you were basically the test dummy for a murderous robot. There was kind of a star-struck look on your face as you continued to admire Dottore's work.

"And secondly, your other opponent was me, a Harbinger. Surprisingly enough, I was going easy on you. All I did was evaluate your situational awareness and how quick your decision-making was. Did you really think you would be able to beat me?" Scaramouche answered smugly, narrowing his eyes in mischief.

"I assumed that the task was to win."

"Ahaha!" He seemed to be amused with whatever was leaving your mouth. "How typical! I suppose there was some grey area with the testing rules!"

But you literally said that the goal was to win?? As much as you wanted to tell him off, you decided against it.

"And I hope you don't have a grudge since I did almost choke you unconscious."

"I don't..."

Suddenly, the door was kicked open as another man stepped out with broken Ruin Guard parts overflowing in his arms. Through the mask, you saw Dottore raise an eyebrow at the sight of you and Scaramouche standing by the tower railings.

"Oh, did I interrupt something?" He asked.

Scaramouche's mood turned sour, "Yes-"

"I don't care!" Dottore exclaimed, chuckling psychotically. "I see what's going on here! Initiation!"

The masked man was technically right.

"I'll sum it up!" He cleared his throat and he looked like he was going to start singing. "In honour of the Tsaritsa, do you Lieutenant [Y/N] vow to work under Harbinger Scaramouche now matter how messed up his missions are?!"

"I do!" You replied confidently.


Scaramouche's scowl was forming deeper.

Dottore smiled wickedly, "Do swear to stay by your master's side until death?!"

"Yes, I do!"

"Blah, blah, blah," Dottore looked like he was going down an imaginary list. "What else is there to swear in?"

Scaramouche looked like he was ready to kill someone.

Dottore finally exclaimed, "Betrayal is punishable by death, did you know that?!"

"Of course, I would rather die than betray the Fatui!" You swore.

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