《Dirty, Little, Traitor [Scaramouche x Reader] Genshin Impact》The Fatui Campsite


There were bags and letters being tossed carelessly onto the muddy ground, snickers of men were heard after finding more Mora laying around. They wiped the sweat and rain from their foreheads, adjusting the masks over their mouths and placing their hands on their hips.

"Anything valuable?" One man asked.

"Just Mora..." The other replied. "Fowl, eggs, papers... Fatui Insignias...?"

"What did you say?" After hearing that last bit and glancing at the objects in his partner's hands, the male began trembling fearfully. "Lieutenant Insignias...?! This is a Fatui campsite!"

"It's just the Fatui, they're the ones here invading Liyue! We're just cleaning up the trash they left behind!" Another Treasure Hoarder insulted. "Y'know what? They should just go back to where they came from!"

"Well, well! It looks like you were right, [Y/N]! There were people trespassing our area!" Scaramouche laughed maniacally, clutching his stomach as he doubled over in laughter. "I should really start listening to you more often! Even better, I should promote you!"

The group of men were surprised by your sudden appearance behind them, growing hostile the next second. You stood there, drenched from head to toe in the rain, with your spray guns glowing a striking white colour. So, your hunch was correct; there were Treasure Hoarders coming here when no one was around, just searching for any junk lying around.

"It seems like these Treasure Hoarders ransacked my tent." You frowned after seeing a sleeping bag being stepped on by muddy boots. "I don't think I'll have a comfortable place to sleep tonight... And there isn't another campsite for miles."

"Why so gloomy, [Y/N]?" Scaramouche shook your shoulders in a joking manner. "Just because your tent is messy doesn't mean you'll be sleepless tonight! You're free to join me!"

"Another burden, I'm sorry, My Lord." You sighed sadly, raising your guns at the group of men threateningly. "You four will pay for this! You ruined everything in here!"

"Come on, girl! Show us what you got!" The tallest one challenged, raising his weapon up to his shoulder. "Wanna taste of this hammer?!"

Another man became confident and loaded his crossbow, "Ha! Nothing a little Fatui chick can do except wail about her tent! Boohoo! Get over it or else I'll give you something else to cry about!"

"Um?!" One of them meekly stood back. "Have all of you forgotten that they're Fatui?!"

"They look just about harmless and weak! Especially you, girl!" Potion bottles were pulled out of a Treasure Hoarders' jacket as he pointed directly at you. "Just wait 'till you get a load of these!"

"[Y/N]," Scaramouche spun you around to turn away from the conflict. He had a terrifying smile on his face as he looked at you with sympathy. "Why don't you wait for me in my tent? Make yourself comfortable. I'll just have a word with these guys."

Before you were going to ask if it was really alright, you decided not to because of that scary look he was making. The way his eyes were fixated sharply, even sent shivers down your spine. So, you nodded politely and started the quest right away.

You ignored the calls from the Treasure Hoarders, they kept asking for a fight with you but your superior drew their attention to himself. You just wanted to leave the area as quickly as possible, you knew Scaramouche got quite violent when it came to combat (even if it was recruitment training for new Fatui members!).


After walking through the rain for a few more seconds, you finally spotted another tent that looked a little beaten up. (Usually, the Harbinger's tent was right next to yours, but it seemed like it was ransacked too and you just happened to find a different one).

Still, you were grateful for this discovery, you were willing to take anything just to get out of this rain. Entering the tent, you saw empty foldable tables, a few fruits scattered on the ground, and a single lantern laying on its side. At least it was somewhat cleaner than the others.

From afar, you heard thunder crashing down to the earth and manly screams of pain. It seems like they finally felt the wrath of Scaramouche. It would be wise not to make him that angry. You just hoped that the Treasure Hoarders would learn their lessons and stay away from any more Fatui campsites.


He returned to you with a satisfied grin on his face, wiping his bloody hands on his shorts as if he were a child that just had a fun day at the beach. Scaramouche heaved quite heavily, hunching over to catch his breath.

"I'm sorry sir, but it seems like your tent was robbed as well..." You lowered your head. "This is all I could find that was left untouched. One tent and one futon."

"Whatever, it beats being out in the rain." Scaramouche expressed his distaste for the ongoing weather, tilting his head to the side to shake the water off. "Ugh, you gotta be kidding me... One of those bastards got their blood on my hat."

He took it off and placed it on the table out of disappointment, swiping the brim with a finger then wiping it on his clothing. You watched his back move when he stretched, running his hands through his dark blue hair. It was a rare sight, you have never really seen that part of his head. He was always wearing that big hat, it always covered the hair at the back of his neck. You thought it was a nice thing to see.

"C'mon, [Y/N], now's not the time to be sulking. Start preparing the futon so we have somewhere to sleep." Scaramouche snapped his fingers impatiently, glancing back at you with a smug expression. "Or are you getting embarrassed that you'll be sharing a bed with another man?"

You shook your head even though his words were true. It did seem quite inappropriate that someone like you would sleep in the same bed as someone with such a high status. He was your boss, your superior, after all. You were just another Fatui agent.

So, this could just be a professional 'sleepover' right?

Anyway, you began unrolling the mattress and spreading it on the ground. You were on your knees straightening out the fabric, completely copying the same routine you do every night. But, you were starting to feel bashful. There were eyes watching you from behind and you could feel them wandering over your body as if they were studying your movements.

Finally, you placed the blanket over the pillow and glanced up over your shoulder. Scaramouche was leaning against the wooden table, arms semi-crossed, his hand near his mouth as he bit down on one of his fingers in thought. He looked completely entranced, eyes clouded with an emotion you've never seen before. His gaze went back up to your face.

"What?" He asked. "You've stopped."

"I'm finished, sir."

"Oh, that's right," Scaramouche cringed at his words. "Good job, [Y/N]."


Well, that was awkward, even for you. After months of working with him and looking up to him, this was probably the first time you've seen Scaramouche getting flustered, the slightest. His cheeks were kind of flushed and he tried his best to not look bothered. Something was on his mind and you couldn't seem to be able to read it.

Scaramouche walked from the table and made his way towards you. Awkwardly, you got up and moved to the side to get out of his way, watching him take off his sandals and crouching to the ground.

He laid down on the flat mattress, making himself at home and stretching his body after that battle he just had. Scaramouche sighed happily in satisfaction, placing his hands at the back of his head.

"Rest easy, [Y/N], those Treasure Hoarders won't be coming back." He laughed at your stiffness, propping his leg up suggestively. "Why don't you have a seat?"

"I'm just being attentive to our surroundings, sir." You explained, still awkwardly standing by and avoiding eye contact. "There still could be a chance that they'll return."

"I said: they won't be coming back." He bellowed, slowly becoming irritable. "By the Gods, I'm starting to think you don't even listen to a word I say."

You lowered your gaze and fiddled your thumbs together, feeling guilty that he thinks of you that way. It's not that you don't listen to him, you're starting to feel weirdly aroused being in this single-person tent with Scaramouche presenting himself in such an unprofessional manner.

"You're lucky I don't hate you, [Y/N]. I feel like I can forgive you for now."

It was unlike him to say that.

"Oh, stop looking like a lost puppy. Let's call it a night," He patted the futon in an enticing way. "Sleep with me."

You always wondered why he treated you differently from others, it was almost suspicious.

"Hello? Are you deaf? I'm growing impatient."

"I'm just doing my job to protect you, my Lord." You whispered.

"I said: sleep with me. That's an order."

The tone of his voice made you straighten up, it was useless to go against direct orders. You hesitated to comply but you nodded your head anyway. Scaramouche only scoffed in amusement when he saw that you were finally being obedient.

"Take those off," He gestured to your outfit, eyes going up and down. "The spray guns and tank can go in that corner. I doubt we will encounter any enemies in this type of weather and time of night."

"Yessir," You complied, slowly moving your arms to pull the straps off your shoulders.

He watched you strip the weapons from your body. Carefully, you removed the tank full of ice from your back and set it off to the side of the tent. Next, the holsters on your hips were unbuckled and pulled down your legs. You placed the guns in the same corner, leaving you without a way to defend yourself from potential enemies.

Though, it seemed like Scaramouche was happy seeing you like that. You could never understand what was going on in that brain of his.

Anyway, you shyly made your way to the futon, crouching down and crawling to the empty space next to the young man. No doubt, this was the most embarrassing thing you've ever done. Luckily, there weren't other people around to see this.

He welcomed you with an open arm, almost in a flirtatious manner. It was kind of scary seeing him act friendly. You narrowly avoided getting trapped in Scaramouche's odd embrace by turning the other way, your back was to the young man. And finally, you were able to rest against the mattress.

It felt good to lay down on your side since you usually slept flat on your stomach or on a chair because of the two guns on your hips and the ice tank on your back. If you were alone, you have found this to be quite relaxing.

"You don't want to face me?" Scaramouche said, mildly entertained.

"To be truthful..." You became timid, almost hiding your face into your arm. "This is already an embarrassing situation."

"Oh, I was afraid that you didn't like seeing me next to you." He laughed directly into your ear. "I like embarrassing you, your reactions are always amusing to me."

"That's very cruel of you, sir." You groaned.

"Don't you want to see me up close?" Scaramouche whispered. "And personal?"

You can hear his breathing pick up the slightest, you could feel the air blowing against your ear. It was starting to make you feel weird. You could feel your face becoming hotter by the second. Even your body was reacting strangely.

"I won't get mad. You are my assistant-secretary after all."

A small gasp left your lips when you felt a hand touch your body. You seriously didn't know how to react. You weren't uncomfortable and you didn't hate being so close to him. It just caught you by surprise.

"You know, I've never seen your back until now." His fingers walked over your shoulder blades teasingly, outlining every curve. "It's very delicate, I almost feel sorry since you carry that tank all day and every day. Would you like a massage? Haha, just joking."

The tips of his fingers poked your back gently and made invisible spider webs as he continued to trace random shapes. It was a bit relaxing. You could almost feel yourself slipping off to dreamland.

"What was that?" You perked up at the slightest noise, raising your head. "An animal...?"

"You're always on edge, why don't you relax with me? Don't even think about running away." Scaramouche pulled you back to lay down. "Tomorrow, I'll let you run around freely to catch that annoying Traveller. Doesn't that sound nice?"

"Yes, thank you, sir... Sorry, I guess I'm just a little worried about the Treasure Hoarders..." You glanced around the tent aimlessly. "I've been meaning to ask: what did you do with them?"

Scaramouche continued to touch your shoulders, "I suggest we don't talk about it. I don't want to scare you into having nightmares!"

What he said was right; if the Harbinger wants to avoid the subject, it was probably for your own good. But you always wondered what was going through his mind when he fought those men.

"Do you remember the first time we officially met?" He asked out of the blue and you sort of had a look of confusion on your face. "You were standing in a line with other Cryogunners, waiting to be picked for my own team of recruits. Then, I chose you and we've been together ever since."

Yes, you remembered that day vividly. It was chilly in Snezhnaya. The clouds were grey and the white snow practically covered everywhere the eye could see. You remember standing with other men - taller, stronger men.

In all his glory, Scaramouche was walking around as if he were looking at prized horses for sale. You were awestruck when you saw him, his dark hair, striking eyes, and strict leadership. It was a miracle that he saw you between the other Cryogunners.

The moment he pointed at you, the rest of the group turned their heads to follow his finger. Dozens watched as you stepped forward, it felt like being reborn into something greater than being in the military. A new chance at becoming one of the strongest Fatui agents out there.

"Why did you choose me?" You asked out of curiosity.

"Because I thought you were very appealing to the eye."

You were confused by his response.

"Just kidding." Scaramouche chuckled mockingly. "You were recommended by Signora to be recruited as my assistant. She happened to notice a spark between me and you when I was walking around the lineup."

"A spark?" You repeated. "La Signora saw something like that?"

"Indeed, Signora was right. I felt a connection. I don't know, it was something I've never experienced before." He explained. "When I saw you... I felt it. Like a surge of energy, such strong elemental power was flowing through my veins and I knew; I need her."

You knew you resonated with Scaramouche, you felt more powerful being on his team. It was strange, it was like it couldn't exactly be explained.

"I was satisfied with my decision. You're trustworthy and get things done properly. I could never ask for anyone else." His praises were always nice to receive, they were almost like your reason to stay alive and fight.

For some reason, you were starting to feel this unknown aching in your heart.

"I don't feel like sleeping just yet. Let's talk some more." He was suddenly interested in your personal life. "How's your family back in Snezhnaya? Have you received any letters?"

"Well," You unconsciously drew circles on the futon out of nervousness. "My mother is at home with my older brother... My father is too busy working in the Snezhnayan embassy... And the letters..."

"Yes, I asked about those."

"The letters were in my tent... Trampled and destroyed."

Scaramouche became furious, completely resentful to the Treasure Hoarders. You can hear him almost growl from behind you.

"But it's alright. I read them beforehand and already sent out a reply." You made it clear because it looked like he was going to get up and murder more of those men. "They understand that I travel Teyvat, I doubt they would be upset if I lost a letter or two."

After a few more moments of silence, Scaramouche was calming down, which was a good thing because you really didn't want to follow after him in the rain to get revenge.

"How would you like to become a Harbinger?" He offered.

"What?" You were taken back by his question. "Is this a test?"

"Just answer the question."

Glancing around the tent, you continued to ponder about your response, "What do you mean become a Harbinger?"

"You and I will be like coworkers, doesn't that sound nice? No more inferiority-superiority complex between us, as well as titles and whatnot." He cleared up. "We'll be seen as equals."

There was a small shrug of your shoulders, "It sounds nice."

"What do you say?" He sounded so sure of himself. "Become the twelfth Fatui Harbinger."

With the silence between the two of you, the sound of rain filled the void.

You turned over your shoulders to look behind you, only to find that Scaramouche was already staring right back. His dark eyes fixated on yours deeply, as if he tried to look into your soul for a genuine answer.

His face was closer than you thought and his arms seemed to be itching to trap you against the bed. But he was as still as a statue, still analyzing your reactions. Either that, or he was too lost in his own thoughts.

"Can you give me more time to think?" You asked.

Scaramouche looked like he had more to say but couldn't express his words properly.

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