《Dirty, Little, Traitor [Scaramouche x Reader] Genshin Impact》The Northland Bank


"Greetings, my Lord!" The Fatui agent bowed.

"Just shut up and let us in!" Scaramouche yelled back, practically shoving the other man to force his way into the building.

After running in the dreadful rain and almost slipping off the stairs, you and your superior finally made it to the last destination of your mission.

The big doors opened and you entered the Northland Bank, dozens of Fatui members stopped what they were doing and lowered their heads respectively the moment they saw Scaramouche stomp into the lobby. You glanced around at the many drawers, lit lamps, and barred vaults, it's been a while since you've been in this place and it never failed to impress you.

Anyway, you followed the young man up the stairs, down the hallway, and in front of the office doors. Scaramouche didn't even bother knocking, he roughly grabbed onto the knob and turned it violently without a care in the world. He stepped in and impatiently took your arm to drag you in with him, not wasting even a second and slamming the door right behind you.

The prying ears of the Fatui members were blocked and privacy was finally provided. You stood up straight like a line when the young man seemed to trap you between the wooden door and his body. After a moment of taking in a deep breath, you saw that Scaramouche separated and turned to glare at what was behind him.

There, on the other side of the room, a tall figure stood up from his desk and made his way around. A small creak was heard when the person leaned back against it, crossing his arms over his chest and sighing.

Scaramouche stepped to the side and had a staredown with the other man. Your superior made a quick motion with his hand, signalling you to prepare your weapon. Following his unspoken order, you had your grip tightly on the guns' holsters.

"Well, well, if it isn't Scaramouche and secretary-assistant [Y/N]. I'm so used to seeing you two together already." Childe greeted and smiled in disbelief. "And I see you guys got caught in the rain, would you like to go dry off in the other room?"

The moment Scaramouche snapped his fingers, you aimed at the other man with your spray guns glowing with elemental energy.

"Woah, okay..." Childe laughed tensely, raising his hands up as nonchalantly as he could. "Come on, I'm innocent. I've done nothing wrong."

Water dripped from Scaramouche's hat and landed splat on the floor, the silence was almost deafening. You could practically feel his anger radiating in the air, it was not a pleasant thing to experience.

"What have you been doing for the past few days?" Scaramouche asked in the calmest voice he could. "We've heard from locals that the Traveller was seen with a tall, rich, ginger guy on a date. Do you have any explanations, Childe."

It wasn't a question, it was a flat out order. Scaramouche declared an answer for what we heard from that chef girl in the Wanmin Restaurant. It wasn't some kind of community rumour, the people of Liyue rarely lie about the Traveller's deeds. So, could it be true that the Eleventh Fatui Harbinger took her out on a date?

"Oh, that's funny. I also heard from the commotion outside that they spotted not one, but two Fatui members near the Harbour." Childe exclaimed sarcastically. "Running away from the Millelith? Jeez, I haven't heard that one before."

"Do not change the subject." Scaramouche scoffed. "We made a deal and you deliberately broke it. I told you to give me any intel about the Traveller right away. While [Y/N] and I went to Hell and back for information, you took the girl out for lunch. This is treason."


There was a heavy sigh from Childe, it seemed like he gave up the act after being caught red-handed. Though he didn't admit it out loud, you could tell he was guilty of what Scaramouche listed.

"I've never understood the mission you sent out," Childe admitted, running a hand through his hair and rolling his eyes carelessly. "And it seemed like I got distracted after finding her. The Traveller - such a vague name for someone as beautiful as the girl I met all those weeks ago..."

You raised an eyebrow, visibly confused by the strange words you were hearing. The distant, star-gazed look on Childe's face was enough to raise suspicions as to what was going on in that brain of his.

Scaramouche stood there silently, unimpressed.

"I've forgotten the reason why we had to hunt her down." The Harbinger chuckled innocently, closing his eyes and smiling. "Why don't you refresh my memory?"

The muffled sound of a bell chiming down the hallway echoed in the office. This tense atmosphere was enough to send a slight shiver down your spine. Nothing feared you more than Scaramouche becoming angry, you didn't want to see anyone get badly injured.

So you answered for him; "We heard that the Traveller has access to Rex Lapis' Gnosis. Lord Scaramouche wants it to be given to the Tsarista. We briefed over it a few weeks ago, after Rex Lapis' death. Do you remember now?

Childe had his hand on his chin as if he were in deep thought, then he started to nod, "Huh. It seems that I recall agreeing to join this mission... However, I'm afraid I changed my mind. I do not wish to be a part of this anymore."

Was he allowed to do that? You didn't exactly know. But you didn't question him, after all, he was a Harbinger as well. You knew Childe was powerful and you didn't dare to disrespect him in any way. But it couldn't be helped, you were still pointing your spray guns in his direction.

"Where is she?" You asked the million-dollar question. "Just say the name of the location and we will not bother you again."

"No." He replied flatly, making your eyes widen a bit.

"What do you mean no?" Scaramouche suddenly spoke up, acid dripping from his tone after hearing that declaration.

Childe grinned coldheartedly, "No, I will not tell you where she is."

"How dare you decline us." Scaramouche threatened, hands clenching tightly into fists and veins popping up along his forearms. "How dare you, Childe. Why have you decided to go against my plans?"

From the way the other man sighed longingly, glanced around the room with a glazed look, and smiled at the mention of the Traveller, it all fit together like a forbidden puzzle. You audibly gasped at the realization, not understanding the warmness you were feeling from the mere thought of it.

"He's... In love..." You whispered in astonishment, unknowingly lowering the guns to the ground.

The moment you said those words Childe looked as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders. It seems like his secret is finally exposed, there's no point in hiding it now. This mission was doomed from the start.

"In love?" All of a sudden, Scaramouche let out a sharp laugh. "In love! How could you be in love with her?! You must be crazy!"

"You should understand the kind of situation I'm in, Scaramouche," Childe commented, turning away from him and looking at you quickly. "Though, I'm not the type of guy that denies his own feelings."


Scaramouche's eyes dilated sharply at the Harbinger, watching his every move as he got off the desk and stepped away.

Those words seemed to cut deeply into Scaramouche; he was offended, angry, almost frightened by what he heard. You have never seen him make that guilty look on his face before, his cheeks flushed the slightest and his skin paled like a ghost's.

"Shoot him, [Y/N]."

You aimed your guns and fired at the man immediately. White Cryo bullets shot out, shattering on impact with the floor when Childe dodged the attack.

He had time to laugh at you mockingly before jumping up in the air to avoid your shots. Scaramouche anticipated the moment the other Harbinger would get hit, but it was taking longer than you thought.

Childe tried escaping, almost summoning his elemental powers to aid in making it to the exit. You saw this as a golden opportunity and aimed again, this time pointing at the floor a few feet ahead of him.

The moment his foot landed on the floor, you fired two shots. Childe's eyes widened and he let out quite a manly yelp when he came tumbling down on the ground.

He laid there helplessly, sighing in disappointment that he was caught so easily. Your frost created a solid ice block trapping Childe's torso and arms.

Scaramouche walked over and crouched down to the male, you glanced over his shoulder to watch them interact.

"I will never tell you girlie's location..." Childe groaned. "I will protect her no matter what... She won't be hurt by anything or anyone... Not anymore..."

"You've never failed to get on my nerves." Scaramouche spat out.

"I don't take back what I said." There was a defeated sigh. "You can deny all you want, you can't fool your own feelings."

Scaramouche got up and turned to you, leaning forward and muttering, "Take care of it."

Then, he left, opening the door and stepping out.

You were left alone with a forgotten Childe on the floor. You crouched down to the fallen male and he immediately perked up.

"Unfreeze me, [Y/N]. I know you're much more understanding than him."

"Tell me where the Traveller is."

"I will not."

"Not even a hint?"


"You and I both know how long it takes for Snezhnayan ice to melt." You added. "Even with Pyro."

He stared at you silently and then frowned.

"Fine," Childe laid there defeated. "Go to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour. A man named Zhongli might have answers for you..."

That was easy. Too easy. Almost too good to be true. But you took it regardless. You didn't care if he lied, you just needed to get information for your superior. It was always scary whenever he was angry.

"Don't hurt her too badly..." Childe begged.

"I can't make any promises." You replied.

The ice around him glowed and soon, went away like magic. It's been a while since you've unfroze someone, normally you would be ordered to leave them alone to suffer.

You left Childe with soaked clothes and intense shivers, it seemed like he had forgotten the cold of Snezhnaya as well.

"Get down here, [Y/N]!" Scaramouche shouted from the first floor, a loud crash was heard after that (he most likely kicked something out of rage). "I swear, I will drag you out by the throat if you don't come down right now!"

You knew he didn't mean that, Scaramouche was only in a bad mood. He never laid a harmful hand on you. He was just all talk. Once you would tell him about the new location, he would calm down and go back to praising you.

On the other hand, the bystander Fatui members were shaken up and fearful for your safety, almost sorry that you were the one who was chosen to be the Harbinger's assistant.


After walking out the back door, your superior was making quite a ruckus even though you were supposed to sneak out the exit quietly. He was too busy breaking empty boxes and kicking baskets until they were broken. The weather was fitting; the crashes almost sounded like the thunder shaking the skies.

"That guy. I hate traitors the most...!" Scaramouche fumed in anger, continuing to abuse inanimate objects along the way. "Childe is dead. I'll really kill him."

"I would think twice, my Lord," Your lips curled up a bit. "Before I left, Mr. Childe told me that the Traveller met up with a man in the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour. Zhongli, our next target to speak to."

He stopped walking and looked down at you with skeptical eyes to see if you were being serious. He was so close that you could hear the raindrops hitting the top of his hat. When he knew you were telling the truth, his expression softened the slightest.

"I hope that brought up your mood, sir." You felt proud of yourself as you waited for him to praise you.

Scaramouche's lashes lowered, his hand slowly rose up to your face. A head-pat, what a nice gesture. It's been a while since you received those. With the other Fatui agents, he was always harsh. Now it was just you two alone, he was calming down now. You anticipated him to tell you a good job, but he hesitated.

To your surprise, a finger ran along your jaw as Scaramouche grazed your cheek gently. The rain on your skin made his thumb slick to the touch, it glided so effortlessly against your face. He lingered there for a few seconds. Then, he suddenly drew back.

"It's too risky, the Millelith are everywhere searching for us. We will be heading back to camp and continuing tomorrow. That's an order."

"Yessir..." Your heart sank from his words.

Where was that drive he had? His passion? It was like it all went down the drain. And what was that gesture he did just now? He seemed to be too busy with thoughts running around in that mind of his. You have never seen that look of sadness on his face before.

Scaramouche continued to walk ahead, each step made a wet splashing sound yet he didn't seem bothered by it. You caught up with your superior, still having one more thing to say.

"Sir, what did Mr. Childe mean when he said he doesn't deny his own feelings?" You asked Scaramouche and the Harbinger immediately became upset, avoiding your gaze. "You seem very offended, my Lord... From something that doesn't even sound like an insult."

Scaramouche tilted his hat to hide his face from you, closing himself from any further conversation. He really didn't want to show you that side of him just yet.

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