《Mine.》Chapter 9


"Come outside please." Jake's voice said desperately, through the phone.

"And why should I?" I missed him but, it's not going to be that easy.

"Because, I love you and I made a big mistake, let me fix it?" he was always good with his words, I sighed.

"Fine, give me 5 minutes." With that I hung up and looked at Maya who was still here.

"Well?" she asks.

"He's outside."

A big smile spread on her face, "See, I told you now go, I'll wait in here."

I quickly left my room, going downstairs and outside. As I did there was Jake standing on my lawn, with flowers and a big gift bag. I slowly approached him.

"Hey." he simply said.

"Hi." I said looking down, I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eyes.

He sighed and put the bag down as well as the flowers and picked my chin up softly, making me look up at him.

"Listen Octavia, I'm so so sorry that I did that to you, I never meant to hurt you, and I wouldn't ever want to hurt you, intentionally or at all, I have no idea what got into me but, just know I promise you I will make it up to you everyday because, I'll be damned if I let you go and let you hate me forever." Wow, like I said, he's always been good with words.

As I was looking at him I thought I saw his eyes water a little. I just sighed as my own eyes were already filled with tears, threatening to pour over.

"Okay." I softly said.

"Okay?" He asked, with a light confused laugh.

"Okay, I forgive you." I lightly laughed, I hugged him, letting my tears fall and he embraced me back just as tightly.


"YES MY BITCHES MADE UP." Maya shouted, she ran over to us, hugging us as well, she was no doubt watching through the window.

We laughed and pulled away while Jake showed me what he got me. It was all my favorite candies, skittles, snickers, starburst etc. He also got me different chips and a new fuzzy blanket I saw at the store one day, when we went together. Last but, not least a pack of chapsticks. He knew I loved chapstick.

I noticed a red car parked a little bit down the road with a guy inside. The guy wasn't doing anything, just sitting, it spooked me out so we went inside. Except Maya, her mom wanted her home already, Jake however was going to stay the night. I know I told myself I wouldnt forgive him easily but, he was my best friend.

I remembered he said he'd make it up to me and to me, we had all the time in the world.

"So, did you find out what you're gonna do now that high school is over?" Jake questioned.

I sighed, I still didn't know, College? I don't want to be too far from my family or Jake. Maybe I would get an apartment and go to community college like I've always imagined. It was just something about the plan, seemed boring.

"Well, I might get an apartment that's not to far from where you live and my parents, and maybe go to community college?"

"Seems like a plan."

"Really?" I asked not convinced at all, that this is what I should be doing, he didn't have time to answer when a knock came from the door.

"I'll get it." he nodded and I went downstairs, opening the front door.

"Hello princess."



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