《Mine.》Chapter 5


Once we got to my house, I was about to get out but, he was already opening my door for me and helping me out.

"Thanks for the-"

My eyes widened when I realized what was about to happen. I quickly ran passed him to the tree that was in my front yard and threw up behind it out of Ryder's view. I wiped my mouth and turned around leaning against the tree facing him. I watched as he came up to me and grabbed my arm to help me walk.

"You know you really shouldn't be drinking like this." he said, while walking me to the front door.

"Well...." I was to drunk to finish my sentence, I turned around looking at the plants.

Where was the spare key at again?

My mom always made sure to leave one for me in case of nights like this. I was originally supposed to stay the night at Jake's but...yeah. This is why I didn't want to text my mom to open the door for me. I didn't feel like explaining what had happened between us.

"What are you doing?" Ryder asked, looking at me confused.

"Key." I simply said, and bent down starting to look under the pots of plants as I felt myself lean back until I fell.

Shit, I couldn't feel anything as I laughed while Ryder helped me up. I swear I saw a smile tugging at his lips.

"What key?" he said, looking even more confused I leaned against the wall, feeling my eyes starting to close until he shook me. "Hey hey, no, no going to sleep yet, wheres the key?" he said catching on.

"Ohhhhh" I said dragging it out. "The keyyyy"

Ryder looked at me amused again. Now I suddenly knew where it was, thanks drunkness. I turned around and lifted up a rock, while moving some dirt away, I got it. I opened the door with it and as it opened I was falling. Well I almost did but, his hands were on my hips.


"Shit." I said, then he turned me around swiftly so I was facing him.

I seen his hand reach out and almost touch my cheek as he looked in my eyes. Right as he was about to he stopped.

"Goodnight Octavia."

With that he turned around walking to his car and drove off.

What the hell just happened.


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