《dusk | r. lupin》→ seven


the bell rang which meant school was over for the day, but i didn't go to mr gordon's room as i usually did. this time i got out of the school as fast as i could.

i knew that the punishment would be torture tomorrow, but i really couldn't be doing with it today.

and i was too excited to see remus again anyway.

once i arrived at the library, i noticed that remus was already there and he was helping janet sort out some of the books.

i also noticed that a red haired girl was there.

"hey, ev" greeted remus, and my heart did a backflip at the sound of the nickname.

"this is lily evans" he said, gesturing towards the red haired girl.

"oh! of course!" i said, turning to lily. "i'm evelyn"

"it's lovely to finally meet you" she smiled, "remus speaks very highly of you"

his cheeks turned that shade of pink again.

"it's nice to meet you too" i smiled back, "i've heard that you have two guys pining over you"

"it's not as nice as it sounds" she said, "although i am starting to realise that james does have a big heart underneath his big ego"

it was easy talking to lily. she was such a nice girl and we instantly become friends.

2 hours later, lily announced that she had to go to finish an essay that she had due tomorrow, and i was left alone with remus (and janet) again.

"so what do you think of lily?" he asked.

"she's lovely" i replied, "i can tell why james and severus like her so much"

he smiled and continued to sort through the books.

"do you like her too?" i suddenly asked.

i surprised myself with the question, and kind of regretted it.


"no, she's just a friend" he laughed, "and i like someone else anyway"

i thought my heart might explode if it continued to beat as fast as it was beating.

"who?" i questioned.

"not saying"

"why?" i whined.

"it's a secret" he smirked, tapping his nose.

i rolled my eyes at him before stacking a few fantasy books on one of the shelves.

it didn't take long before i caught myself staring at him again.

he was just so beautiful.

he had so many flaws but they were all so perfect.



"i hope you don't mind me asking, but how do you have those scars?" i questioned.

"i don't mind you asking" he replied. "when i was younger, a wolf attacked me. my dad managed to distract it but it.. it killed my dad. he lost his life to save mine. the scars are a reminder of what happened, but they also remind me of my dad's bravery, which is something that i will always admire"

my heart dropped.

"i'm sorry, rey" i whispered.

"it's okay. it was a long time ago. i just hope i can be as brave as him one day"

"you are" i told him, "you lost your dad yet you still get up everyday and make him proud"

he gave me a genuine and warm smile.

"thank you, evelyn" he said. and he meant it.

and then i pulled him in for a hug.

the feeling of holding him in his beige knitted sweater was heaven, and my nose was filled with the scent of old books and dark chocolate.

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