《Forget it || Wendy x Suga ||》Epilogue 3.0


"You nervous?" Yoongi's best man asked him. He fixed his gaze on the well suited outfit of his best man. If only Army's could see him here right now, I'm sure most of them would have already passed away.

"Is it that obvious?" The groom asked as Jin just shook his head no and gave him a thumbs up. "Just make sure to not look blank faced the entire ceremony, you look so dead." Jin said as Yoongi glanced back at him. "Do it?" He nodded his head.

"Well, I can't even see my own wife at our wedding, I mean I haven't seen her in a week. And then there was that whole mess with the shirts and shoes. Also have I mentioned that I am missing Seungwan terribly?" Jin could only chuckle at the youngers small rant.

"What happened with the shoes anyway?" He asked. "I gave her shoes my grandmother had passed down to my mom when she married his son. They were custom made and very expensive for that time. My mom made some changes to them so I think it'll look nice." He explained. Jin nodded as his mouth turned into an 'o'.

"I can't wait for you to see Seungwan." Yoongi's brother exclaimed as he groaned. He wanted to see her so bad he felt like running away with her and just leaving all of this behind.

"And I thought I couldn't get any more nervous." He spoke and just as suddenly the loud music started playing, echoing throughout the site as the people sitting, stood up on their feet to welcome the bride. He glanced up in shock, he definitely wasn't ready yet.

What are you talking about Yoongi? Just seconds ago you were so desperate to see your soon to be wife and now that she's actually coming, you want more time? He couldn't understand these weird emotions he was feeling, it was so intense and he wasn't used to having so many feelings that were this desperate to get out and escape.

He was finally going to be the husband of the girl he had loved for the longest of time. 7 years of love and pain, all leading up to this moment. The excitement was definitely there but then so was the anxiety and the feeling of nervousness that engulfed his entire being.

Seungwan was the good in him. She was the reason he had evolved so much as a person and a man. He was immature and too focused on his career to ever give her the attention and affection she deserved. And now he had realized his mistake and made sure to never to repeat it ever again.

The doors opened as Yoongi felt his heart beating so fast he wondered if he was okay. Looking at her beautiful figure walking down the aisle almost made him tear up. The thought that they would be with each other forever from now on gave him so many butterflies.

Her wedding dress was tight fitted from the top and later escaped into a full long skirt from the waist down. Her blonde hair was let down in small waves, clips securing the small strands of her hair. He couldn't really see her shoes but he didn't have to see it to know that she'll pull them off anyway. Her sleeves were laced and her shoulders were exposed, the makeup on her face wasn't too heavy which made Yoongi release a small sign of relief.


He had hoped they wouldn't make her put on too much make up, he liked her natural beauty so much more. He couldn't help but smile at her with his gums showing as she bit her lip with excitement. He could tell she was super thrilled. And so was he.

Mark gave him Seungwan's hand as she now stood right in front of him, their hands linked. She winked at him as he just pressed his lips together trying not curse.

The priest started the ceremony as everyone finally sat down back on their seats.

The whole thing went by so quickly for Yoongi, he didn't even know how he got through it. It felt like he was about to die of a heart attack, but like... a good one you know.

He felt himself freeze in his spot as she got out a piece of paper from Eunji who was her maid of honour.

Her vows.

Fuck, he definitely wasn't not ready for this.

"Umm," she started, clearly nervous. "Dear Yoongi, when I first fell in love with you, I was so immature and young. I was so passionate and giving. I fell in love with someone I didn't realize was going to bring me so much pain and so much love and laughter in the future.

"You would always pretend to be this cool and chill guy, but I always knew what you were like inside. A passionate, hard working and head strong person with the most intense and beautiful heart ever. Your love motivated me so much and gave me so much strenth, even when we weren't together. I would have never realized my dream of being a singer without you, I would have never gotten the strength to go against my father without you, and I would have never made it this far if it wasn't for you." Wendy started feeling all these emotions piling up inside of her, she wanted to cry so bad but she didn't want to ruin the mood so she tried her best to keep her voice from cracking.

"The day we met again in that waiting room and all the days after that. All the coincidental meetings, my heart fluttered every time even though I wouldn't have admitted it back then. I had long gotten over that young boy who had broken my heart. And this time I had fallen in love with Min Yoongi, the man who wasn't afraid to express himself, the man who appreciated my love and affection for him and the man who didn't give up on me even after so many years of us being apart."

"This time I didn't fall in love with you, I walked into love with you with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we'd choose anyway. And I'd choose you in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality. I'd always find you and choose you."

Tears were steaming down her face nonstop as she smiled beautifully at her soon-to-be husband. His heart was beating so fast and it was funny how even after so long of being with each other they still had this kind of effect on each other.


Yoongi felt proud of himself, proud that he could finally become the man he needed to be for her, that she was finally receiving all the devotion and warmth she deserved. And it made him proud that he was the lucky man to give her all that endearment and respect.

The tears were pricking his eyes, daring to fall down any second now. But he didn't want to cry just yet, I mean he still had his own vows to read. And because of the fact he worked really hard on them, he tried his best to control himself and not take all of her in, in that moment.

"Dear Seungwan, seven years ago, when we first met each other, I never expected myself to love and care for you as much as I do now. It's something so unbelievable but so right and perfect. Back then, I had made many promises to you. Promises of most which I could not keep. I never realized how much you meant to me and I hate how I took your love and admiration for granted. It was only when you were gone that I realized how stupid I was and that what I had lost."

"And so now, I never wish to repeat those mistakes ever again. And so in this moment, I want to promise to you all the things I could never keep to back then. Seungwan," Yoongi looked up at her, and into her eyes. He had rewritten and memorized this so many times that he didn't even need to read from the paper. He smiled at her with so much sincerity and love, but his heart clenched in pain as he saw her still crying, a pout visible on her lips.

"I promise to give you the best of myself. I promise to trust and respect as your own person and to realize that your interests, desired and needs are no less important than my own. I promise to share with you my time and my attention and to bring you joy, strength and imagination to our relationship. I promise to keep myself open to you, encourage your dreams, whatever they may be, and help shoulder the challenges we'll face together. I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face change in order to keep our relationship alive and exciting. I promise to be your partner and equal in all things, whether it be doing the dishes or providing for our family." In that moment he wasn't able to control himself, he broke and cried as tears coursed down his cheeks.

"And I promise to love you in good times and in bad - completely and forever."

"And now, you may kiss the bride."

"Fucking finally." She whispered before smashing their lips together in a tender kiss. She was the happiest in that moment, she was so grateful and so carefree.

Yoongi had married the women of his dreams, he wouldn't want anything better than that. Everything in their relationship was so well timed and helped them grow to be content with themselves and love each other much more as people.

Seungwan couldn't believe that she was now officially Mrs.Min and that she had finally married the man she had longed for, for so long. It was hard to believe that she finally got that Disney ending, with both of them ending up together in a happily ever after.

There was nothing these two wanted more than to be each others one and only.

And though they thought they had forgotten each other long ago, they still managed to remember their memories and love for each other and let fate bring them back together.

This, this moment right here was something these two would never forget.


I had been working on these for the past like 6 months and it was so hard to try and think of what to right since I also had another story to write. Face-to-face school had also started and a lot of pressure was being put on me so it was hard and I'm sorry I gave you all this epilogue after so so long.

Hope you didn't forget too much and please continue to love this book and many others of mine.

Forget it was the first book I ever started and looking back, damn was it a shitty ass book, why did y'all even bother reading it?

It was the start of my journey as a writer, and I know I'm not very insanely talented as a writer nor am I good at creating plots and updating fast but it makes me so happy that I have so many people who love this book and who continue to read this shitty ass fanfic.

I don't think I'll ever forget this book and I hope you guys won't either. Even after I had completed this book I still got notifications about people who commented and voted and it made me so happy that people could still enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

This is the end of Forget it, and I hope you enjoyed this journey of ours together, please excuse me being so cringy it's like 4am here and I have like two exams in the morning which I haven't studied for.

Please stay safe, happy and lovely. I hope the best for everyone and may God bless you with the greatest blessings he has to offer.

Love you angels and hope we can continue to grow as people and be better humans.

Word Count for all 3 Epilogue's : 5896


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