《Forget it || Wendy x Suga ||》Epilogue 2.0


"God, I'm so happy we managed to pull this wedding off in private. I swear if I had seen even one camera anywhere near the venue I would killed the person with my bear hands." My dad said as I just chuckled.

"Don't worry dad. I'm sure everything will be fine." I said, trying to comfort him. But if I had to be honest, he looked a lot more nervous than I did.

I could see him often glancing here and there, keeping an eye on everything and making sure that nothing went wrong. It was the most adorable thing ever.

He soon left my side as he saw some of Wendy's relatives enter the venue and went off to greet them.

I looked around to see the venue, it wasn't something super fancy or elegant. Actually it seemed like the most simple and comfy wedding venue I had ever seen. The tables had a clean white cloth spread on them, plants and flowers hung from the ceiling giving it a bohemian look. The colours were very neutral and the scene wasn't very radiant or flamboyant.

Many of these items and pieces of furniture were picked by our mothers and Seungwan's sister. It was a good thing that they knew what type of style we liked. Seungwan was always a fan of minimalistic vibes and I was never the type to enjoy bright coloured and eye catching settings.

But as I was enjoying the serenic beauty in front of me my eyes landed on Namjoon's tall and slender figure as he made his way over to where I was standing.

What happened now?

"Ummm, we have a problem." He whispered in my ear as I looked at him, worried.

I followed him out of the venue and outside. Me and Namjoon already had our masks on so we didn't need to worry about getting caught by the paparazzi.


I walked into the hotel where the best man and the rest of Bangtan were staying at. I booked two hotel suites, one was for Seungwan and one for me. I obviously ended up giving her the bigger and better room since I know it must be a lot more harder and time consuming to getting dressed as a bride then to be getting dressed up as a groom.

But I will say though that maybe I could have booked my room in some other hotel because it is so infuriatingly hard to stay away from her when she's only a few doors away.

Something about Seunghee and their family tradition or something. I don't know what it is exactly but if it matters to Seungwan than it matters to me too.

As I entered the room I was immediately engulfed with random noises and extreme yelling.

So nothing out of the ordinary huh?

"Whoa, whoa, whoa what the hell happened here." Everyone looked at me. The whole place was a mess, Jungkook and Taehyung were hoping on the beds, half naked might I add. Hoseok and Jimin seemed to be in some sort of wrestling match. God, here we go again.

I saw my elder brother standing in the middle of it all with a confused face just looking around at the chaos occuring in the room.

Why does this always happen? It's like I'm taking care of five year olds stuck in adult bodies, why are they always so full of energy?

"Ahhh hyungg!" Jimin whined coming over to me. Oh lord please save me. "I need to got to the bathroom but Hoseok is saying that's it better we stay inside since we don't want Wendy to see us." I cringed as he did some aegyo, trying to make me see his point of view.

"Well, it's not my fault. Seunghee noona said that we can't let Wendy see us. IT WAS SOMETHING ABOUT TRADITION, GET IT JIMIN." Hoseok defended himself.


"You idiot that's about the groom only, you guys can go wherever you want. Even the ladies hotel suite, you guys aren't restricted from any area." I said as Jimin wasted no time and immediately ran out of the room to head to one of the restrooms available at the end of the hall. Hoseok scratched his head as he thought about what Seunghee told him.

"You know what, I might have heard her wrong." He chuckled nervously as I glared at him.

I swear to god someone get some actual adults in here, i'm tired of taking care of these kids.

"What are you guys doing without your shirts on!?" I looked over to see the rest of the maknae line hoping from one bed to another. One day, I'm gonna die of heart attack because of these nincompoops.

"We can't find their shirts. I think we lost them when we sent them for the drycleaning." My brother replied as I signed.

"Well.... Whose gonna find them?" I asked. "Jin hyung already went out to meet the dry cleaner to ask him about it." Namjoon replied.

"Gosh, we only have a few hours before the ceremony and you two better be wearing some clothes by then." I warned the two as they both just smiled at me innocently.

"Umm also," Namjoon started, "Don't tell you set the venue on fire." He didn't say anything else as his mouth was hung open. "No, he just can't find Wendy noona's shoes." Jungkook replied as I closed my eyes slowly and took in a deep breath.

"Can't she just get another pair of shoes?"

"Nope, its way too time consuming. No other shoes fit her size." Yeri replied, coming into the room. "Plus, those shoes are so gorgeous."

Since she was one of the bridesmaids she wore a light peach coloured dress that reached her ankles. Her brunette hair was let lose and drapped over her shoulders, with her wearing very light makeup on.

Her beauty really shone through with the look and I could already sense Jungkook blushing. I didn't even have to bother looking back to know that he was definitely checking her out.

"So, no luck finding them?" My brother asked as Yeri nodded her head no. "Check with the caretakers and maids for the hotel and the venue. Maybe someone found them, so ask around." Namjoon instructed as Yeri nodded.

She looked over to my right to see the naked Taehyung and Jungkook and immediately averted her gaze back to me.

"Umm, Wendy unnie wants to know if the food is prepared." She spoke, clearing her throat and trying not to glance back at the perfect view of chesled abs behind me.

Jungkook grunted and was immediately pushed into the changing room by Taehyung who was obviously not okay with looking so exposed in front of a girl. The both of them soon disappeared and I heard Hoseok chuckling as he too noticed what was happening.

"Umm me and Hoseok can check the food now. Namjoon can help you with the shoes problem." I said as Yeri nodded and left the hotel room with Namjoon following behind her.

Suddenly an idea clicked into my mind as I ran out the room and called for Yeri. She turned around and walked towards me, her heels clicking on the ground. Namjoon raised his eyebrows, wondering what I had to say.

"Actually I have a better idea for the shoes. But Yeri you and I are gonna have to go on a little trip to my parents house."

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