《Forget it || Wendy x Suga ||》Eunji And Her Boyfriend


Total words : 2559

Yup this is a big chapter! Enjoy!

Here we are.

Again at one of the biggest parties in 2016.

Never in my whole entire life would i have thought i'd ever be at such a huge event.

My eyes were literally all hearts as i saw some of my most favorite people.

So many famous idols were here and i couldn't stop looking around, my eyes trying to travel everywhere and be able to look at everyone.

Got7, Twice, EXO, EXID, BlackPink, BTS, Big Bang, Monsta X, BTOB, Gfriend, Sistar, NCT, HyunA, Apink, Aand so many more great and famous groups were here.

I felt so happy and honoured to be invited to such an event.

It looks like i'm over exaggerating but trust me if you were in my situation -seeing so many idols right in front of you- I'm pretty sure you would have fainted.

'Cause i don't even know how i'm still standing, alive that is.

Us, Red Velvet were invited to Super Juniors New Years Eve party and we couldn't be more excited.

What a great way to end 2016 and start a new year.

We dressed up special just for this occasion.

But of course the others look better than we ever will.


Maybe we should have dressed a little better.

All these people walking around looking like they own the place and i'm gonna be honest, i'm not complaining.

"Guys i'm gonna go hang out with Jennie. You guys can handle yourself's right?" Irene unnie asked as we all nodded.

She walked away happily as Btob's Sungjae pulled Joy away and they both started talking alone.

These two had been on We Got Married together and have been friends ever since.

No one knows what exactly is going between the two or if they like each other or not but the way i see, they might develop feelings for each other.

Seulgi disappeared as soon as Irene left but Yeri was still standing here, doing nothing but looking around.

"Ya Maknae, why don't you annoy that golden boy sitting alone over there." I said to Yeri, pointing at one specific person or should i say the famous golden maknae, as she smirked and headed off.

Now, yet again i was left alone. This time i had no intentions to just stand still and do nothing. So i started roaming around in search of someone.

"Hey! Wendy! Looking for me?" I heard someone say behind my back as i turned around and saw Mark walking towards me.


"Yeah, i was." I said as he came over and we shares a hug.

"Did you get more skinny or is it just me?" He asked breaking away from the hug as i hit his shoulder.

"Do i look okay?" I asked showing him my outfit as he smiled. "Yeah, you look great." he said staring.

"By the way! Have you seen Eunji anywhere?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, she was near the VIP section somewhere." he said as i happily ran off.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Mark screamed behind me as i just replied saying i'll be back in a sec.

Eunji and i have been pretty close friends for a long time now. We talk and hang out a lot and we really compliment each other well.


We are pretty close, you could say we're best friends even.

But the real reason why i wanna see her and why i'm so excited is because she recently told me that her so called "ex-boyfriend" and her had gotten back together after many years.

Don't worry, her ex boyfriend isn't someone bad or someone who cheated on her. They ended on good terms and according to her he's a very nice gentleman.

The thing is that they broke up because of time management. Both were always so busy they could hardly make any time for each other.

Their relationship ended a long time ago, but i have been shipping them since , hoping once they get time they'll start seeing each other other.

I remember when Eunji came to my place at like 2am, eyes puffy and her breath smelling like alcohol.

Their relationship was never something toxic but still, they broke up and they won't see each other as often. I made her sit down and tell me everything.

She said how she knew this was the right decision and that they had to do it but somehow she still wished they could make it work.

They broke up and remained friends but didn't see each other again until when he appeared on We got married with another women who was a well known artist.

She visited them, almost breaking down half way through but she managed.

They didn't meet again until summer this year, when Got7 had the huge JYP celebration party.

She told me how they started talking and that one thing led to another.

And the worst part about all of this is that even after so long Eunji had never told me about her boyfriend.

I have no idea who he is, whats his name, if he is a Kpop idol or not, if i know him or if he's famous or not.

She was always too insecure to tell me or anybody for that matter.

Last saturday, the say before my date with Yoongi, she texted me telling me she was ready to tell the world about their relationship but she wanted me to know first.

The two would reveal their relationship in early 2017 and i couldn't be more excited.

I reached the VIP section but she wasn't there. I looked around trying to find her and her unknown boyfriend.

But it looks like i found something better.

"Who are you looking for?" I heard someone say behind me for the tenth time.

I didn't even have to look around to know who is was, i could easily recognize him by his voice.

"I saw Mark near the dance floor." Yoongi said with a nearly robotic tone as i faced him.

"I'm not looking for him." i said reciprocating the same robotic tone.

Two can play at that game.

"So who were you looking for?" He asked again, his tone not changing.

"None of your business." I said pouting. No way can i keep on talking like that. So emotionless. i couldn't handle it.

He smiled with a closed mouth as i signed. "Have you seen Eunji?" I said as he raised his eyebrows. "You guys are still friends?" he asked as i smiled brightly. "Of course we are! Why wouldn't we be." i said as he signed.

"3 years. Still such a strong bonded friendship. Not gonna lie i'm impressed, not many idols can still keep such a close friends for so long." He said as i smiled. Me and Eunji are a special case.


"Anyway, i haven't seen her around. Maybe you should ask Key." he said as i got confused. Key? As in Shinee's Key?

"Why would he know?" I asked as he smirked. "You'll find out." he said as i got even more curious. What does Key have to do with all of this?

"I'll see you later, i have some business to take care of." he said as he left. How rude, he didn't even say a proper goodbye.

Is he even trying to get me back or is he playing again?

And so, as i tried to forget about my conversation with Yoongi, i tried my best to find Eunji. And what do you know, she came to the party late, her excuse being traffic.

"Okay but who comes to party an hour late because of traffic?" i asked her as she whined. "Many people! traffic takes a while to get out of." she said trying to convince me but i wasn't falling for it.

"Honey, who you trying to fool, it's 11pm." I said as she signed. "Okay i had to take care of some stuff but can't you let it go? Plus your making your chances of meeting my boyfriend very low." she said as i immediately kept quite, no arguments, just silence.

"Good girl, any way have you seen Key?" She asked as i once again got reminded of my conversation with Yoongi.

My heart started beating loudly as i felt a pink blush form on my cheeks.

I'm not some dense, in denial girl from your typical romance story. I know that i like him and know that he hasn't gotten over me, no matter how many times he's been rude, emotionless or robotic to me, i'll always know.

I remembered how naive and an easy of a target i was back in high school, and i can't let my heart make my decisions anymore. I know that i want Yoongi but i'm not giving myself up to him so easily.

If he really is the one, then he'll fight for my love.

From now on, no more naive and sweet Seungwan, from now on, i'll do these things for me and because i want it ,not because someone forced or because someone wanted it.

I'm gonna do all this for me and i'm gonna be me, and if he doesn't like that then that's his loss. Plus, there is plenty more fish in sea.

"Hey Wendy? You listening?" Eunji asked snapping her fingers as i got pulled from the motivational speech i was giving myself.

"Yeah, sorry i got lost for a second. What were you saying?" i said as she just started walking straight ahead without answering.

"Why were you asking for Key by the way?" i said as she continued to ignore me walk ahead. I got hint and followed silently behind her. Eunji is stubborn as hell, if she won't talk then there is no point in trying to convince her.

I learned that the hard way.

"Did you meet Yoongi by any chance?" she asked suddenly as i felt a wave emotions hit me. "Yeah i met him. Why?" I asked curious. How did she know i met him?

"He was looking for you. Said he had some big news." She said as i got confused. Big news? What could that mean.

"So tell me, what did he say?" She asked as we stood near bar, waiting as she texted her boyfriend so they could meet up and i could finally know who he is him.

"He didn't say anything about some big news... he hardly said anything at all." I said as i stood there dumbfounded.

What did he want to tell me? What was this big news?

"Weird. He seemed to be in hurry." She said. Just when i thought this couldn't get anymore confusing.

He looked at peace and calm when i met him. Ugghhh! Why is he so bipolar?

"Hey babe!" i heard someone say as Eunji turned around, her eyes all hearts.

I turned around too and boy oh boy did i wish i hadn't cause standing right next to me was none other than Key from Shinee.

I watched them both hug each other until my jaw dropped and my eyes popped out of my sockets. Seeing my reaction Eunji started laughing as Key went up to me and hugged me.

"Long time no see Maya. How have you been?" he asked me as i got my senses back together.

Maya was a nickname he had given me a few months ago when we first met. Guess how we met.

On a double date!

It was probably somewhere around summer where Eunji said she wanted to get to know other guys and that she got asked out by Key from Shinee.

Of course! How was i so stupid to not have known! I am an idiot and i can't believe i didn't figure this out sooner! It was so damn obvious!

That double date was probably their first time meeting up after the long break up and i was there along with Mark (he was my date)

Damn. And i thought i wasn't dense.

"You shocked? I'm disappointed Maya, i thought you would have figured it out sooner." Key said as he went over to Eunji and slide his arm around her waist.

Uwu they're so cute.

"Anyway, since i hadn't told you about Key for such a long time i feel like i need to repay you so..." Eunji said as she came over to me and whispered in my ear.

"Bighit and SM decided to confirm you and Suga dating on social media tonight at new years. Suga was supposed to tell you but i couldn't keep it a secret. Sorry." She said as my eyes widened and hands started sweating.

She moved away and took my phone. She typed in something and left saying sorry one last time before leaving with Key.

After recovering from the shock i looked down to my phone to see what Eunji had done.

A new contact was made as i felt my heart beating so fast it might have just jumped out of my chest.


Hey, it's Wendy. This is my contact number. Save it

So, How does it feel to be able to date me publicly?

Dammit Eunji! I'm so gonna kill her.

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