《Forget it || Wendy x Suga ||》Never


"Wait!" Seungwan exclaimed as i looked at her.

"Do we have to invite the others?" She asked as i gave her a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

"Well you know..... never mind." She said as i raised a brow. "Okay....."

I said before putting my attention back on the text i was sending Namjoon to come home, along with the others.

They were probably at the studio either, filming or recording for our new music video.

I wasn't there with them because i had to go to this date which is surprisingly going well. I thought this date would be a total mess because of the awkwardness and our past but the way things are going right now, i wouldn't be surprised if we hanged out again.

When i was almost done typing my message i heard Seungwan say something again.

"Really Yoongi? How dense are you?" She asked annoyed before snatching my phone from me as i protested.

"Ya! What are you doing?" i asked as i saw her erase the message i wrote for Namjoon. What is she doing?

"Just drive, i'll handle this." She said in an authoritive voice as i listened and started to drive. I have no idea whats going but i trust her enough to let her take care of the situation.

Half way there i noticed she wasn't even doing anything on my phone. She was just scrolling through instagram.

"Don't accidentally like someones post, that's gonna put me in a lot of trouble."I said as she flinched before answering with a low okay.

I don't have my own instagram, me and my members all share one account but of course we each do have a secret accounts. Almost all idols do. It's a thing.

"Whats the password to your fake insta account?" she asked calmly as if it was just the most normal thing she did all day. She never fails to surprise me.


"Password. Hurry." she said impatiently.

"Give it to me, i'll just type it." I said stopping the car at a safe spot at the side of the road.

"Just tell me your password, trust me." She said as i signed.

It's not that i don't trust her, it's just that i don't think i want her to know what i wrote my password. It might creep her out.

"Just give me my phone!"

"Just tell me your password!"

I signed taking a deep breath, trying not to lash out on her. This is gonna be tough.

"Seungwan. Give me my phone." I said in the most robotic tone i could muster. I felt bad for treating her like that but i just couldn't let her see my password. It's just too private.

"Fine..." she said as she handed me my phone and i slowly typed my password.

"Really?" I heard someone say right by my shoulder as i flinched, hiding my phone was my first instinct. Too late.

"That's such a cute password." Seungwan said snatching the phone from me as she comfortably sits back on the passengers seat.

My checks flesh red as i start the car up again, ignoring the loud beating of my heart.

Really Yoongi!? Why would you put that as you password!?

I signed as i thought of the password i saved. And she saw it? Oh god this is so embarrassing!


What was i thinking when picking a password for my fake account? That was so lame.

I feel like i'm about to cry. Can the the world just eat me whole. The things this women makes me do, i swear,

I looked over at her only to get flustered when she started giggling after seeing my embarrassed face.

Without giving another thought to what just happened, i started the car and quickly made my way home., ignoring the loud beating of my heart and the flush of red on my cheeks.



"Wow... Your guy's dorm is so much bigger than ours." Seungwan said, looking around the place as we entered the dorm.

"There are many movies to pick from, go choose one you like while i make some popcorn." I said heading over to the kitchen as she happily skipped her way to the huge TV we had placed in front of the couch.

"You guys have the notebook?!" Seungwan screamed from the as i replied back. "Yeah! Taehyung likes that movies a lot. But don't think i'll watch it with you!"

"Just hurry up with the popcorn!" She exclaimed, laughing as i just signed.

While making the popcorn i couldn't help but get nervous.

With so many things running through my head a few questions kept repeating themselves.

Why did she wanna watch the movie with me? Why did she not let me invite the others? Does she wanna be alone with me? If yes, then why?

Seungwan called out for me making me lose my train of thoughts, i quickly got popcorn and put it in a huge bowl. I warmed some chicken and got 2 cans of beer from the fridge.

I went over to the couch with all the deliciousness in my hands. Her mouth watered as she looked at the food and honestly i couldn't blame her.

We sat down with her turning on the movie.

"Men in Black? Really?" I asked her as she just shrugged her shoulders. "I like it, the movie is totally my type. A total classic as i like to say." She said smiling as i just signed and focused my attention back on the TV.

I don't know for long we had watched the movie but it was nearly about to end. It was somewhat about midnight and i was worried as to why none of the guys had come home.

Was everything okay?

"Hey... Its almost midnight, You should go home if you don't want the girls to worry about you..." I stopped talking once i noticed Seungwan sleeping soundly on the couch, her mouth slightly open and her breathing soft.

Her head was slightly tilted with curled up like a ball and covered in a soft blanket, making her look like a baby.

Aigoo, this kid.

If this was someone else i would have forcefully woken them up and told them to head home because it was late but just looking at her sleepy face i didn't have the heart to do something like that to her.

You're one special girl, Son Seungwan.

And so i didn't know how long i was sitting there, looking at her peaceful face, admiring her beauty and enjoying the silence.

The movie ended a time long ago and to be honest compared to all the emotions i'm feeling right now, nothing could have compared to the utter bliss and happiness i felt.

She wasn't ignoring me anymore, she doesn't seem like she mad at me, she looks genuinely happy and that itself just made my day.

Cliche but true.

And before i knew it i felt my eyelids getting heavy and my eyes getting tired. No sooner than later i fell asleep, with my arm around Seungwan's waist, her head resting on my shoulder and our bodies embraced in the warmth of the other.

Who would have thought that after all the pain i made her go through, she still had a big heart and forgave me.

I feel like i don't deserve all these chances.

I feel like i don't deserve her.

But if i get the chance to have her,

I'm never letting her go.


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